The #1 Cause of Aging
An Exclusive Interview with David Wolfe
INTERVIEW WITH: David "Avocado" Wolfe (DW)
INTERVIEWER: Lucien Gauthier (LG)
DATE: August 2010
LG: Welcome everyone! I am here with David Wolfe to talk about one of the most common yet misunderstood contributory causes of disease, calcification.
Calcification is behind almost all the health challenges that we face today such as heart disease, chronic inflammation, arthritis, psoriasis, kidney disease, and even wrinkles.
As we get older, calcification only gets worse. So we are here to speak with David to understand clearly what calcification is and how it contributes to not only rapid aging, but also serious physical disease. So, thanks for joining us today, David.
DW: Thank you Lou! It’s a great pleasure to be discussing a very interesting subject that definitely needs a lot more attention because this area of calcification is where we’re at in our understanding about chronic inflammatory conditions, plaque formation, and stone formation in the human body.
LG: When we talk about calcification in general, can we describe calcification as a buildup of sedimentary materials in the body that are obstructing the normal physiological processes that contribute to health?
DW: That’s correct. It’s the formation of hard materials, mostly calcium phosphate, but not only that, which can and does build up in our tissues.
Take a condition like atherosclerosis or when we have a condition like a cataract; it’s like the similarity between cancer and kidney stones. There is something similar going on there, and that is they all involve calcification. It’s the excess formation of calcium residue in our body.
LG: So when we are younger David, our body is very nimble. It’s very flexible. It’s very supple. The tissue is very juicy and soft, and then as we get older, this calcification begins to buildup. It builds up in our tissues. It starts to form inside our arteries and our arterial walls causing vascular disease.
Let’s talk about over time. From the time we are young and as we get older, what are the different ways that we are introduced to this calcium? And, how does it over time buildup in our bodies?
DW: That’s a great question. It’s mostly environmental. We are exposed to these minerals, and let’s just call them “bad calcium” because that’s a really good way to understand them. It’s real simple, just “bad calcium.” It’s like having a hard calcium pill stuck in your joints. We’re introduced to a lot of these contaminants, bad calcium, by water. And in fact, well water is notoriously contaminated with high calcium levels: high levels of hard water. City water is the same. When we filter water and get that hard water out, we are actually doing the first step to
remove ourselves from being silted up by these organisms, or these shells, or these pieces of calcium; whatever we want to look at them as. This is one way we can give ourselvesthe chance of evading some of the natural calcium that is in the environment.
There is another thing that comes up and that is when we have an infection; there appears to be calcification component to every longstanding infection. Somehow infective organisms screw up our natural juicy tissue and in that place where we had that injury,that infection, that problem, we develop hardened calcified material. So that is another thing that is going on.
It may be a byproduct of the organisms that are infectious. They may leave behind
sediment and it is like coral being left behind or shells being left behind that you see on a beach. The clam formed it, but the shell is left over, and it causes obstructions.
LG: And when we talk about these organisms, we are talking about nanobacteria. What
exactly are nanobacteria?
DW: Nanobacteria have been studies since at least 1986 and two researchers I believe
identified the first organism that was producing calcification; they believed they had isolated it. It has been a controversial issue for sure; back-and-forth the pendulum has swung.
On one side there is a whole group saying, “Hey, these are infectious organisms!” and on the other side they are saying, “Hey, there is definitely a problem here, which is calcification, and these things are eating protein, but they are not living.”
So interestingly in medicine now, both sides agree that the problem is calcification. Is it an infectious organism? Is it an organism that has been mutated and forms a shell like a coral or a clam or a mollusk or a muscle or a barnacle? That is something that we all have to weigh by our own research.
My research has indicated that since we are an ocean on the inside, what is going on is that when we obstruct that ocean, we immediately begin to attract clams to the area where the obstruction has occurred. It’s just like when you put in a pier and you put the pylons out into the ocean, eventually if you start looking at those pylons out in that ocean, you will see that they have accumulated a whole bunch of hard calcified organisms. On the micro level, that’s the idea here, that calcification may in fact be an infection.
