The Healing Power of Plain Water, a New Medical Knowledge
The Ultimate Truths in Medicine
I was cured :Duodenal Ulcer; Indigestion; Colitis; Back Pain; Allergies; Chronic Sinus Infection:
It has been one year since I first read your book, which was given to me as a present by Marcel Thevoz. Since then my health has improved significantly. I am now 52 and in excellent health. This was not the case before your book and Marcel's kindness inspired me to make water an integral part of my life.
To most people I was successful and in excellent health - normal weigh, unusual strength and endurance, above average at sports, with an excellent diet( a lot of fresh vegetables and whole grains and very little meat, animal products or processed food). Yet my list of complaints stretches over the last fifty years and includes duodenal ulcer (age 19), indigestion, colon and elimination problems (age 19-51), food allergies (age 12-17), chronic sinus infections (age 5 - 51), chronic and acute back pain problems (age 13- 51), emotional illness and mental confusion (age 6- 51).
These problems were even more bewildering and confusing because I am intelligent, educated, and motivated to find solutions to problems. I have been searching for answers to those problems for 35 years. I have looked for answers in diet, supplementation, exercise, yoga, meditation, traditional religion, spiritual practices, acupuncture, traditional medicine, chiropractic, massage, Reike, polarity balancing, 12-step programs, and self-improvement books and courses such as EST and the Hoffman Quandrinity process.
I had , of course, read many times about the importance of drinking plenty of water. I even invested in a reverse osmosis (RO) water filter six years ago hoping that the improved taste of the municipal water would motivate me to drink more water. In spite of this, I never gave water therapy a fair chance. Until I read your book, other beverages always looked better to me, particularly tea and coffee.
At that time I read your book I had a chronic nerve injury in my upper back that intermittently prevented me from playing golf or racquetball for a period of two years. My arm strength was about 1/3 of what it had been only two years previously. I was at a low point in my life physically and mentally.
I have never drunk in my life or smoked more than 5 cigarettes in a day. At that time I was not smoking or drinking any alcohol. Yet, I found myself obsessed with thoughts of caffeine, smoking and drinking. Although I have been a frequent visitor at chiropractic, osteopathic and massage therapists, I had not needed to visit medical doctor in 15 years. In my desperation I went to an M.D. who prescribed an anti-stress medication, a pain reliever and a muscle relaxant. I took the prescribed doses and fell into a semi coma for 16 hours and discontinued the medication. A few weeks latter Marcel came to my home for dinner and gave me your book.
Within one week of adding 2-3 quarts of water to my diet I noticed that:
1.The pain from the nerve injury went away and I was able to begin exercising.
2. I had much less indigestion and gas.
3. My urges and compulsive behavior lessened substantially or vanished. I no longer had to fight the urge to smoke, drink, stuff myself or use excessive amounts of caffeine.
4. My energy level improved.
5. My thinking and work improved.
Please feel free to use me as reference. I am happy to talk to anyone about water cure at any time.
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