Tuesday, February 17, 2009


D-I-C is like gasoline on fire in the patient's body.

The world's most common (but not normal) cancers - colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer, etc cancer - have all been linked to inflammation. And all inflammations have all been linked to chronic dehydration for a prolonged period, unaware and unwarned.

Not all cases of inflammation cause cancer, and not all cancers are affected by inflammation. But with the right set of circumstances, inflammation can be volatile.

All cases of inflammation are caused by dehydration of the cells.

Sometimes inflammation directly causes cancer, like the match stick that starts the fire. In other cases, inflammation causes an already established cancer to grow more and spread more, which is more like pouring or feeding 'gasoline' on cancer's flame. At the same time, the body immune system can attack and eliminate small cancers as though they were foreign invaders. In aerospace industry, Foreign Object Damage (FOD)is a killer for human lives.


WHEN A PERSON RECEIVES A DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER, IT IS ALWAYS AN UNPLEASANT SURPRISE. This cancer seems to pop up out of the blue, unpredictable, frightening, and devastating. But not anymore, once you understand the etiology of cancer. Urgent help, go to www.cacare.com

If it were possible to watch the inner working of the human body, we would see that cancer develops slowly. It takes many years, possibly decades, before the cancer creates enough symptoms so that the disease cannot be ignored.

Where does cancer come from in the first place?
Many people are surprised to learn that cancer starts from one's normal body cells.

Cancer development occurs in three(3) main stages:-
1. First, in the initiation stage, something happens to change normal cells into precancerous cells. That is dehydration at cellular level.
Actually, many things must happen - there is usually no single event that causes a good healthy cell to turn 'bad'. We scientists generally agree that a cell may undergo ten or more mutations before it becomes capable of progressing to cancer.

Cells can mutate for a number of reasons, including chronic irritation and inflammation (chronic dehydration can cause them), exposure to toxic chemicals, assault by a virus, damage from environmental factors such as the sun ultraviolet radiation, or simply aging.

For example, cells in the lungs can mutate in response both to the chemicals in cigarette smoke and to the irritation and inflammation caused by the presence of the smoke alone. (This is why the so-called herbal cigarettes are not safe today. Smoke of any kind is an irritant that can cause cellular changes.) Whether a particular smoker will be one of the unfortunate ones to develop lung cancer depends in part on genetics, but also on the numbers of years and quantity of cigarettes that parson smoked. The longer and stronger the assault, the longer the inflammation lasts, the greater the likelihood that cells will mutate.

2. A mutated cell, however, isn't necessarily dangerous. It can be reversed if one change one's present lifestyle and diet and increase water intake, daily. All of us have mutated cells in our bodies, but we don't all have cancer. Once a cell has mutated enough to become precancerous, it can sit harmlessly in the human body for years until a stimulus comes along (by design, of course) to push the cell into malignancy.
During this second stage of cancer development, called promotion, the cell begins multiplying and starts the process of becoming a tumor. This blogger is researching exactly what causes the cell to become activated in every case of cancer, but scientists do know that additional assault by the same factors that first caused cellular mutation can also cause cancer promotion. Of course, without denial, that's just a simple common sense. No need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. So continuing to smoke after cells in the lungs mutate can be enough to turn the cells from passive and harmless to active and cancerous.

Inflammation is often involved in cancer promotion. So , the logical course to take, is to increase one's own water intake and change one's diet completely.
For example, heartburn is caused when the lining of the esophagus is burned by backed-up flow stomach acids. For most people, this is a painful but minor inconvenience. Yet, this is the early warning sign of water deficiency in one's daily life style. Unless water intake is taken care of this pattern will lead to chronic dehydration, then inflammation, then more active mutation of cells. But for some people, the damage and inflammation is so severe that they develop precancerous mutations in the cells lining the esophagus, a condition called Barrett's esophagus. At this point, cancer has been initiated (the first stage of cancer development). If irritation continues, the chemicals released by the human body during inflammation can push the cells into the second stage, cancer promotion, when the precancerous cells become active and malignant. In this case, inflammation acts as the proverbial 'match stick' that lights the 'fire' of cancer, the actual cause of cancer. Water can extinguish 'fire'. If inflammation is avoided, cancer is avoided.

3. The third stage of cancer development is called progression, when cancer cells begin multiplying and spreading and generally become uncontrollable by normal body defenses. Why? Due to the altered genetic code of these mutated cells.

Early in the development of cancer, when a mutated cell is pushed into malignancy and becomes a cancer cell, it is sometimes still possible for the human body to control or eliminate the cancer through many of the same immune system and inflammation processes that allow the body to eliminate viruses and bacteria. Remember that cancer cells are not caused by external viruses and bacteria, so save the patient by not using any drugs which prescribed for anti-virus or anti-bacteria.