I actually believe this is true based on the evidence that I have. For example zapping seems to do amazing things to calcium bumps. If somebody has had a bump on their arm or something and it has been there for 20 years, you can zap it for three weeks, and it goes away. And, you’re just like, “What in the world?!?! Where did it go?!?” If these things were really just residue, just calcium ions, we shouldn’t see a result like that; but we do. Zapping generally creates frequency or noise that infectious organisms do not like, just to make that clear for those of you who have never heard of zapping before.
LG: When we talk about these nanobacteria, if we have introduced them into our system via well water, or if for example we went into a bakery and got a bakery item, it was probably made with tap water. After we’ve introduced these nanobacteria into our system can these nanobacteria grow and replicate and form sort of like colonies in our body?
If we ingest maybe say 20 nanobacteria, do they stay as 20? Or can they actually
reproduce and grow forming big problems over a longer period of time?
DW: Well, there have been different theories about the growth of nanobacteria. You are definitely right that well water/tap water is a way that we get troubles. All kinds of kneaded dough for example, like bread, can contain hidden hard water because the dough was rolled in some kind of a liquid, usually a hard water of some sort.
Then there are calcium supplements, and those are a problem. So, we want to look at all of these factors because we want to minimize our exposure. That’s what we do in the Longevity Now Program actually. We minimize our exposure and strategize on how to do that and how to reverse what we have already been experiencing in terms of calcification problems.
Let’s go on then to, “Can these calcium forming organisms or nanobacteria, or calcium ions, depending on whose theory you believe…can they grow?” And the answer appears to be yes.
It appears to be that they grow geometrically, which means for those of us who are astute; they are like a cat instead of a dog. A cat will leave food in their bowl, day after day after day, because they will ration it out. But most of the bacteria that are out there are like dogs. They’ll eat every single thing on the first day and then the population will collapse because there is no food left.
So this appears to be what I’ve been observing according to the research on the subject. They grow slowly, but they do grow. When we get to be about 50, 60, 70, 80, then we have real calcification problems to deal with.
LG: I’m assuming that nanobacteria really enjoy places that are sort of easy for them to hide out; places where they are not going to come under attack from our immune system; places maybe where there is no blood flow.
Can you talk about some of the prime areas in our body or locations that they really like to hang out in? What are some of the hot spots for nanobacteria?
DW: Well, they definitely like the joints, especially if our joints are ill-constructed. If we didn’t really eat very well as a child or maybe even as an adult, we are just getting conscious about our nutrition now, but all of a sudden they have already set themselves up into a joint. So what does that look like?
Well, let’s say you have chronic psoriasis surrounding a joint. What is holding that
psoriasis in, what is holding that infection in, appears to be a calcification problem in the joint. Not a skin problem. And I want to clarify that because this is some of the stuff we go into in the Longevity Now Program: clarifying what the real issues are.
There are also areas of our cardiovascular system, and even our lymphatic tissue, that can be damaged or there might be an obstruction. They tend to love areas where there is an obstruction. They tend to love areas where there is very little immune system. They set themselves up in a nice colony. It’s kind of like this: They like it warm and stagnant, in the same way that coral like it warm and stagnant. If there is quick flowing cold water going by, they are not going to be found anywhere. So the more motion and movement we have in our body, the safer we
are from these types of calcification problems.
LG: Okay, so moving on from nanobacteria, let’s talk about some of the other ways we are exposed to this sort of excess calcium buildup.
The number one culprit from an inorganic point of view, I am guessing, are going to be calcium supplements, which of course ironically are something that are supposed to be helping our body by helping us build up good calcium.
Can you talk a little bit about the fallacy of the calcium supplement theory?
DW: It has been known for a long time that the calcium supplement theory has serious
problems. Just a couple of weeks ago, they stated there is an increase of 30% in the
possibility of heart attack if you take calcium supplements.
We also have never seen a study that says that calcium supplements can increase your
bone density. In fact, we know exactly the opposite is true. If you take more calcium supplements, it actually causes osteoporosis if you can believe that.
So this whole business about calcium supplements is really the symbol of bad theories. It is a symbol of bad scientific theories that have delivered us really poor tools that don’t work.
This is what I am doing with the Longevity Now Program. I am bridging from ideas that do work that we have never heard of before, and then stacking those things on top of each other so that if we do one of those things, like instead of taking calcium supplements, we take silica, then we are going to get improvements in our bone density instead of diminishing returns, which is what the calcium supplements are doing.
