Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Primary Properties and

Functions of Water in the Human Body

Water, water here, water there,
water above, water below, water everywhere,
yet not enough did we drink.
Water inside, water outside, water everywhere,
still our bodies did shriek and shrink.

[shriek, verb, to make a very high, loud sound, 
shriek with joy/pain/fright etc; shrink, verb, to 
become smaller or to make something smaller 
through the effects of heat or water; to become 
smaller in amount,size or value]

1. Water is the bulk material that fills empty 
spaces in the human body. There is no vacuum in 
between cells.

2. Water is the vehicle of transport for the 
circulation of blood cells.

3. Water is a solvent for the materials that dissolve 
in it, including oxygen. Those who never drink 
enough water over time will surely develop 
respiration disease.

4. Water is the adhesive that binds solid parts of 
the cell together. Just as ice has sticky effect, so 
water seems to become sticky at the cell 
membrane. It is responsible for holding things 
together (integrity) and forming a membrane or 
protective barrier around the cell.

5. The neuro-transmission system of the human 
brain and nerves depend on rapid movement of 
sodium and potassium in and out of the 
membrane along the full length of the nerves. 
Stroke is caused by water deficiency. Water that 
is loose and not bonded with something else is 
free to move across the cell membrane and turn 
the element-moving pumps.

6. Some of the element-moving pumps are 
voltage-generating pumps. Thus, efficiency of 
neuro-transmision systems depends on the 
availability of free and unengaged water in the 
nerve tissues. All beverages are 'engaged liquid' 
and not free & unengaged water for the body 
to use; in fact, these processed drinks further tax 
the existing water from the body systems, hence 
produce a dehydration effect.

In its osmotic urge to get into the cell, water 
generates energy by turning the pump units that 
force potassium into the cell and push sodium 
outside the cell - just as water turns the turbines at 
a hydro-electric dam (reservoir) to make electricity.

The error of "solid" paradigm explain: up to now, 
however, it has been assumed that all energy 
storage in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - the 
substance that "burns" and gives out "heat" to 
"cook" any of the chemical reactions required for 
the cell to function - is from food intake. This is 
why water ,"solvent" paradigm, has not received 
much attention as a source of energy in the 
energy-generating systems in the human body. 
But, eventually growing number of common-
sense readers are waking up to this discovery of 
"solvent" paradigm and has experience the water-
cure effects for their own health.

7. Water is the central regulator of energy and 
osmotic balance in the body. Sodium and 
potassium stick to the protein of the pump and 
act as the "magnet of the dynamo" when water 
rotates the pump proteins. The rapid turn of these 
cation (pronounced cat-i-on)pumps generates 
energy that is stored at many different locations 
in three different pool types.

a.ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate) is one type of 
energy storage pool.
b.Another energy storage pool is guanosine tri-
phosphate (GTP).
c.A third system is in the endoplasmic reticulum 
that captures and traps calcium . For every two 
units of calcium that are trapped, the energy 
equivalent of one unit of ATP is stored in the 
connection of the two calcium atoms. For every 
two units of calcium that are separated from one 
another and released, one unit of energy - to make
a new unit of ATP - is also released. This 
mechanism of calcium entrapment as a means of 
energy storage makes the bones structure of the 
human body not only its scaffolding but also its 
Fort Knox - like investment of your cash in gold 
reserve. Hence, when there is severe dehydration 
- and consequently a decreased supply of 
hydroelectric energy - the body taps into the 
bones for their stored energy. Thus, the primary 
cause, etiology, of osteoporosis is persistent 

8. The foods we eat are the products of energy 
conversion from the initial electrical-energy-
generating property of water. Fresh fruit is always 
better energy generating food compared to dried 
fruits; simple reason being the presence of 
'distilled-water' found in fresh fruits.

All living and growing species, human included, 
survive as a result of energy generation from 
water. One major problem in the scientific 
evaluation of the human body is the lack of under
-standing of the magnitude of our body's 
dependence on energy from hydroelectricity.

For instance, during the first few months of 
pregnancy, any mother-to-be who neglected the 
need to increase water intake as the fetus grows, 
will experience 'morning-sickness', back-pain, or 
nausea's feeling, all these are sign/symptoms of 
body 'crying' for more free water due to the 
multiplication of cells and increased demand for 
energy. As the body weight increases, the water 
intake should be increased accordingly.

