Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dr.Chris Comments: Sugar


Dr. Appleton gave 146 reasons why sugar is bad for health. Dr. Bruce Eichelberger gave 15 reasons why sugars are deadly. How many more reasons do you need to convince you that sugar is bad?

The practice of medicine is supposed to be based on research evidence. So they say. I have presented you with 12 research papers pointing to the fact that sugars are bad and are linked to cancers of breast, colon, liver, etc. How many more research papers do you need to make you wake up and see the truth?

I obtained my Ph.D. in 1973, and I taught in Universiti Sains Malaysia for 26 years until I retired in 2000. And I helped cancer patients since the last 13 years. Let me honestly tell you – I have never heard about The Maillard Reaction and AGEs. It is only now, when writing this article that I stumbled into them while reading Dr. Nancy Appleton’s book, Stopping inflammation – relieving the cause of degenerative diseases. For years, studying science, I knew nothing about such an important aspect about sugar. Try and ask those experts who are taking care of your health if they ever heard about Maillard Reaction and AGEs, I believe they would NOT be that naïve to say that you can eat anything to like if they have leant these in school.

I often read that cancer patients are invited to celebration parties – celebrating life, they say. Often these patients are served cakes, cookies, ice creams, coffee or tea, (satey and grilled lamb as well?) etc, etc. Enjoy yourself – for that happiness may not last too long if you understand enough science. So, be more informed.


In May 1995, Cancer Care was born. It started from the sitting room of the home of Dr. Chris K H Teo and his wife, Ch’ng Beng Im.

We started by helping Benedict Yeoh who was down with liver cancer. A week later, Ben brought in Vijay who had lung cancer. From this humble beginning, the word spread and many came to us for help. As of date, we have helped many hundreds of people who had cancer.

Dr. Chris K. H. Teo, Dip. Agr. (M), B. Agr. Sc. (Hons.)(M), M.S, Ph. D. (Hawaii), Dip. Hom., was formerly a Professor of Botany at Universiti Sains Malaysia. He retired from this position after teaching and research at that University for 26 years. He has written numerous research papers and more than a dozen books. He was a fellow of the Matsumae International Foundation, fellow of the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation, and also was a consultant to UNDP-OPS-Bhutan Government.

Ch’ng Beng Im, B. Sc. (Edu.) (Hons.), is a school teacher and has contributed tremendously towards the success of Cancer Care.

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