Sunday, December 28, 2008

"We Believe"

We believe in the toils of our forefathers,
Who came here with nothing, yet are leaving us with so much.
Our forefathers who left their motherland behind,
Sailing into the unknown with hopes of a better future.

And though we've come to regard this island as our own,
A land to grow our roots,
A place to raise our sons,
We believe the hopes of our continuous growth now lie beyond our shores.
Perhaps back on the very motherland that our forefathers sailed from.

We believe Life begets lives and lives getting back to Life.

We believe in the future for our children;
That their lives will be and must be better than ours.
We believe in providing them with the best start in life,
With the best aids currency can buy.

Still deep down inside,
We will always believe we had it better than them
when we we were kids.
Never mind the Internet, X-box or Cartoon Network TV programmes.

We believe Life begets lives and lives getting back to Life.

We believe in the family values we were brought up with,
The very values passed down from all corners of Asia on which the basis of our society was formed and continue to grow.
And though we've come to embrace, imitate the culture of the West,
Welcoming MTV, McDonald's and Desperate Housewives sit-coms into our lives -
sometimes even forgetting who we really are and where our real roots lie.

Or even as we've come to realise now that our parents, our teachers and our leaders may not always be right -
We still believe in esteem for our elders,
Respect for our leaders,
Loyalty to our nation and honesty to our fellow people.

We believe Life begets lives and lives getting back to Life.

And most importantly, we believe in safety,
No matter what we choose to believe or disbelieve,
No matter how much we've learned about science,
Or the rewards of hard work or good, sound financial planning,
It is still safer to get the help of someone bigger than us,
Even if you're not too sure if the 'someone/somebody' is really there,
really ready to listen.
It is just more assuring, in case we need that greater or little bit of extra help.
For who else can deliver that special 4 to 10 probabilities combination.
To change our lives forever?

We believe we need to change to survive ,
We believe Life begets lives and lives getting back to Life.

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