Thursday, February 12, 2009

NIACIN and Longevity

Eat a third, drink a third, and leave a third of your stomach empty;
then, should anger seize you, there will be room for its rage.

The average present size of your empty stomach is equivalent to the the combined size of both your fists held together. If you eat one wholesome fruit from each of you own hand, your stomach is already full. However, the human stomach can be forced to expand to eighty(80) times its empty size.

Niacin lowers cholesterol was proven in a 1955 study. Eventually proved that niacin increase longevity. Niacin is a hypocholesterol substance, a normalizing agent, which means it elevates high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, decrease levels of low-density and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lower triglycerides.

Niacin is found to lower cholesterol by 22 percent and triglycerides by 52 percent. To our knowledge, no other single agent has such potential for lowering both cholesterol and triglycerides.

Niacin lowers cholesterol levels but niacinamide does not, even though both forms of vitamin B3 are anti-pellagra and are almost equally effective in treating schizophrenia, arthritis, and a number of other disease.

Niacin also differs from niacinamide because it causes a flush (to which most people adapt readily), while niacinamide has no vasodilation activity in 99 percent of people who take it.

For reason unknown , as yet, about 1 in 100 people who take niacinamide do flush. Could be due to cellular dehydration on a higher level. Should try to increase water and salts intake and monitor progress. They must be able to convert niacinamide to niacin in their bodies at a very rapid pace.

Niacin causes a flush by a complicated mechanism that releases histamine, interferes in prostaglandin metabolism, may be related to a serotonin mechanism, and may involved the cholinergic system. When dehydration had set in, over production of histamine is activated to take over the deficiency of water for water metabolism in the body. Histamine is clearly involved.

The typical niacin flush is identical to the flush produced by an injection of histamine. It is dampened, if not prevented entirely, by anti-histamines and by tranquilizers. The adaptation to niacin is readily explained by the reduction in histamine in storage sites such as the mast cells( which produce histamine). Increased water intake had found to reduce histamine production.

Children with asthma must regulate their water intake daily.
Drunkards also must regulate their water intake during drinking session. They are not sick , but dehydrating.

When these are examined after the administration of a dose of of histamine, these cells contain empty vesicles ( that previously contained the histamine) and also heparinoids (naturally occurring substances that act to prevent blood clotting).
If the next dose is spaced closely enough, there is not enough time for the storage sites to be refilled and, therefore, less histamine is available to be released.

Similarly, after there is complete adaption to niacin, taking a break for several days will start the flushing cycle again. This decrease in histamine has some advantage in reducing the effects of rapidly released histamine.

Because the flush is relatively transient it cannot be involved in the lowering of cholesterol, which remains in effect as long as medication is continued.

Prostaglandins appear to be involved in the flush mechanism, which is probably why aspirin and indomethacin reduce the intensity of the flush.

Niacin lowered cholesterol because it releases histamine and glycosaminoglycans.
Niacinamide does not do so.

Glycosaminoglycans are biochemical compounds that have been implicated in the absorption and redistribution of lipids in the human body.

Niacin is found to increase basophil leukocyte count. These are cells that store heparin as well as histamine. The improvement caused by niacin is much greater than can be explained by its effect on cholesterol.

Possibly, it is due to release of heparin from the mast cells simultaneously with the release of histamine and also to the eventual marked diminution in the intravascular sludging of blood cells.

It is possible the beneficial effect of niacin is not due purely to the cholesterol effect but is due to a more basic mechanism.
Question: Are elevated cholesterol levels and arteriosclerosis both the end result of a more basic metabolic disturbance still not identified? Not any more when one is to investigate from the solvent paradigm and water metabolism in the human body and observe the many manifestations as the body undergoing different stages during dehydration.

Another question :If it is entirely an effect arising from lowered cholesterol levels, why does clofibrate not have the same beneficial effect? An enumeration of some other properties of niacin may one day lead to the identification of this basic metabolic fault.

Niacin has a rapid anti-sludging effect. Sludged blood is present when the red blood cells clump together. because the red blood cells must traverse the capillaries in single file, clumped cells cannot pass through as easily. This means that tissues will not receive their quota of red blood cells and will suffer anoxia (lack of oxygen).
Niacin acts very quickly and changes the properties of red cell surface membranes so that they do not stick to each other. Tissues are then able to get the blood, and the oxygen, they need.

In short, our human body need its daily quota of water, minerals and vitamins,and other trace elements, all in the exact proportion for longevity.

Niacin should be used before and after coronary bypass surgery. A major problem not resolved by cardiovascular surgery, however, is how to halt the arteriosclerotic process. Use water-cure protocol.

If patients were routinely placed on the proper diet and necessary niacin long before they developed any coronary problems, most, if not all, of the coronary bypass operations now being perfomred could be avoided. If

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