Friday, December 16, 2016


Chapter 2 


Magical Herbs

  Over the years, I've lectured to thousands of people, and thousands more have read my newsletters; and, even though my message is always based on the same principle espoused by all of the miracle doctors (that the body is a holistic system and needs to be treated as such), after every lecture, after every newsletter is mailed, I nevertheless receive dozens and dozens of requests
from people desperately looking for that "magic herb" (or supplement) to "cure" themselves or their loved ones of some dreaded disease. The problem is that health doesn't work like that. First, the concept of the magic herb or supplement is a myth (more on this in a moment), and second, the legal system takes a dim view of espousing specific "cures" that do not fall within the mainstream
of modern medicine.

  Now for the good news! It doesn't matter. Everything you need to know is totally laid out in the Baseline of Health Program.

Mystical Body

  Getting rid of disease is not the big problem (Doctors do it all the time). The problem is making sure the disease doesn't return. (Something doctors don't do quite as well.) And this is where The

Baseline of Health Program comes in. This program is the synthesis of all the best that is taught by today's miracle doctors. The program is designed to empower your own body to throw off illness and keep the illness from returning. Variations of this program have proven so effective that hundreds of thousands of people have experienced remarkable healings by using it.

The Baseline Of Health

Before we can understand the program that is based on it, we first have to understand what the Baseline of Health actually is. For purposes of our discussion, we will use a simple X-Y chart to represent the state of our health. The Y axis represents the level of our health. And on the X axis, we have all the systems and organs that affect our health. These actually number in the hundreds (if not thousands), but to keep things simple on our chart, we'll just list three: the Immune System, the Circulatory System, and Control of Mutated Cells. 

For all these systems and organs there are only three lines that we are concerned with: (figure 1) 
The Line of Optimum Health. In a perfect world, our Personal Health Line would match the Line of Optimum Health. In reality, that's not achievable. So what we try to do is keep everything as close to Optimum Health as possible.

The Line of Symptoms. As long as all our organs and systems function above this line, we have no problems. But the moment any part of our Personal Health Line dips below the Line of Symptoms, problems begin to manifest. Sometimes, the problems are so slight we don't notice them at first—such as the early warning signals of heart, disease and cancer. But at a certain point, if the symptoms persist long enough, and if our Personal Health Line dips below the Line of Symptoms far enough, we take notice.

  The Death Line. If any part of our Personal Health Line touches the Death Line, we die.

  Now let's take a look at this concept in action. As an example, we'll track the case history of Jim, an average 40 year old American. Below is Jim's Personal Health Line at birth.
As we can see from Jim's line, he was born with a slight weakness (either genetic or as a result of his parents' lifestyle and environment) in his circulatory system. Note also, that at birth, Jim is in relatively good health and is symptom free (as no point of his Personal Health Line dips below the Line of Symptoms).

  Over the 40 years of his life, however, Jim has contributed to that weakness in his heart and circulatory system because of a diet high in hydrogenated oils and refined carbohydrates, folic acid
deficiency, low pH, and heavy free radical damage—to the point where his Personal Health Line has dipped below the Line of Symptoms.

Fig.1:Level of Health  versus Immune, Heart, Cancer, etc.

Fig.2:Level of Health (vertical-axis) versus
The Line of Optimum Health
The Line of Symptoms
The Death Line

 Immune, Heart, Cancer, etc. (horizontal-axis)

  As we can see from Jim's line, he was born with a slight weakness (either genetic or as a result of his parents' lifestyle and environment) in his circulatory system. Note also, that at birth, Jim is in relatively good health and is symptom free (as no point of his Personal Health Line dips below the Line of Symptoms).

  Over the 40 years of his life, however, Jim has contributed to that weakness in his heart and circulatory system because of a diet high in hydrogenated oils and refined carbohydrates, folic acid
deficiency, low pH, and heavy free radical damage—to the point where his Personal Health Line has dipped below the Line of Symptoms.

A friend of Jim's suggests he try an antioxidant supplement. Since the antioxidant addresses one of Jim's problems (free radical damage), Jim's Personal Health Line once again rises above

The Line of Symptoms (even if just by a little bit) and all of Jim's symptoms disappear.

"It's a miracle! All of my symptoms are gone. I'm cured. If you have any heart problems, or any health problems at all, you must try this supplement." Jim is so excited, he decides to promote the antioxidant company and proceeds to sell his miracle cure to everyone he meets.

  One day, he talks to Mary, who also has heart problems. Like Jim, Mary was also born with a predilection to heart problems; and like Jim she has managed to exacerbate that problem through folic acid deficiency, low pH, and a high stress work environment.

