Before getting started on a detoxification program, it is important to make fundamental lifestyle and dietary changes so that you do not reintroduce more toxins for your human body to process.
Here are some basic steps that you can take to reduce your toxic load:
Since most people would not go on 100% fresh fruits and fresh vegetables (uncooked) diet, use water-cure protocol for your own body weight.
1. Use Only Organically Raised Foods - Take this recommendation as a mandatory general guideline in your food choices. Eat foods that are certified organic. Remember not to cook the produce, because cooking can turn them into inorganic due to heat. They will be free of contaminants, synthetic pesticide and herbicides, hormones, preservatives dyes, artificial colorings, and antibiotics. If you eat meats or dairy, it is important they they be organic as non-organic sources contain at least five(5) times more pesticide residue than non-organic vegetables and fruits.
2.Maintain a Household Free of Toxic Chemicals - It is advisable to remove chemical contaminants and toxic household cleansers from your home, or at least to limit your exposure to them. Substitute natural cleaning products, such as distilled white vinegar, baking soda, Borax, lemon juice, citrus cleaners (non-petroleum-based), Castille soaps, and safe commercial products, for the toxic ones.
3.Get the Poison Off Your Vegetables and Fruits - Since the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) or AVA in Singapore test only about 1% of produce for pesticide residues, cleaning your food i the only way to ensure that you and family are eating as few agricultural poisons as possible. But if you/family often eat out, then you have no control over the cleansing of these items.
4.Breathe Clean Air - As the average citizen spends most of their time indoors, the quality of indoor air becomes crucial. Unfortunately, indoor air, notwithstanding all sorts of air filters/ionic machine in used, ranks near the top of the list of polluted environments. Toxic substances such as pollens, dust mites (pillow, mattress)mold spore, tobacco smoke residues, benzene, chloroform, chemical gases, synthetic perfumes, and formaldehyde (also found in many decaffeinated coffee/tea) are now commonly found in tightly-sealed indoor environments.
In nature, a thunderstorm can clean up the stagnant air in a local environment by way of ionization and ozone release. Ozone burns up most of the organic polluting materials and odors in the air.
Houseplants can be used as filters to remove pollution from indoor air, an idea that first came out of NASA space research in the 1970s. Scientists discovered that not only could plants recycle oxygen, but they seemed to be able to remove air pollutants too. Common plants that can detoxify the air include English ivy, spider plants, peace lily, snake plant, pothos, philodendrons, palms, mums, and ferns.
5. Filter Your Household Water. If a person is drinking and bathing daily in standard tap water, 70% of the toxins that enter the human body are absorbed through the skin, which means that a filter on the shower or bathtub faucet is more important than drinking purified water. Also, if you do not drink enough pure water each day and become relatively dehydrated, you will be unable to detoxify many of the toxins you are exposed to that day. Maintenance daily pure water intake is 1/2 (half) ounce of water for every pound of your body weight; for ridding your body of accumulated toxins, the amount should be increased to one ounce per pound of your body weight.
6.Fasting. The first step in most detoxification protocols is general body cleanse, including such methods as nutrient-specific (read Success Story:Maggie) diet, fasting, and juicing. Avoiding solid foods and mucoid-producing sustances like cow milk and ingesting only fresh fruit and vegetable juices, water, or teas allows the human body to focus on cleansing and breaking down toxins and decreasing their adverse effects.
Incorporating vegetable or fruit juices and "green" foods into the regime is less aggressive than a true, water-only fast and is better tolerated by most people with borderline hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). For many people, fasting on water can create health issues if the human body is not adequately prepared for this shock.
Each cell needs a constant supply of nourishment in the form of oxygen, proteins (made from amino acids via fresh fruits and green veggie, not milk-protein or meat protein), glucose, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
Equally important to the cells is waste removal. Metabolic waste are poisonous and must be carried away from the cells by the blood and lymphatic system, the "garbage disposal" of the human body. When nutritional deficiencies , sluggish metabolism, lymphatic stagnation, and environmental and internal toxins have "choked" cells, fasting is a necessity.
True fasting is done by consuming only filtered or spring water and/or herbal teas, with zero caloric intake. Water is not a food , zero calorie. Zero-sugar Coca-Cola product is a no no drink for the body as far as natural health in concerned.
Fasting on water causes rapid release of internal and external toxins in the human body, where they have been buried in the fat for long periods of time.
Antioxidants and lipotropic nutrients should be taken preceding a water fast in order to support the kidneys and other eliminating organs, toxins can reach high concentrations (healing crisis is bearable) in the stool, lymph, blood, urine, and breath during fasting.
CAUTION: NOTE that IT IS BEST to ease into a fast over a three-day period.
The fast itself usually lasts for five days. Then, we recommend a full week to slowly re-introduce healthy foods back into your diet. DO NOT end a fast by eating a meal of rich, fatty foods.
Experiences During a Fast - Patients and people report a spectrum of feelings as they proceed through a fast. Most encounter physiological and psychological withdrawal effects during days one through three and, in some cases for longer periods.
The more prepared your body is, the fewer and less intense the side effects. Transient headaches, energy fluctuations, hypoglycemia, halitosis (bad breath, due to toxin excreted via gas form), increased body odor (body is using the skin as means to excrete deep buried toxins around and under the skin, dermis layers), constipation, nausea, rectal mucus discharge, acne, and a temporary aggravation of many conditions is common. These are good signs from your body.
If you wish, go consult with a practitioner skilled in fasting before you execute this vital aspect of detoxification. Any doctor who deter you from fasting is still ignorant about how the human body ability to cleanse and heal itself.
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