Thursday, January 8, 2009

Medicinal Foods for ...

Infectious hepatitis.

Apart from those with biliary stones or hemolytic jaundice, those icteric patients with low fever can be treated by this method.

a. NOTE,this recipe is not for Muslim due to religious ground.
Vinegar and bone soup: Take 100 ml of vinegar (best prepared from glutinous rice), fresh pig's bone (best vertebrae), 500 gram,and brown and white sugar, 125 gram each.
Smash up the bones with a hammer and immerse in the vinegar. Add both sugar and then boil for half(1/2) an hour. After it has cooled, filter with gauze. Discard the residue and keep the strained liquid in a bottle. Administer according to different ages group:
Patient, 5-10 years, drink 10-15 ml;
Patient, 11-15 years, drink 20-30 ml;
Adults, drink 30-40 ml.
Three (3) times daily after meals, one month for a course.
Interrupt a week before another course begins.
For chronic hepatitis, 2-3 courses may be needed.

b.Loach powder:
Loach is a fish belonging to the cobitidae family.
Nature and flavour: Sweet and moderate.
Constituents: Containing protein, fat, vitamins A, B and B2, iron and calcium.
Pharmacology: Its mucilaginous secretion is bacterial inhibiting and anti-inflammatory. Loach warms the interior body and nourishes vital energy.
Indications: Acute and chronic hepatitis, acute cholecystitis. Local application for erysipelas and carbuncles.

Keep several live loaches in fresh water for 1-2 days to rid them of impurities. bake in an over (avoid micro-wave over) at 100 degree Celsius until dry. If one has no oven, it may be boiled, then dried over a stove. Grind into powder.
Dosage: 10 gram, three(3) times a day. For children the dose may be reduced.
One course last 12-16 days.
For chronic patients, several courses may be needed.

c. River snail soup:
River snail is a shellfish belonging to the paludinae family.
Nature and flavour: Sweet and cold.
Constituents: Containing protein, inorganic salt, vitamins A, B1, B2 and D.
Action: Beneficial to urination and defecation. Relieving summer heat and is antipyretic.
Indications: For jaundice due to evil heat and dampness, rickets in children, diabetes with polyuria. For external application in edema and anal prolapse.

Put 10-20 live river snails in fresh water for 1-2 days so they evacuate any internal impurities. Crack the shells and take out the flesh. Mix with a cup of yellow rice wine, then dilute with water and cook. Drink the soup, though the flesh can also be eaten. Take once daily for a period according to the reaction.

d. Chinese date porridge:
There are many kinds of dates in China, including red, black and wild jujube, all belonging to the rhamnacea family.
Nature and flavour: Red dates are sweet and moderate, wild jujube is sour and moderate.
Constituents: Protein, sugar, organic acid, and mucus. Rich in vitamins B2, C, and P.
Actions: Chinese date possesses the action of relieving and nourishing, while wild jujube's seeds are a sedative.
Indications: Anaphylactic purpura, abdominal pains due to enteritis, urticaria, and sweating due to weakness. Wild jujube's seeds are mostly used for insomnia and neurasthenia.

Rinse 10-20 Chinese dates. Cook 100 gram of , adding the dates when the water comes to the boil and simmer until it becomes a glutinous porridge. It should be eaten daily over an extended period. If Chinese date is not available, 30 gram of Chinese wolfberry seeds may serve as substitute, prepared in the same way.

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