Monday, July 28, 2008

Water Regulation of a Fetus. "Early-Pregnancy Morning Sickness"

How does a pregnant woman register her new level of water needs for herself and the growing demands of the child in her worm? You are going to learn a secret that has never before been recognized.

Before going any further, if a pregnant woman suffers or complains about "morning sickness", just use the water-cure formula as given. Increase her water intake in proportion to her weight increase throughout the pregnancy period. Avoid dehydrating substances such as coffee, colas, tea, alcohol. Every one kilogram of body weight needs at least 31.42 mL of plain water, daily. Drink 10% of this total amount every 90 minutes, or more frequent as the body produce more urine. Never go on salt-free diet.

The early-pregnancy morning sickness of a pregnant woman is a most meaningful thirst signal. She is not sick, but thirsty. Remember, each new cell that forms, about a trillion cell divisions will have taken place, has to be filled up mainly with water, by the time the fetus grows to be a full-term baby. In fact, so-called 'morning sickness', is the very first sign of dehydration of the mother and fetus together. It is brought about by the water-regulatory action of histamine.

Histamine is an important neurotransmitter that primarily regulates the thirst mechanism, for increased water intake. NOTE: just plain water (H2O), not any other liquid. Histamine also establishes a system of rationing for the available water in the drought-stricken body. Histamine is a most noble element employed in drought management of the human body. NOTE: Histamine is NOT the 'villain' that we have been led to believe due to our limitation of knowledge about the human body, that we are prescribed with different kinds of antihistamine medications. When the foundation be broken, what can the righteous do.

In dehydration, histamine production and its activity increase greatly, and this generates the emergency thirst signals and indicators of the water-rationing program that is taking place inside the body.

Histamine has many "nursing" responsibilities - it is a wet nurse to growing cells. Histamine will bring the new cells water and nutrients from its direct influence in expanding the blood and serum circulation. Histamine will rhythmically "pump-feed" the new cells with potassium. (Do you see the marvel of nature here? Way before we are breast-fed by our mother, our cells had been feed too. Awesome !) It is this feeding program that matures the new cell until it divides and divide yet again, and again, until a new life in the form of a fetus comes into being. Histamine is a most noble element in our human body.

Histamine also has responsibilities in antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-foreign-agent (chemicals and proteins) defence systems in the human body. Any antihistamine drugs used will only destroy these properties of histamine. Poor patients (people who have asthma/allergies) will continue to suffer from "correctly prescribed drugs but wrongly understanding of sign/symptom caused by dehydration" protocol. They are actually not sick, but thirsty. APPEAL: Doctors, please give them water, not drugs to re hydrate the cells. At a normal level of body-water content, these actions of defence are held at an imperceptive or unexaggerated level. But, in a dehydrated state of the human body, when much histamine is produced, an immune system activation will release an exaggerated amount of the transmitter from histamine-producing cells.

Dehydration at cellular level will reduce body immune/defence system. Remedy is to rehydrate the body, not pump in more drugs. Observation: people who never drink enough water fall sick easier and more often compared to people who drink water. When they take the pills, that is the only occasion the body has a chance of increased water supply. It is not the pills which the body is using, but the increased water level, to rebalance its chemistry. Hence, the recovery progress. Water cure, while drugs kill, the body. Recognize the real underlying shortage, correct that shortage, and you solve the sign/symptom. You never use drugs when your body is well, why use more drugs when it is down and out?
To evaluate deficiency disorders - water deficiency being one of them - we do not need to observe the same research protocols that are applied to the research protocols that are applied to the research of chemical products, like drugs. Identifying the shortage and correcting the deficiency is all we have to do.

Back to the 'morning-sickness'. This indication of the water needs of the growing fetus through the mother's sensory system is an important signal that connects the child's sensory system for its water needs to the mother's regulatory mechanisms.

Most pregnant mothers adjust or increase their water intake by the third month and the 'morning sickness' disappears, but some unsuspecting women don't and continue to live a life that promotes dehydration in the fetus as well as in themselves. The consequences can be catastrophic.

Why morning? Because of human body natural bio-rhythm of the waste elimination cycle during 4am to 12noon(8 hours). This elimination cycle is most intense and if free-water is not available or sufficient, then pain is registered with the brain. Headache, tiredness are also some of indicators of dehydration in the body.

When a mother continues to drink dehydrating drinks such as coffee, tea, caffeinated products and alcohol during her pregnancy and does not take in sufficient water (plain water = "cash$$$flow " for the body functions) she influences the physiological pattern of the developing child in her uterus. The child draws the necessary ingredients for growth from the mother's pool of resources. The desperately needed ingredients for normal cells growth include WATER, OXYGEN, and the AMINO ACIDS that are available in the mother's blood circulation via the placenta. Thus, the level of water intake and the composition of the amino acids (plentiful from fresh fruits and green /colourful vegetables) made available during intra-uterine life determine the assets of the growing child for natural development. These, in turn, establish a metering system that regulates the child's future growth and development.

The mother, just like the Mother Earth, is responsible for the marvelous creation of a healthy, natural chemical environment in which the child can grow through all the necessary normal development stages from a single fertilized cell, multiplied to a full-term baby, average of 9 months.

Dehydration itself causes the human body severe stress. The body establishes certain physiological and hormonal reactions to stress. The fetus is not protected from the physiological signals associated with the stress/ distresses of the mother. The indicators of stress that influence the mother's physiology and become the basis for her adaptive behaviour also register with the child.

The lifestyle of a pregnant woman can directly influence the chemistry of a developing fetus. If she develops an imbalance in her own chemistry, her fetus has to cope with the imbalance, too. It is true that the placenta acts as a selective barrier, but certain natural chemicals of the body go across the barrier, even in disproportionate amounts if these are present in the mother.

It short, the mother-to-be's range of body chemistry is a template for the development of her child-to-be.

Similarly, a woman who consumes an excess of alcohol/ is an alcoholic during pregnancy may produce a mentally fractured and unable-to-cope child. That is the cause of dehydrating effects of alcohol upon the body; not some kind of 'black-magic' spell or curse. The mother's brain and a fetus developing brain need much water.

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