Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Grow more trees and

use more wood" is the only wise choice to solve our building a sustainable community worldwide.

Using Less Wood Is Anti-Environmental.
25 percent of the wood used in the world is for building things such as houses and furniture. Every available substitute is non-renewable and requires a great deal more energy consumption to produce.

That is because wood is produced in a factory called the forest by renewable solar energy. Wood is essentially the material embodiment of solar energy.

Non-renewable building materials such as steel, cement, and plastic must be produced in real factories such as steel mills, cement works, and oil refineries. This usually requires large inputs of fossil fuels inevitably resulting in high carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions. So, for 70 percent of wood used each year for energy and building, switching to substitutes nearly always results in increased carbon dioxide emissions contrary to climate change policy.

Give me an acre of land anywhere on Earth, tell me to grow something there with which I can make paper, that would also be best for bio diversity, and I will plant trees every single time, without exception.

It is simply a fact that even the simplest monoculture pine plantation is better for wildlife, birds, and insects than many annual farm crop. It is ridiculous for environmental groups who say their main concern is biodiversity conservation to be advocating the establishment of massive mono-cultures of annual exotic farm crops where we could be growing trees.

It is therefore clear to me and I hope to you, dear reader too, that the policy of "use less wood is anti-environmental because it would result in increased carbon dioxide emissions and reduction in forested land. The wise choice to sustain ourselves in future is to grow more trees, and use more wood.

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