Jim convinces Mary to buy a supply of his "miracle" antioxidant; and, as recommended by Jim, Mary starts gulping down handfuls of her daily dose. But unlike Jim, Mary has very little free radical
damage. (Let's say she loves Italian food with real olive oil and red wine—two foods that, over the years, have mitigated any free radical damage she might have been exposed to.) The net result is that Mary notices no change in her condition (See figure 7)

  Mary now proceeds to tell Jim that he's crazy. Whatever benefit he got from the antioxidant is purely a placebo effect. It's a waste of money. Of course, later on, when Mary enters a stress management
program, or has heart bypass surgery, she now tells everyone she knows that she's found the real cure for heart disease and recommends to all her friends that they do the same. (It's worth
noting that the antioxidant did, in fact, significantly improve the overall level of her Personal Health Line, but since Mary didn't feel any difference, she incorrectly assumed that she had received no benefit.)

  The bottom line is that the same supplement used by two different people for the same condition produced two entirely different results. What does that mean? It means that gulping down
"miracle herbs" and "miracle supplements" to treat disease is like trying to hit a clay pigeon in the sky, with a 22-caliber rifle . . . while blindfolded. The odds are very much against you.

  The secret to health, the secret to all the success that the great alternative healers share, is that they look to raise every inch of a person's Personal Health Line. If you do that, if you raise the entire
line, the odds are in your favor. In fact, it's almost impossible to miss. Specifically, the body systems and topics that we're going to address throughout the rest of this book are:

1. Intestinal cleansing, detoxification, and rebuilding. Cleaning out the elimination channels is fundamental to any health building program.

2. Probiotics. As a result of chlorinated/fluorinated/treated water and antibiotics and pesticides in our food, we have virtually eliminated an essential component of health and well-being. There can be no true health or relief from disease until we rebuild it.

3. Enzymes. Modern man is the only animal that eats a diet almost entirely devoid of live enzymes. As a result, virtually every American has an enlarged pancreas by the time he/she is 40 and a significantly diminished life expectancy.

4. Diet. Every cell, every system, every organ in our bodies is produced from the food we eat. Sorry, but you can't make a healthy body from a diet predominantly comprised of potato chips and diet soda.

5. Vitamins, Minerals, and Phytochemicals. Supplementation of some kind is mandatory. But with so many products and companies pitching the next wonder supplement, how can you tell which is best?

6. Herbs. The great herbalists don't just cure colds; they cure cancer!

7. Free Radicals and Antioxidants. Scientists now know that free radicals play a major role in the aging process as well as in the onset of cancer, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and possibly allergies and a host of other ailments. But which antioxidants work best for you?

8. Hormonal Balance. Each and every day we are exposed to thousands and thousands and thousands of chemicals that work to destroy the hormonal balance of our bodies—with disastrous effects. Correcting these imbalances can save our health—and our sanity!!

9. Water. Unknowingly, 53,000,000 Americans drink tap water that is polluted by feces, radiation, or other contaminants. Half of all Americans drink water that has been used at least once before.

10. Your Mouth. A visit to your dentist could be deadly — unless you know what to look out for.

11. Cleansing Your Liver and Blood. Our liver is the primary filter of our body. Over time we so abuse it and so overtax it that illness is the inevitable result. Our blood is filled with many impurities including everything from an overabundance of artificial fats to toxic heavy metals. These must be removed for optimum health.

12. The Immune System. In many ways, your immune system is the most awesome system in your body, easily rivaling your brain in terms of complexity, subtlety, and self-awareness. And yet, we seem to do everything in our power to destroy it. For example, just one can of soda pop can depress your immune system by some 50% for as long as six hours. There is no chance for good health, or the elimination of disease, until your immune system has been

13. The Thought That Kills. What we think (and how we think) does absolutely (and unequivocally) affect our health. Or as Dr. John Chirstopher was fond of saying, "Most people need a colonic between the ears."

14. Exercise. It does everything from improving the health of the heart to building up your bones and speeding up the elimination of toxins from your body. The bottom line is that you must "move or die."

15. Energy. All life is energy. Optimize that energy and you optimize your health. Charge your body with the right frequencies and you prevent disease.

16. Cancer. The incidence of cancer is soaring—up between 800% to 1,700% in the last 100 years (depending on whose numbers you look at).

  In the last chapter, once you've learned the hows, whys, and wherefores of health, we will cut to the chase. I will detail specific recommendations on what you can do to build your baseline
of health, day-by-day. I will outline a step-by-step program (based on all that has been learned from the miracle doctors and from over 30 years of my own work in cutting edge nutritionals) for optimizing your health and eliminating disease from your body.

So with that in mind, let's look, step by step, at how we maximize our Personal Health Line. 

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