Cured using water: Allergies to cat; Asthma:(from Dr Jose A Rivera,M.D.)
Note: The next two letters are from Jose A. Rivera, M.D. He was the associate professor of medicine at the Capital University of Integrative Medicine in Washington, D.C., USA. He now practices complementary medicine in South Carolina.
Allergies to Cat; Asthma:
Since my letter of 1-6-95, I have been asthma free for approximately 4 years since initially being introduced to your prescription for health in taking water and salt as preventive measure that also cured my asthma attacks. Remembering to watch for signs of stress and fatigue, which can induce bronchial constriction for water preservation and rationing. This is very important since it is during these times that one is unaware of what is really happening physiologically.
Listening to one's own body can enable one to prevent what was once a common occurrence, bronchial constriction that later leads to asthma. It is through these simple directions of hydrating the body with water and regulating the salt levels that one can begin to prevent and cure asthma and heal a body in need of better hydration.
Your prescription for health is certainly a constant reminder to recovering asthmatics.
Thank you for your attention and constant help.
Jose A. Rivera, M.D.
Enclosed is a summary of some patients who have been treated with water as part of their therapeutic treatment.
Patient # 1 Asthma:
!2-year-old male with history of asthma (non-exertional). patient has been seen by pediatrician and was put on Proventil inhaler. Patient's mother was given misinformation by pediatrician who stated that when a crisis arose to take as many puffs of Proventil until asthma subsides. because of this misinformation, when patient had next crisis the mother gave the patient 6 puffs of Proventil with no amelioration but exacerbation of the symptoms of wheezing, chest tightness, light-headedness and restlessness. The patient was able to lie down but continued to wheeze extensively. The mother gave us a call around 10:30 P.M. with the complaint of wheezing and chest tightness of her son. Immediately we told her to give her son two 8 oz. glasses of water and a pinch of salt on his tongue. We then told her to call us back in 5 minutes for further instructions. To our surprise her son stopped wheezing and his chest tightness had decreased, he was then able to lie down and sleep/ The patient has been instructed to continue to drink water and use salt if another asthma attack occurred. The mother has been made aware that if other medications are needed, to use them as instructed.
Patient # 2 Hypertension; Edema:
67-year-old white female with H/O myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetic retinopathy, hypertension. This patient was seen initially because of her diabetic retinopathy. The patient's above past medical history was under control but we felt that she needed to change some of her fluid intake modality doe to occasional hypertension and unilateral pedal edema. The patient was encouraged to drink two 8 oz. glasses of water before each meal and to cut coffee and other sugar-free drinks from her diet. Within a few days, the patient observed that she was urinating much better and that her pressure had begun to stabilize. She also stated that she had begun to feel much better and that her leg swelling had diminished noticeably. The patient continues to supplement water as part of her normal daily diet.
Our initial observation has been with compliance from all our patients. It is a common practice to tell all patients to eliminate coffee, soft drinks and other beverages and substitute with water. This shift in thinking has been the major obstacle, but we are encouraged when a patient who has felt the need to comply comes with good news of amelioration of symptoms.
We hope that we can continue to give you more reports on our progress as they arrive.
Thank you for your attention.
Jose A. Rivera, M.D.
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