Why do you say that health care is a common sense deficiency disorder?
Because if the 2nd and 3rd most essential nutrients are water and salt in the body, (the 1st being oxygen), wouldn't common sense tell us to check those levels first? Does your doctor ask you about your water/salt intake? ....caffeine/alcohol intake?
Our bones are hollow in the center (marrow) where blood cells are made. The marrow is covered with many strands of calcium salts, the way rope is woven together. Salt crystals are woven in with the calcium and these salt crystals are what make our bones hard, not the calcium.
27% of the body’s salt content is located in the bones. When the body requires more salt it can borrow it from the bones. When this happens, calcium is also removed with the salt making the bones thinner, softer and brittle. Sentences are too short and continue on the next line instead of being extended.
The human body is able to split the chlorine from the sodium as needed. Our blood requires chlorine as do many of our organs. The stomach uses chlorine to make hydrochloric acid required so we can digest our food correctly.
Our body also uses the sodium chloride as salt to keep the brain, spine, tears, bones, sweat glands, organs and blood topped off with salt. The body benefits from the other trace minerals that help keep the body alkaline and healthy.
Sodium is not salt. Salt is sodium chloride.
Sodium, potassium and chloride are electrolytes (special minerals) that dissolve in water and carry electrical charges anywhere there is water in the body.
These electrically charged minerals can freely move into a cell and back out again carrying nutrients in and removing waste products and excess water as to keep the cell balanced.
At the same time as these electrolytes move in and out of the cells making their exchanges, a delicate balance of potassium inside the cell must be maintained with a special amount of sodium and chloride to hold the potassium in the center of the cell.
Electrolytes are found in all fluids of the body and carry impulses along your nerves. This helps your muscles, like the heart and diaphragm, contract and relax.
Electrolytes carry glucose (blood sugar) into the cell after insulin opens the door
or gate for the sugar to be taken in.
Electrolytes also turn “cation pumps” that generate electricity which is stored in the Mg ATP and Mg GTP batteries of the body.
If a person loses too many of these electrolytes from having diarrhea or from taking a water pill (diuretic) they can become very sick and must go to the hospital and receive IVs of saline (salt water), dextrose (sugar water) and minerals.
Many of our beverages today contain caffeine that is a diuretic, acting as a water pill, causing a water shortage in the body. Nothing replaces plain water .
What salt does for you
Salt has many other functions than just regulating the water content of the body.
Here are some of its additional important functions in the body according to Dr.
Batman in his book, ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus on pages 144-150:
Salt is a powerful natural antihistamine. The next time you get a runny nose or watery eyes from allergies, try drinking a glass of plain water, then put a pinch of salt on the end of your tongue and let it dissolve.
Asthma symptoms can be relieved by drinking one or two glasses of plain water, then putting a pinch of salt on the end of your tongue and let it dissolve. Try it next time… before using your inhaler.
Salt helps relieve “stress” symptoms.
Salt is important for the removal of acidity from your brain cells.
Kidneys will not work correctly without salt.
Depression and emotional problems are greatly relieved by taking more salt, drinking plain water, eating correctly and walking.
Bladder control problems and unintentional urine leakage could be helped by adding more salt into your diet.
Diabetics can bring down their blood sugar levels and reduce their need for insulin by taking salt.
Irregular heartbeats may be stopped by putting a pinch of salt on the end of your tongue and letting it dissolve.
Our digestive system requires salt to properly absorb the food we eat.
Asthma, emphysema and cystic fibrosis suffers can get rid of mucus and phlegm in the lungs by using salt and drinking plain water.
Gout symptoms can be prevented by using salt.
If you get muscle cramps (Charlie horses, etc.), salt may relieve them. Try putting a pinch of salt on the end of your tongue and let it dissolve.
Bones get their hardness from salt, not calcium. Read "Calcium 'Milk' Scandal".
Osteoporosis is mainly caused by not taking enough salt and water everyday.
Salt is essential for preventing varicose and spider veins on the legs.
Are you having problems maintaining an erection, you need to eat more salt and drink more plain water.
Salt may help reduce a double chin. The salivary glands in your mouth sense your body is low on salt and produce more saliva. Over time, this increased production of saliva causes the saliva glands to “leak” in the area under your chin. One possible way to get rid of a double chin.
Taking salt and drinking plain water before exercising will help you to breathe better and sweat less.
Because there is potassium in almost everything we eat, salt needs to be added to our food. This will allow our body to maintain the proper balance of water between the inside and outside oceans of water in our cells.
In a study of almost 3,000 men that had high blood pressure, the men on a low-salt diet had a 430% increase in heart attacks when compared to the men who ate a high-salt diet.
Low-salt diets have also been shown to increase total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels and fasting insulin levels.
awesome. very well explained.