what are they really?
1.Oxygen is essential for basic cell-function in humans and most humans.
2. However it appears that this is a mixed blessing. Although oxygen gives us an advantage over those life forms that do not require oxygen, it is simultaneously a threat to our survival.
3.Oxygen can produce toxic substances in our body such as peroxide, superoxide, hydroxyl radicals and "excited state oxygen."
4.To readers who never had the benefit of chemistry lessons, here is briefly recap as follow. An atom or a molecule consists of a core of positive particles called neutrons and spinning/orbiting around them are electrons also known as "negatively charged particles. The micro biology world is something like a replica of the vast macro galaxies which surround the Milky Way.
5.So long as the total number of positive and negative charges are equal, the atom or molecules that are not electrically balanced and are capable of oxidising substances by stripping/'robbing' electron from other stable molecules, we are dealing with a free-radical.
6.Oxidation - referring to the chemical reaction where an electrically unbalanced molecule takes an electron from another balanced molecule. This destructive chain reaction can be seen all around us as in metal when it rusts / corroding, rubber as it perishes, apples and potatoes as their cut surfaces turn brown.
7.Similar oxidation processes also take place inside us, rapidly when tissues are in contact with toxic substances such as strong acids or more slowly when fatty substances in our blood oxidise (become rancid) - "bad blood" coined, or as we age.
8.For it is largely free-radical activity that causes our cells to age and protein synthesising machinery to become less efficient. It is this that causes skin to wrinkle and muscle tissue to harden.
Are you drinking the correct amount of water you should every day?
Truth worth revising: Water Cure Protocol
The human body needs water -- nothing substitutes for water. Coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, and even milk and juices are not the same as water.
Scientific Protocol* to regain healthy life again.
1.*Water should be drunk 1/2 hour before meals. The optimum time is thirty (30)minutes before eating. One glass size of 200ml or 7oz. This prepares the digestive tract, particularly in people with gastritis, duodenitis, heartburn, peptic ulcer, colitis, or gas-producing indigestion.
2.* Water should be taken anytime you are thirsty ---even during meals. Common sense? But many are making the common mistakes of drinking beverages instead during meals.
3.*Water should be taken two and a half hours (2 1/2 hours) after a meal to complete the process of digestion and correct the dehydration caused by food breakdown.
4.*Water should be taken first thing in the morning to correct dehydration produced during long sleep.
5.*Water should be taken before exercising to have it available for creating sweat.
6.*Water should be taken by people who are constipated (bowel movement problems) and don't eat sufficient fresh fruits and fresh vegetables(raw).
Two to three glasses (8 oz each glass) of water first thing in the morning act as a most effective laxative.
7.*Water should be taken before you go to sleep. For your brain need water to work with.
Lack of salt. Salt is vital for maintaining muscle tone and strength. Lack of bladder control and involuntary leakage of urine could be a consequence of low salt intake. For every 1250 ml of water drunk , use quarter (1/4) teaspoon of sea-salt in food.
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