Sunday, September 21, 2008

Price versus Value

in health care maintenance. We have taken many things for granted until those things broke down and we are left with questions of what went wrong.

Just like the present financial turmoil around the world that hit us, indirectly or directly. Not many people are concern about their health as much as they concern about their wealth, financial status wise. That is so sad in our world today.

Finding the right and correct information at the right time from the right source is very difficult. Much patience and diligence and research are needed. How many netizens have merely turned to the Internet search for resources that can help them get the most from a health/wealth consultation with a health/wealth professional.
Be aware that it is not a substitute for a real professional consultation.

Many websites are listed with disclaimers and neither the author nor the publishers, this blogger inclusive, can accept any responsibility for their content.

That said, do not underestimate the value of the Internet search results and real applications, though. 75% of patients said that information they found and read on the Internet had influenced their health/wealth decisions. For good or for worse, only each of us has to bear our own responsibility to our own selves. Simply remember that if YOU CHOOSE to do so too, it is at YOUR OWN CHOICE / risk. Happy searching and sharing your healthy wealth with us here.

What is the price for good health today?
How much do you value the good health (if you are having it) today?

What is the difference between the price and the value of good health today?

In nature study, there is this law of sowing and reaping in place, regardless of who the player/person is. "You reap whatever you sow in due time ", sound simple to understand for most of us, yet in reality the experiences we had showed that many people are just denying this simple fact.

'Calculated risk' management gurus so called, convinced the world that we must take risk to achieve more and faster in life. The question to ask is how much price to pay for and how much value will be benefited from such enterprise; price versus value.

Huge advances are taking place in chemotherapy. Most anti-cancer drugs are cytotoxic drugs that destroy rapidly-growing cells, but
a new class of drugs such as sex hormones or similar substances are increasingly being used to great effect.

Cytotoxic drugs are especially useful in the treatment of some forms of leukaemia, lymphomas, and testicular cancer. One of their great uses is as an additional safeguard after surgery or in conjunction with radiotherapy. Why safeguard if the first is really effective and safe?

Cytotoxic drugs cause more damage to cancer cells than normal body cells. As with radiotherapy most of the effect comes from distinguishing cancer cells from other cells by the speed with which cancer cells reproduce.

Unfortunately this is not as precise as we would wish and they can have significant side effects, especially on those tissues which normally do divide rapidly anyway, including the blood-forming tissue in the bone marrow, the lining of the bowel, the hair-producing cells, and the sex glands.

As a result chemotherapy can sometimes result in :
>Anaemia with easier bleeding than normal.

A feeling of sickness (nausea) and vomiting.

>Hair loss (although this is by no means certain and can be very variable).

>Reduce fertility. Taking a sperm sample before treatment can ensure the chances of having children afterwards.

Frequent checks are therefore made of red and white blood cell counts during chemotherapy.

Some cancers like those of the prostate are 'hormone dependent' and certain hormones can make them grow faster. Inhibiting the production or action of testosterone can significantly reduce the rate at which the tumor grows.

The anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs most commonly used to treat testicular cancer are cisplatin, etoposide and bleomycin. It is understandable if you don't quite know what the names really means, for neither do the doctors who are using them.

The chemotherapy drugs are given by injection into a vein(intravenously).

Men and cancer sounds so depressing, yet the big killers of men such as lug cancer and bowel cancer are either preventable or easily treatable when caught early. Many men unfortunately come to see doctor/GP later rather than sooner. Use your GP/doctor as a good source of good advice and early diagnosis.

Men's health matters, particularly when it comes to prevention and early diagnosis of cancer of any kind. Use this Healthy Wealth blog just as you would use any other source of good information and act on what it recommends.

When it comes to cancer, us owners of the Y chromosome should be the first to ask why.

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