Monday, August 4, 2008

Your Large Intestine's Job..

.. are: first task, removing water from the remaining food waste, thereby creating semisolid faeces; and second task, storing the faeces until they are expelled through your anus. It is called faeces while inside your rectum, and once outside it is called stool.

The large intestine is the last section of your digestive tract. The food had travelled 5.5 to 7 metres (4 hours) in the small intestine(absorbing nutrients after they have been broken down by juices from the stomach and pancreas), then enter into your large intestine which is about 1.5 long and 5 to 8 centimetres thick.

Your large intestine is divided into three(3) sections:
(i)caecum: Matter from the small intestine enters the large intestine at the pouchlike caecum(4-15 hours). At one end of the caecum is your appendix, a tube several centimetres long, with no known role in digestion, although it contains lymph nodes and may play a part in your immune system. Dehydration can cause your appendix inflammation and if you do not rehydrate soonest possible, you will suffer pain and many doctors who have not learn about water-metabolism and dehydration-related pain symptoms, just recommend surgery to operate and remove your appendix. Without appendix, your immune system will be compromised in older age.

(ii)colon: As waste moves from the caecum through the ascending colon (6 to 18 hours), then through the transverse colon (9 to 20 hours), and by involuntary muscular contractions, known as peristalsis( activated by organic oxalic acids from fresh fruits/vegatables), move along the large intestine like a wave. In addition to squeezing moisture from the food waste at regular interval, the contractions slowly move the waste along the large intestine(descending colon, 12 to 24 hours) until it reaches the rectum. The first half of the colon absorbs water; the second half stores faeces.

(iii)rectum : And faeces are created, stored and excreted through the anus. During excretion the internal anal sphincter, an involuntary muscle, and the voluntary external anal sphincter relax. Abdominal muscle contractions (when you squat down during the bowel movement) help expel the faeces. It is not the fiber of the food which is non digestible that move the faeces along your rectum but the oxalic acids and the muscles. That is the reason many of us who never eat enough raw fresh fruits and vegetables suffered "piles" and unnecessary thombrosis surgery. WARNING: surgery may injure the anal muscles and later cause you to have no control over the excretion.

The entire digestive process, from eating to excreting, usually takes between 12 and 24 hours. Use the water-cure protocol to regulate better digestion and prevent constipation. It is the drought environment which causes the colon cells to mutate and turn cancerous; cancer cells are in fact the human body cells 'survival mode activated' due to the harsh acidic environment. Colon cancer is not a disease caused by outside agents like virus or germ; there are nearly 100 different kinds of intestinal bacteria live in the large intestine, including the coli-form bacilli. Their role is to aid in digestion. Please help your large intestine work better and healthier for you by eating more water-content fresh fruits and vegetables ,daily.

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