If we do just that one thing we are going to get results. But if we add more stuff on strategically, then we start getting in to where the actual knowledge is. We start upgrading our operating system just on the issue of bone density and calcification.
LG: So someone might have a visit with their doctor and be told to get on some calcium supplements because their bone density scan or some testing showed their bone density was low or perhaps they are told they don’t have enough calcium in their bloodstream. When people hear the doctor say, “I think it’s a good idea for you to get on calcium supplements” they should think, well, wait a minute. If calcium supplements are bad for me, how can I actually in a correct way build up my bone density?
What is the correct way that someone can build up their calcium?
DW: Okay, so there are a couple of issues that come up there. One of them is just the idea that we build bone out of calcium, which has actually never been proven.
This has never been proven and that should be a surprise to everybody reading this. It appears to me that we actually build our bones out of silica, magnesium, and phosphorus.
So people say, “well what do you mean? Our bones are made out of calcium. It has to
come from somewhere!”
The answer is, that’s right. Calcium in its final form is not digestible. It’s not useable. But magnesium and silica, and actually to some degree, potassium, can be transmutated or atomically changed into calcium. That has been known forever.
All herbal systems going into the past have always known that because they have
recommended Horsetail, which is an herb for bone density and it works. It’s all silica! There is no calcium in it at all.
This idea then brings us to these questions: How much calcium do we need? Where do weget it? And what does calcium do then?
Calcium is a relaxing mineral. It’s an alkaline mineral. It’s a detoxification mineral. It relaxes our muscles. It alkalizes us. It detoxifies us. It can be very good as long as it is coming from a natural source that is digestible, for example, broccoli or any green leafy vegetable like kale. In that form it is wonderful! It can be digested with no problem.
But if we have other sources that are indigestible, let’s say for example, hard water or pasteurized homogenized milk that has been cooked a million times; essentially all value has been lost; it has been cut with tap water that has been skimmed off in terms of the fat. That calcium in there will be so degraded, that it will also cause us calcification problems.
This is of interest because all this business of “drink milk for your bones!” is odd when milk has never been proven to help you at all.
There are some factors in dairy products like vitamin K2 for example, which is in raw butter and cheese, which is very good for helping to assist with mineralization, but it is not the calcium that is doing it.
LG: Okay, so let’s talk about the type of calcium that we are getting that is the bad calcium. We have looked at the good bioavailable type of calcium that we can get from raw andliving foods. But the calcium supplements that are being produced today that are causing a lot of the calcification problems and the blockages in the arteries and the buildup in the joints…where are they getting their calcium? What is its nature? It’s not bioavailable calcium, so exactly what is it?
DW: Basically all calcium supplements on the market with some exceptions (but it’s 0.01% exception,) are made out of chalk. It’s calcium carbonate. It’s used as the binder for the actual mineral pill or vitamin pill. So what they tell you is “Oh, it has calcium in it…blah blah blah…400 mg of calcium…” or whatever. Well they would use that anyway because that is the binder for the pill. What
they are doing is they are putting it in the matrix of this B vitamin, or some other mineral, but the matrix itself, the hard pill itself, is actually calcium.
So this is stuff that has been dug out of the earth. It’s calcium carbonate originally. It’s chalk. It comes from places where there were ancient oceans, usually underneath deserts. Actually, as water comes down into the biosphere from the highest reaches of the mountains, it is exposed to different strata or levels or layers in the mountain that were once the bottom of an ocean. This is where it picks up a lot of calcium. That is how water can actually get “contaminated” in the natural environment because it has picked up calcium from a piece of the earth’s crust. These pieces of earth’s crust have been mined for the calcium supplement industry and one of the reasons why this is such a huge industry is there is basically no cost to the calcium. It costs a penny and they can sell it for a dollar, and that is why we have calcium supplements.
LG: So as people take calcium supplements, as people expose themselves environmentally to the different sources of the nanobacteria, I would imagine that a highly processed food diet is rich with things like calcium carbonate and different forms of calcium too, so over time through environmental exposure and through different causes and conditions, we aregradually accumulating a huge amount of calcification.
