Saturday, June 13, 2009

What are we doing to ourselves?

yes,What are We doing to ourselves?

The fundamental premise on which our modern medicine was founded, the Hippocratic oath (with its edict to do no harm), no longer seems to motivate the provision of our drugs or our medical care, except perhaps as an afterthought to avoid lawsuits.

Consider just a representative sampling of the findings collected from reputable sources about what is really in our food, water, vitamins, prescription drugs, childhood vaccines, cosmetics, and in our private homes, and hospitals/clinics.

1.When you read "made with natural flavours" on a food label, you are probably being deceived, because natural flavors and artificial flavors usually contain the same synthetic chemicals.

2.In large feedlot, 100 per cent of the cattle are fed five or more sex hormones, such as progesterone and testosterone, to accelerate weight gain, and these hormones are known to cause reproductive dysfunction and cancers in humans.

3. Many of our commercial dairy and meat products come from animals that consumed livestock feed made from the remains of tens of millions of dogs and cats that were killed with euthanasia drugs at animals shelters and veterinary clinics.

4. medical evidence is emerging that suggests that the artificial sweeteners in diet soft drinks may cause brain tumors and neurological disease, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. The occurrence of these diseases has risen dramatically, in proportion with the expanded use of those synthetic sweeteners.

5. At least 70 percent of the processed foods in your local grocery store / supermarkets contain at least one genetically engineered ingredient that has never been tested for its potential harm.

6. More than 3000 synthetic chemicals are regularly added to world food products, and hardly any have been tested for their synergistic (interactive) toxin-producing effects in the human body.

7. Most vitamins and supplements sold in the market that are advertised as natural are actually synthetic chemical concoctions that contain coal tar, preservatives, artificial colourings, and a vast range of other potentially harmful additives.

8. More than 25000 chemicals are in the cosmetics sold in the US alone, yet less than 4 percent of these ingredients have ever been tested for toxicity and safety.

9.Within the nine or so vaccines given your children before they enter school are additives and preservatives, including mercury, aluminum, MSG, formaldehyde, and others linked to disorders ranging from brain and nerve damage to autism and attention deficit disorder(ADD).

The fact is that when the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a new drug for public use it has not studied the drug's safety. This agency relies upon safety information from the drug manufacturers to make its approval decisions. Nor does the FDA test the safety of ingredients in cosmetics and personal-care products.

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