is caused by inflammation of the body.
Many oncologists seem to be dumbfounded about this ovarian cancer , and to them and the victims it is another mysterious disease, just like breast cancer, that seems to defy prediction.
Previously, the only risk factors reported were heredity, a high number of lifetime ovulations (which would occur if, for example, a woman was never pregnant and therefore had no "break" from ovulation), or high hormone levels. Be aware and be warned about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)can trigger ovarian cancer, regardless of doctors recommendation trying to balance the hormone imbalance cases.
But in 1999 researchers reported in the Journal of The National Cancer Institute that part of the cause of ovarian cancer was due to inflammation. Ovulation itself is an inflammatory event, resulting in temporary "damage" to the ovary when the egg is released from the follicle.
In addition, other ovarian cancer risk factors also have an inflammation component, such as pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis.
Of course, if inflammation is in part responsible for ovarian cancer, then reducing inflammation should reduce the risk. Use water-cure protocol for all cases to reduce this risk of inflammation.
The youngest of driver Mohammad Abdullah's four kids, Siti Aishah, 17, was diagnosed last August,2007 and has been in the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) ever since.
40 years of his Medisave wiped out in 3 months.
Mr Mohammad did not buy insurance for his children and was forced to break the bank when his daughter came down with ovarian cancer.
DRIVER MOhammad Abdullah had saved over SGD$30,000 in his Medisave account over 40 years - and saw it go in just three months after his daughter got ovarian cancer.
Siti Aishah, like the rest of her siblings , has no health insurance and doctors have no idea how long she will have to stay in hospital.
Her surgery, chemotherapy and dialysis sessions, blood transfusions, treatments in the intensive care unit(ICU) and morphine jabs chalked up a SGD$41,000 hospital bill in just the first month.
Singapore Government subsidies and her father's Medisave paid most of that bill but chemotherapy, dialysis and morphine are not subsidised and must be paid for in cash. This took about SGD$4,000.
Siti Aishah's final bill is still to come and her father is in a fix. His Medisave is gone, his saving are depleted, his wife - a Malaysian and a housewife - has no CPF (Central Provident Fund) or Medisave. His three older children have their own families and financial responsibilities.
MrMohammad, 58, earns SGD$2,500 a month.
"I don't know how I'm going to pay," he said. "This is my fault. it never occurred to me to but my children health insurance. I didn't think they'd fall seriously ill."
Siti Aishah's illness shocked her family. Apart from the occasional cough or cold, the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) student was never seriously ill.
Then three months ago, she started having bad headaches. her stomach became so bloated that she looked seven month pregnant.
For four days, she could barely eat or drink, vomiting often. She was taken to SGH, where she was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer.
Siti Aishah, who is 145 cm tall, weighs only 30kg now and has lost almost all of her once-thick locks(hair). She said, "I know that the past few months have been difficult for my parents. I just want to get well and go home quickly."
Her father, Mr Mohammad hopes to get financial help from SGH. "If I can't get aid, I might just have to pay by instalments."
The parents, both teachers, had not insured theirtwo children. The mother, 41, said: "We were planning to get insurance for the children but always procrastinated."
Her seven-year-old daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was four. The treatment, which included chemotherapy, blood transfusions and steroid shots, lasted eight(8) months, much of it in hospital.
The mother said: "She was admitted to hospital more than 40 times in the first year. My husband and I were living out of our suitcases."
The medical bills came up to SGD$60,000, a quarter of which the parents paid for in cash. The rest came from their Medisave accounts.
Because the cancer was detected early, the prognosis was good. The girl recovered quickly and is in remission - and in Primary 1.
But the family is taking no chances. The mother said : "After our daughter's illness, we wasted no time buying health insurance for both our children."
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On late October 2007, it was announced that newborns and young children will be automatically insured by Medishield.
Medical social workers applaud this new initiative.
The Kandang Kerbau Women's and Children Hospital (KKH) which cares for most sick children here, sees about 30 families seeking financial help each day, with at least 90 % of them admiting that they did not buy insurance for their kids.
For low-income families, a three-day ward stay for something as minor as asthma can be a financial disaster.
But middle-income families find themselves in a rut when their children are hit by serious, chronic illnesses.
If the family can't qualify for medishield or other subsidies, we accept instalments.
Families can be paying the hospital bills even long after their child had died.
Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer checkout here