Sunday, June 7, 2009

five societal changes worth supporting?


5.Accept Alternative Remedies - Surveys of allopathic (Western) medical practitioners reveal a widening acceptance of integrative healing practices and strategies. A poll of 700 U.S. physicians in year 2005, found that 64% had recommended treatments from the field of alternative medicine to their patients. Do your own homework. Read, blog, research the track records of alternative and integrative approaches to health and healing.

4. Make Dining a Health Education Opportunity - We can hope that in restaurants of the near future, menus will describe the health benefits - not just the caloric intake - of each food choice. One page might feature dishes designed to promote a healthy heart, a win-win situation for all. Another page would spotlight dishes with cancer-prevention ingredients. To make that a reality, we need to be vocal customer (custom-made for your body) and let the restaurant industry know that our patronage will be dependent on their exercise of social responsibility. When the customers live longer and healthy, the restaurants also gain in the long term. The whole society benefits when more customers are healthy and enjoy eating together.

3. Encourage Preventive Health Care - New tools are emerging that will affirm the old adage "good health is easier to preserve than it is to repair." We know that illness and disease can be triggered by an interaction between our genes and chemical toxins we have ingested or absorbed. Dehydration is the main cause of many body pains and disease. Self-diagnosis will soon be advanced by genome medicine, which will enable us to decipher our genetic weaknesses and identify those specific toxins that can initiate disease processes in us. This technology can result in more individualized types of health care that will include accurate in-home testing.

Another advance is the BioPhotonic Scanner: a device measures the levels of antioxidants in the human body. Invented by physicians at the University of Utah in 2001, it emits a low-energy laser light into the palm of your hand and reads the health of your immune system, enabling you to identify vitamin and mineral supplements that might remedy deficiencies and strengthen your immunity. Water deficiency cannot be tested from blood test, so ensure you drink enough every day to prevent dehydration at cellular level to set in. Nutrient testing should become a standard part of physical exams to measure immune system health. Water is also a nutrient.

2. Create a Naturally Occurring Standard - To insure that vitamin and mineral supplements are natural and taken directly from plant sources, and do not contain synthetics of any sort, a Natural Occurring Standard (NOS) needs to be implemented with an NOS certification logo. This will help some if not all customers to eliminate the confusion and deception we now see practiced by some elements of the supplements industry that attempt to make naturals and synthetics indistinguishable. But the human body is more complicated than we think. "natural" implies neither that is "good" nor "bad". Many things that are "natural" - like snake venom and certain toxic plants - can be deadly to humans. This word "naturally" is merely used to described a process or phenomenon that relates to, or has been produced by, Nature rather than humans.

Such a certification might also be a worthwhile addition to - or substitution for - the "organic" label on food products, a label under constant threat of dilution/illusion by food processing companies.

1. Pressure from Consumers to the Toxins Manufacturers - Under the public scrutiny and pressure from San Francisco's Breast Cancer Fund and the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics in 2005, two cosmetics companies, Revlon and L'Oreal USA, agreed to purge their products of chemicals identified by the European Union as possible causes of cancer, birth defects, and infertility. Unilever, another company agree to remove phthalates from its nail polish. None of these voluntary actions wold have happened without public pressure from wise consumer and customer groups. We are wise and beautiful people striving for real healthy wealth for all.

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