(Thrush) and (Herpes)
Bacterial infection (thrush) and viral infection (herpes) in the mouth occur ONLY when the intestines have accumulated considerable amounts of undigested waste matter.
Destructive bacteria attempt to decompose some of the waste, but not without producing powerful toxins. This conditions is made worsen when you are dehydrating and subjecting your body to undue stress like flying in the planes, on high ground, or nutrients deficiency.
Some of these toxins are absorbed into the blood and lymph fluids (waste managers cells), which carry them to the liver. The rest of the toxins remain trapped in the intestines, where they are a constant source of irritation to the intestinal lining (which begins in the mouth and ends in the anus).
Eventually, the intestinal wall becomes inflamed and develops ulcerous lesions.
The damaged intestinal tissue begins to "invite" more and more microbes to the scene of injury to help destroy and dispose of any weak and damaged cells. We call this "infection." Please use water-cure protocol to cure, not drugs. Because drugs will only postpone the outbreak again and again until the body have rid all the damaged cells.
Do a liver and gallbladder cleanse, available at http://theinnozablog.blogspot.com
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Infection is a normal phenomenon seen everywhere in nature whenever there is something that needs to be decomposed.
Bacteria never attack -- that is, infect something -- that is as clean, vital, and healthy as a well-nourished fruit hanging on a tree. Only when the fruit becomes overripe, lacks nourishment , or falls to the ground (by storm) can bacteria begin their clean-up job. Here we see the wrong application or administering of drugs/antibiotics supposing to wipe out the bacteria/virus which is actually produced by the body itself to clean up the toxins or waste. In fact the drugs introduced increased the toxicity and amount of waste in the body.
While decomposing food or flesh, bacteria produce toxins. You can recognize these toxins by their unpleasant odor and acidic nature. The same occurs when bacteria act on improperly digested food in the intestines. If this situation takes place day after day and month after month, year after year, the resulting toxins will lead to symptoms of illness.
Thrush indicates the presence of large quantities of bacteria that have spread throughout the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), including the mouth area. It shows up in the mouth because the mucus lining there is not as developed and resistant as in your lower parts of the GI tract.
The main source of Thrush , though, is in the intestines. Any doctor who does not check your intestines before giving any drugs for mouth diseases is lapsing in his/her diagnosis. Time to consult another who is more concern for your health than your wealth (if you still any any balance).
Since the largest part of your immune system in the body is located in the mucus lining of the GI tract, thrush indicates a major weakness in the body's general immunity to disease. If one is to overlook this simple fact, then it is a matter of time that more signs/ symptoms will be manifested in other area beside the mouth.
Herpes , which doctors consider a viral disease, is similar to thrush , with the exception that, instead of bacteria attacking the cell exterior, viral materials (products of your own cells metabolism/catabolism) attack the nucleus, or cell interior.
In both cases, the "attackers" target only weak and unhealthy cells -- that is, cells that are already damaged or dysfunctional and are susceptible to mutate into cancerous cells. It is due to misinterpretation of this phenomenon of "attackers" that the present medical mainstream still adamant to adopt the drug-kill all cells (whether healthy cells / damaged cells) to treat many illness, an in the process make the patients to become more worse than before treatment.
Added to to this body natural survival drama, gallstones can harbor quantities of bacteria and viruses, which escape the liver via the secreted bile and affect those parts of the body that are the least protected or already weakened.
The thing to keep in mind (if you still exercise sound mind and common sense) is that germ do not infect the human body unless it requires their (i.e, germs) help. The intestinal tract needs bile to keep itself neat and clean.
The lack of bile in the intestines prevent this from happening. The next best solution to removing harmful waste matter is to employ destructive germs.
Gallstones can also lead to other health problem in the mouth. They inhibit proper bile secretion, which, in turn, reduces appetite and secretions of saliva from the salivary glands in your mouth.
Your saliva is required to cleanse the mouth and keep its tissues soft and pliable. Adults who have the habit of often spitting out saliva (not sputum) may face health problem. the amount of saliva is dependent on the fresh water you drink daily.
If not enough saliva is present, destructive bacteria begin to invade the mouth cavity. This can lead to tooth decay, gum destruction, gum bleeding, and other tooth-related problems. Highlight this to your dentist before you have your tooth extracted , just because you are advised to do so by the dentist. Go consult a GP who is knowledgeable about GI tract and its related symptoms to the body pain.
However, to reiterate the previous made point, bacteria do not cause tooth decay. So quit using any fluoride toothpaste and other gimmicks paste for your tooth. These germs are attracted only to those area in your mouth that are already congested, undernourished, and acidified. These are due to your wrong type of diet and nutrients deficiencies long overdue.
A mouth ulcer in the lower lip indicates a similar inflammatory process in the large intestine. A repeated occurrence of ulcers (in either one of the two corners of your mouth) points to the presence of duodenal ulcers . (see Disease of the Stomach).
Tongue ulcers, depending on their location on your tongue, indicate pockets of inflammation in corresponding area of the alimentary canal, such as the stomach, small intestine, appendix, or large intestine.
Never agree to surgery, for your body is telling you about its internal organs conditions. Seek natural means to reverse the cause and you shall recover naturally.
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