of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.
"Cola is loaded with habit-forming caffeine so that once the victim becomes accustomed to the stimulant, he/she cannot very well get along without it. There is only one reason for putting caffeine in a soft drink - to make it habit-forming.' Said Dr Royal Lee of the Foundation for Nutritional Research.
Aside from tricking your body into thinking they taste 'good', there are no benefits in sodas. The ingredients that is the culprit here is a horrific concoction called phosphoric acid. These drinks also contain malic acid, carbonic acid, and erythorbic acid, among other things.
The malic and citric acids to be found naturally in fresh fruits and vegetables are of a nature that turns alkaline(basic) in the body system. The ones to be found in the soft drinks remain acid because they are fractionated and usually extracted with heat. Your body pH balance can be thrown into turmoil just by reading the label of the soft drink! Plus most sodas have our old nemesis, caffeine. When soft drinks are taken with food, it leads to fermentation instead of good digestion.
Human blood is slightly alkaline(basic), with a pH of 7.35 to 7.40. If a person's blood were to reach even the neutral level of 7.0 , that person/patient would be in great danger. The leeway between 7.35 and 7.40 is small; there is very little leeway before your blood is thrown out of balance.
Coffee and tea and caffeinated drinks happen to be pure acid in the body. The more acid in your body, the more your body will retain water in an attempt to neutralize it. This adds excess weight to your body.
* A cup of coffee contains about 80 milligrams of caffeine, and a cup of tea or one soda has about 50 milligrams.
*Chocolate also contain caffeine and theobromine, which acts like caffeine.
*Caffeine further dehydrates the human body - you urinate more than the volume of water contained in the beverage.
*Caffeine blocks the production of melatonin in the brain. Dr. Kenneth Wright Jr. discovered the melatonin-inhibiting effect of caffeine in 1994. This inhibitory effect of caffeine on the melatonin production by the pineal gland (location at your middle of your forehead) of the brain seems to last six t nine hours. melatonin regulates the functions of the body during sleep; it induces sleep. Thus, melatonin inhibition is one reason why coffee induces wakefulness.
*Caffeine intake on a regular basis by pregnant women can increase the risk of producing low-birth-weight infants. Because of the negative effects upon the nerves systems of both the mother and fetus. It can even cause spontaneous abortion or damage to the fetus. Mother-to-be, avoid caffeine is the right direction.
*Caffeine inhibits the enzymes used in memory making, eventually causing loss of memory. it has been shown to inhibit the enzyme phosphodiesterase (phospho-di-esterase), which is involved in the process of learning and memory development. Growing up children learn faster and better without soft drinks in their diet.
*Caffeine can be toxic to brain cells.
*Seniors and juniors citizens should not take caffeine. It can affect their normal brain functions, and their wit to survive may become less sharp. All enhancement programs will not benefit while caffeine is still in their diet.
*Five to Six cups of coffee drinkers a day are twice as likely to suffer heart attacks.
*Caffeine can damage DNA and cause abnormal DNA by inhibiting the DNA-repair mechanism. We were not fed with caffeine as infants, hence genetically, DNA was normal, until the habit of taking caffeine was started by ourselves later in life. Our parents' genes are not to be blamed. We did ourselves in.
*Caffeine has been shown to cause genetic abnormalities in animals and plants. Try giving your pets and plants and see its effects.
*Caffeine attacks the brain cells' reserves of energy and lowers their threshold of control, so that the cells overspend from their energy pool. Caffeine indiscriminately turns on many energy-consuming functions to the point of causing exhaustion. When brain cells that have been influenced by caffeine confront a new situation that demands their full cooperation, they have a shortfall of energy. This creates a delay in brain response -- hence exhaustion and irritability after excess caffeine consumption. Caffeine may cause attention deficit disorder in young people who consume too much soda. A can of Coke need another 32 cans of water to neutralize the dehydrating effects upon your body.
*Water by itself generates hydroelectric energy. caffeine in the same water stimulates your kidneys and causes more water to exit your body than is in the can drink. This exhausts your brain cells' reserves of energy.
Caffeine-containing diet sodas (example,Diet Coke) therefore, constitute a sort of double JEOPARDY to the human body in that caffeine causes many complications, while artificial sweeteners have their own detrimental chemical effects. Decaffeinated diet sodas may be particularly harmful in diet programs, especially if the sweetener is aspartame. Aspartame has been implicated in the increased incidence of brain tumors and seizures.
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it.
It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety. Are you the 'fisherman', or are the 'fish'?
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