Saturday, April 25, 2009

Vaccines for Asthma ?

Under science section of The Straits Times Saturday, April 25 2009 Page D8 & D9, Liaw Wy-Cin ( highlighted some scientific research work, which is funded (SGD$ 36 million, fourty-four projects have been awarded)by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star). 1.COUGHing up a cure for asthma: Professor, Chua Kaw Yan is trying to find a vaccine for the illness by studying dust mites. She is a specialist in children's diseases, examining a vaccine specimen for dust mite allergy, responsible for 80 per cent of asthma cases worldwide. She has just won A*Star grants for three research projects involving dust mites. Note: that the simple fact remains, as the children bodies physiology increases with the multiplication of more various body cells, the demand for more water has been neglected by parents/health-care giver, hence, dehydration set in at early age and cause asthma and allergies. This signs/symptoms are then complicated and effects compounded with more drugs prescriptions, until they pay attention closely with their water intake and proportional sea-salt intake. It is not the dust mite or other foreign agents/virus that first caused (etiology of) asthma or allergies, but the body physiology mechanism has been compromised due to cellular dehydration and these additional agents only trigger the sign / symptom. The children/adults who are still suffering from asthma/allergies can only be helped when they increase and monitor their daily water intake. They are not sick, as per se, defined by present mainstream definition which underlying paradigm which is based on "solid" paradigm. Unless the research team change or shift to "solvent" paradigm, they are just wasting their time and efforts, and the grants awarded. Period. 2.Scientists to study natural cancer buster: Dr Koichi Okumura, 45, (from the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, which comes under the National University of Singapore) has just received a grant that will allow him to study the role of a tumor suppressor in the human body known a Pten (pronounced as "p-ten")."Hopefully, this will open the door to new drugs, but this will still be another 10 years away," he said. Note: Cancer is a compromised lifestyle disease, and the logical way to help people is to educate the public about natural eating, water drinking, and normal lifestyle. Drugs Kill: Water Cure simplify all the jargons in the present entrepreneur's medical communities. 3.Hunt for drug-resistant TB genes: More tuberculosis (TB) patients are growing resistant to a key TB drug. Doctors do not know patients have a more virulent strain of the bug until they see that regular medicines have no effect. Note: When human body over time is deprived of natural ingredients for normal physiology process, it is capable to survive another day by natural alteration of DNA. This phenomena is then detected by the researcher and just given a new term - virus. Now the self-illusion begins: look for anti-virus/ vaccine, while the body is still seeking for the natural ingredients to survive, not drugs, but water is the main and major ingredient for all life restoration. Dehydration leads to inflammation, in turn lead to infection, in turn lower the natural immune systems and in turn alter the DNA:; all these surviving mechanism are imbeded right in the DNA. Genome study will not solve the public sickness until the nature wisdom is acknowledged and followed. Honesty is the first chapter in the book of medicine wisdom. Not innovation, creativity or capitalism. 
 4. Cholesterol drugs may fight cancer: Professor Shazib (National University of Singapore's Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine) has just worn a grant to study drugs, statin (simvastatin),over three years. "The study can help us understand the mechanisms of how cancer is formed and to assess the potential use of statins to prevent or treat breast cancer," he said. Note: Try the natural method if you are suffering from cancer, review . 5.Diabetes, which affects about 13 per cent of adults in Singapore, is the most common cause of blindness here. Narrow blood vessels in retina could be a sign of kidney failure. The Singapore Eye Research Institute (Seri) will need up to SGD$20 million yearly to run, double its current budget, said its new head, Professor Wong Tien Yin, 41. Note: In brief, diabetes is due to over time of water and salt shortage in one's daily lifestyle. Not all liquid drinks can be used by the body as water.

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