Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Water in our Body

Seventy percent of our body (adult) is water. SEVENTY (70%) PERCENT!
The following list gives the percentage of water in various body parts:

Teeth 10%, Lungs 80% ,
Bones 13%, Brain 80.5% ,
Cartilage 55%, Bile 86% ,
Red blood corpuscles 68.7% , Plasma 90% ,
Liver 71%, Blood 90% ,
Muscle tissues 75%, Lymph 94% ,
Spleen 75.5% , Saliva 95.5%, Gastric juice 95.5%.

When we reflect on how extensively water is involved in the functioning of the human body, we cannot help but be held in awe. Consider some of the more important functions of water metabolism in the human body. Medical students seldom learn or remember what was taught anywhere, and tend to approach body treatment by drugs approach. Sad but true, water cure : drugs kill many unsuspecting patients today.

1. Water supports all of the nutritive processes, from digestion and absorption to utilization and excretion. From the moment food enters your mouth, every process necessary to transform it from a food to blood, bone, muscle, and tissue -- no small feat -- depends on availability of water. Some people say they have never see a miracle. What then is the process that turns a fresh apple into blood and bone? You see how we take things for granted ?
A deficiency of water anywhere along the chain of process that create these miracles of life in us soon manifest itself in disturbances of these natural operations.

2.Water holds nutrients in solution and transports all food necessary for life to the various parts of the human body. have you ever wondered how, after eating, the nutrients in the food wind up at just the right place to supply each organ, indeed each cell, with what it needs to carry on its duties? We all know that our food contains vitamins, minerals, protein (amino acids), carbohydrates, fats, and the other basic nutrients of life. But how are they being extracted and distributed ? You guessed it -- by water ! The human body employs water to extract them, carry them all to the proper place, and drop them off in the exact amounts needed at exactly the right time. Awesome ! Perfection unsurpassed. Society should reflect the same synergy and exactness. There would be a lot less stress/distress and strife. I'd wager.

3. Water holds wastes and toxins that it picks up from the cells (trillion on them) and carries them to the organs of elimination. The process by which toxins are produced in the human body as the by-products of food decomposition and as cellular wastes will also increased when not sufficient water is made available on daily basis. We must emphasise the importance of getting rid of them as soon as possible. Carbon dioxide overload, nitrogen from protein metabolism, urea, and ammonia are but a few of the toxic substances that must be collected, diluted, and expelled from the human body, daily. Water carries them to the four organs of elimination -- bowels, bladder, lungs and skin -- for disposal, daily. What an exquisite arrangement. At one and the same time, water brings in what we need and carries out what we don't. Multitasking of water is the nature characteristic of life.

4. Water is essential constituent of all cells and tissues and of all body fluids. Without sufficient water you/your body would have no saliva. You wouldn't be able to swallow ! Your tongue would stick to the inside of your mouth. You wouldn't be able to talk. Since gastric juices are practically all water (95.5%), without water the food in your stomach couldn't digest. Your vital lifeline, the blood, is over 90 percent water. The organs that perform the functions of life are all more water than anything else.

5.Water keeps the various mucous membranes of the human body soft and prevents friction between tissue surfaces. Your are not sick, you are drying up when your joints pain, have you think of water deficiency. Without some kind of lubricant in your body, organs would stick together and tear. Bones would grate on each other and chip rather than glide smoothly at the joints. Muscles would lose their suppleness and not function adequately. All your inner organs swim in an ocean of fluids that is mostly water, literally.

6.Water is chief agent in regulating body temperature, serving much as does water in the radiator of a car. One of the major reasons water balance in the human body is so CRUCIAL to our HEALTH is this relationship to temperature control and regulation. An internal temperature change of only a few degrees can mean death. The human body is constantly giving off water from the kidneys (water-deficits can cause kidneys failure), bowels (lack of water in diet cause constipation), lungs ( prolonged dehydration cause asthma) and skin ( water deficiency cause skin wrinkle and roughness). Perspiration cools the skin when it evaporates. All this helps maintain body temperature, 37.5 Celsius. Prolonged indoor air-conditioning causes the body to lose more water via respiration and body temperature sustenance.

Your body normally expels about one gallon of water (for adult) every day, and that, of course by common sense, must be replenished each day as well. Given water's invaluable role, consideration MUST be given to obtaining the best water available.
There are three issues to consider in that connection.
1.When should we drink water?
2.How much should we drink? (Under normal condition)
3.And what is the best kind of water to drink?

Answers for: 1. Every 90 minutes for correct hydration. For the water diffusion rate is 0.001 cm per second. Upon rising from bed and upon just going to bed.
2. Drink 1/10 (or 10%) of your own daily quota every 90 minutes. Your own total amount (minimum under normal condition) is 31.42 ml multiply by your own body weight in kilogram. Say, 50 kg is your weight, then 31.42 (x) 50 = (your total water required per day).
3. Best kind to drink is distilled water.

IF YOU ARE THIRSTY, DRINK WATER. Your body is simply too darned smart not to let you know when it needs water.

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