Unfortunately, the immune system isn't always successful. Remember that the body immune system is primarily programmed to destroy foreign invaders. Just like our own citizen-trained-soldiers are trained to attack external enemies but protect our own innocence citizens. Because cancer starts as a normal body cells, the human body often ignores these cells gone 'bad'. After all, they're not foreign, they're part of us!

Once cancer progresses, it becomes even more difficult for the human body to defend itself. Most cancer grow in a bed of normal body cells called a stroma, which provides support and nourishment to the cancerous cells. This further protects the cancer from the immune system's defenses by providing a camouflage of normalcy.

The malignant cells are harder to find when they are surrounded by normal body cells, and the stroma seems to provide a barrier that keeps the body's immune cells at bay.

The stroma can support a tumor for a relatively short period of time. Soon, the tumor becomes too large and needs its own blood supply to continue to grow and thrive. When a tumor grows to about 1 millimeter in size (roughly the size of letter o on this page), the stroma can no longer support or nourish all the cancer cells. Unless an alternate source of energy and nutrients is found, this baby tumor will simply stop growing and die.

Unfortunately for us, cancer easily remedies this problem. Once a tumor reaches a certain size, it begins releasing chemicals that create new blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis (angio-genesis) (from angio meaning "blood vessel" and genesis meaning "beginning"). These newly created blood vessels attach to the human body's existing circulatory system, allowing the tumor to begin to feed like a parasite from the body's nutrients.

During this progressive phase , inflammatory cells and chemicals that are supposed to protect the human body can sometimes help a tumor instead.

For example, in the early stages of malignant skin cancer (melanoma), a normal protective inflammation chemical called interleukin-6 (IL-6) can help stop cancer growth. In more established melanoma cells, IL-6 loses its ability to inhibit cancer growth. And very mature melanoma cells produce their own IL-6, at which point it acts as a growth stimulator.

IL-6, then, starts out fighting cancer and ends up helping cancer grow faster.

Another example concerns macrophages, the inflammatory cells that are responsible for helping to destroy foreign invaders and keep the human body healthy.
Sometimes, for reasons not yet discovered, macrophages become part of the stroma. They end up helping the tumor by producing chemicals that promote angiogenesis, providing the tumor with its own blood supply and allowing it to grow indefinitely.

In these examples, inflammation doesn't actually start the cancer, but some of the cells and chemicals that are part of the inflammation process help the cancer in its quest for unlimited growth, the cellular equivalent of throwing gasoline on a fire.

In another sense, the etiology of cancer cells were the wrong kind of food and drink which the victim had consume throughout the period until the explosion of these mutated cells, which in fact, the continuation of the cells to live on, but in a transformed form under the toxicated and endangered environment inside the body. Unless the present oncologists, in general, change their present paradigm in their approach to treat cancerous cells, the number of relapse of cancer patients will continue to increase in quantum.

One thing we know for certain is that the longer the inflammation lasts, and the prolonged chronic dehydration is not arrested through correction, the higher the risk of cancer. Among the factors with the strongest links to cancer are infection, irritation, and inflammation from other body process or dehydration di-ease and established diseases processes.

Remember drugs kill : water cured many incurable diseases had been proven from many cultures since history.

1 comment:

  1. Dear s s c,

    Case Report 8:
    Colon Cancer – A Healing Story from France

    In June 2007 we received an email from Fil (not real name) of France . He wrote to seek help for his 77-year-old father, Jak (not real name) who had been diagnosed with colon cancer.

    Jak’s problem started with severe bleeding while in the toilet. He was immediately hospitalized and on 1 June 2007 underwent an operation to remove part of his sigmoid colon. In his email, Fil wrote: Today, he is in very poor condition. He wants to live – 5 years more in order to see his little son reach the age of 16.

    Comments: It has been our pleasure to help Jak. And we are indeed glad that so far his condition has been good despite of not undergoing chemotherapy. The question that patients may wish to note is: According to the doctor, for a patient like Jak, statistics show that there is a 65% of surviving five years with chemo. Without chemo 5-year survival is 50%. In other words, the benefit of chemotherapy is only 15%.

    I wonder how many patients would agree to undergo chemotherapy if they are clearly told that the treatment can only increase survival by 15%. Most patients undergo chemotherapy with the full expectation that they will be 100% cured. Or if not a 100%, at least have a much higher chance than 15%.

    If you wish to read more …. click this link and watch his video too!


    Happy reading and Stay healthy always. Blessings.

    CA Care
    website www.cacare.com
