Friday, January 16, 2009

From Dr Chris Teo . .

Dear s s c, (and all healthy visitor of healthy Wealth blog site)

We plan to write a series of articles about cancer and its relationship with food and lifestyle. The first article in the series is: Inflammation and Cancer which has just been uploaded.

Click this link if you wish to read it:

Excerpts from the article:

Inflammation is now said to be the cause of not only heart disease but also almost all chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, aging, obesity, etc.

Cancer cells cannot grow all by themselves. They need to be implanted onto a bed of normal cells called stroma. The micro environment or stroma in which a tumour originates plays a critical role in tumour initiation and progression.

It is most encouraging to note that science has at long last recognized the unique interrelationship between the cancer cells and its micro environment. Modern medicine had completely ignored this concept believing that its drugs can fix everything that has gone wrong regardless of the microenvironment.

You can eat anything you like. Cancer has nothing to do with what you eat. Such medical advice is never based on research and at best reflects ignorance, arrogance or personal bias.

And to cancer patients I say this: this truth will empower you and make your free, and to cancer care givers I wish to remind you: this truth will make you convey the right messages to cancer patients.

It is about time that we stop killing cancer patients through our wrong advice, particularly about food. For we now know that if the tumour’s microenvironment is deprived of the inflammatory factors, the tumour may fail to grow and spread. These inflammatory factors are fertilizers for cancer and they are provided directly through the food we eat. So we can influence the cancer microenvironment through changes in our diet and lifestyle.

It would be wonderful if you can forward this information to many others who may need this information.

Happy New Year!

CA Care

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