Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We must change today...

because only change is constant.

Today, it's no longer business as usual.
Today, smarter heads and hearts prevail.
Today, it's no longer sickness as usual.
Today, change the order of things.

It's very important and needful to always remember and remind each other this simple principle, every organ and its system in out human body has its limitation and specific requirements, so that we can give our body systems the respect due to it. Why would I allow drugs to destroy me? Even if it doesn't immediately destroy me, it often, if not always, interferes with the natural healing processes that go on inside the body; this lead to eventual harm. I would not allow my body-temple to be a reservoir for drugs. Would you?

Because our body make-up is organic, all our systems and bodies must also be fueled and sustained by organic substances or compounds, which should be derived from organic plant foods, and not otherwise. fresh fruits with seeds and fresh herbs with seeds shall be our substance. Man-made material --be they organic or inorganic -- should be avoided. Natural things need no heavy/seduction advertisements, while the unnatural/denatured MUST be touted and used many gimmicks to advertise, in order to seduce, confuse and reduce the consumer. Be THE CUSTOMER, not a consumer.

Today, it's no longer business as usual.
Today, smarter heads and hearts prevail.
Today, it's no longer sickness as usual.
Today, change the order of things.

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