Friday, July 24, 2009

Excuse me, does your bowel move?


The quality of your bowel movements is nature's way of telling you the level of health you are experiencing. Just as you need to monitor what goes in your mouth, stool investigation will give you valuable information regarding your highway to health, the digestive tract.

Your digestive tract is the assembly line for the food you eat. Your bowel movements can give you a clear picture daily as to whether the most important process of health is functioning properly.

Learning what to look for in your bowel movements can prevent future illness and suffering. We have been taught to feel embarrassed about talking or even thinking about our bowel movements. Do not let this get in the way of your vibrant health.

The large intestine is the sewer system of your body. Mismanagement will only cause the digestive tract to become a cesspool. How does the rest of the body become toxic? The answer is mismanagement of the large intestine. You reabsorb your own toxic waste.

There is a reason for the large intestine to be the first organ developed in the fetus. It is the most important and influential organ of the body. Without proper sanitation, life cannot exist.

The best signs that your sewer system is not functioning properly are: bad breath, smelly stool, and you require the use of deodorant.

What indicates a good bowel movement is, firstly, that the stool floats. Floating stools are both a blessing and a curse. They can float because they are so full of bubbles and gas that they are abnormal. On the other hand, they float because they have too much fat in them, or they can float because they are high in fiber, which is the kind we want.

We want stools that do not mark the toilet bowel. We want them to hang together and not be pebbles, non-putrefactive, have no undigested food particles, a large volume, a wiping clean, and a sense of complete evacuation. Wiping clean should only take a few pieces of toilet paper – not a roll. It is amazing how often people do NOT have this sense of complete evacuation. We want one or more bowel movements every day.

Use water-cure protocol formula, everyday.

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