Drink at least 10% of your own daily water-quota 

(32.53 ml multiply by your present body weight
(kg), every 90 minutes. Use 1/4 teaspoon of sea-
salt in your daily diet, for every 1250 ml water 
intake per day.

Pain is a sign/signal produced by dehydration in 
the human body. Pain may be common but it is 
not normal.

9. The electricity produced at the cell membrane 
also forces the nearby proteins to align them-
selves and get ready for their chemical reactions.

Blood is normally about 94 percent water when 
the body is fully hydrated (red cells are actually 
"water bags" that contain the colored 
hemoglobin). Inside the cells of the body, there 
should ideally be about 75 percent water. Because 
of this difference in water levels outside and 
inside the cells, an osmotic flow of water into the 
cells normally occurs. Diffusion. There are 
hundreds of thousands of voltage-generating 
pumps units at the cell membranes, much like the 
turbines used in hydroelectric dams-reservoir. 
The water that flows through them rotates these 
pumps. This rush of water creates hydroelectric 
energy. At the same time, and as part of the same 
process, elements such as sodium and potassium 
are exchanged. This we can see the reason , why 
professional endurance sportsmen like 
marathoners, tri-athletes, drink saline-water, or 
take in banana (being rich in potassium and 
carbohydrates),during the race. Muscle cramps is 
due to insufficient of water and sodium , hence 
the conversion of energy is compromised and 
muscle tissue failed to receive energy to continue 
on performing, and muscle twist.

Only water that is free and can move about - the 
water you drink - generates hydroelectric energy 
at the cell membrane. Coffee, alcohol, milk, tea, 
colas, beverages, though used water as part of 
their ingredients, is not free-water to be ready 
used by the body.
The previously supplied water that is now busy 
with other functions cannot leave its binding 
position to rush elsewhere. This is why water by 
itself should be considered the most suitable pick
-me-up beverage and should be consumed at 
regular intervals during the day. If you should 
wake up to urinate during mid-night, it is good 
for the body if you drink one glass of water and 
then continue your sleep. Remember that it is not 
the long uninterrupted sleep-hours that determine
the quality rest, but the availability of free-water 
during the sleep which decide the body is 
recharged promptly with energy for the morning. 
And you know that infant never care what time it 
is to ask for another sip of water, he/she just cries 
loud until the thirst signal is answered with water; 
not every cry is for milk, though.

The good thing about water as a source of energy 
is the fact that any excess water is passed out of 
the body. It manufactures the needed energy to 
top up the reserves in the cells (trillion of them) 
and then leaves the body (carrying with it the 
toxic waste of the cells). It is not stored. Body 
wisdom from the Wise Creator!

When there is dehydration because a person is not drinking enough water (for one's own body weight), the cells become depleted of their ready energy. They then have to depend more on energy generation from food that is consumed instead of water. In this situation, the human body is pushed into storing fat and using its protein and starch reserves, because it is easier to break these elements down than the stored fat. Bear in mind that water is also needed to break down fats for energy. Due to this natural fact, many overweight people grow to be obese, eating more sweet stuff for energy, but neglect the fresh free-water to solve their energy-crisis, and later health-crisis. Their bodies are engaged in perpetual crisis management of dehydration. These people need our simple help: they are not 'sick', they are thirsty and dehydrating. Share with them the water-cure protocol formula and help them regain the quality of health and life.

The word hydrolysis (loosening, dissolving, breaking, or splitting by the participating action of water ) is used when water becomes involved in the metabolism of other materials. Activities that depend on hydrolysis include the breakdown of a protein into the different amino acids that have been used to make that particular protein, and the breakdown of large fatty particles into smaller fatty acid units. Without water, hydrolysis cannot take place. It follows, then, that the hydrolytic function of water also constitutes the metabolism of water itself.

Water metabolism is never taught or emphasized in many medical schools and hence graduated young doctors-to-be , alas, also never quite understand the water healing primary properties and functions when they are told about water-cure protocol formula cure many incurable diseases (which is actually dehydration-dis-ease manifestation)

What this means is that water itself needs to be broken down first - hydrolyzed - before the human body can use the various components in food. This is why we need to supply body with plain water before we eat solid foods. 30 minutes prior to meal time, drink one glass of water. And avoid drinking tea, coffee, sodas, cola, after meal, for these drinks will further overload the digestion system beside its dehydrating effects.

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