DW: Correct and it’s worse now than ever before. That’s why we’re sicker now than ever before. There is a causative relationship between ones level of calcium and ones level of health, or lack thereof. The more calcium in your tissues, the worse your health is. I did not know this until I started digging into calcification research, but I thought this was an enlightening idea: Once you reach a number like 80 on the calcium score, (and it’s a 0-100 score,) once you hit 80 you’re a goner. That’s what they tell you. It’s like there is nothing they can do for you. That’s really interesting. You mean when my calcium gets to a certain level, I’m dead?
Calcium itself then should NEVER be taken as a supplement. That’s for sure!
And it doesn’t even work for bone density. We need to actually get to herbs and foods and supplements that contain silica, magnesium, and phosphorus as I described before.
LG: And just to get into a little bit about how this calcification issue begins to affect us on a systemic level, not just the joints and things like arthritis, which are the obvious things that we can see, but how calcification can start to affect things like our kidney or our liver. When our organs are trying to process the different proteins and fats in our body, when our kidneys are trying to remove toxins from our blood stream, I imagine that this calcification problem starts to clog up that normal systemic function of the organs and starts to produce many, many different types of side effects. Can you go into some detail about some of the different things that people should be looking out for that are happening in our organs? For example, different types of organ failure or dysfunction?
DW: Okay, well there are all kinds of effects from calcification and it all happens step by step. Somebody isn’t instantly calcified one day, it’s step by step.
There are metabolic issues at work as well.We have also been talking about grounding in many of our educational pieces. If youhave a calcification issue, stress increases, and you are not able to get to ground. What can happen is you can become susceptible to even more calcification and more oxidation.
These problems can be called “sclerosis,” they can be called “inflammatory,” they can be called “chronic.” They are usually something that starts affecting us when we are somewhere around 50 or 60 and it becomes like a daily ordeal. Daily suffering happens, like for example with cataracts. You can’t see because you have the formation of calcium in your eye. That is what a cataract is. The nature of a tumor is that it is made out of hard material. Being hard of hearing or
having a buildup of tumors; that hardness is bad calcium. The nature of all of this and where it is leading us in our understanding is that this area of step by step breakdown has a number of metaphoric similarities.
For example, if we have calcification, we also are being oxidized. We also are being
turned into an electromagnetic positive charge. These things can all be worked on step by step by step, so that we can get our tissues to be juicy again, get a negative electric charge onto our bodies by being grounded for example, getting to a point where we can develop strategies that turn over the calcification and put us in a place where it is going to literally dissolve. So there are a bunch of different things that come to light when we discuss this. When I talk about metaphors of health and metaphorical ideas, what I am talking about is this: Calcification is to oxidation, the same as a middle C on a keyboard is to the first octave C to the right.
Each C is still the note C, but it is in a different octave. Calcification is the most blatant obvious form that there has been positive charge going on, that there has been excessive oxidation and things are getting gummed up, so that the natural vortex flow of all the fluids in our body is being disturbed in some way so that we don’t have very good circulation.
LF: David, I really liked how you called it “nature’s recycling system” before because you can see this in the cycle of life where when we are young and healthy we do not have any calcification, then nature has its way of pulling us under by filling us up with sedimentary deposits. What we are trying to do with the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition, is trying to remove ourselves from that natural recycling system, and we are doing so using very simple but clever ways.
So can you talk a little bit about this “nature’s recycling system” so people have a better understanding of what is naturally occurring and how we are trying to remove ourself from that cycle?
DW: Okay, so, calcification is natural to all mammals. It is basically natural to all the noble organisms on this earth: birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, etc. We have our day in the sun and then our day is done. So part of coming to consciousness in my opinion, and this is where I direct my thoughts, is to understanding nature’s recycling mechanism. What is going to cause us to breakdown, to have illnesses, to have problems and aches and pains, to breakdown our will to live, is something natural. And that’s okay, that it’s something natural. Otherwise
if we didn’t have recycling organisms on this earth, we would be riding high on 50 levels of Brontosaurus and 30 levels of Tyrannosaurus Rex! Nothing would have ever been recycled on earth!
Part of our coming to consciousness is learning how to evade as best as we can, under the current information, where we are in Mother Nature’s recycling system. We can actually be very clever and we don’t necessarily have to be that smart to do it. This is the one thing I have noticed. This is an observation I have had in dealing with alternative medicine in all the years I have been in this.
Whatever the idea is, whatever the protocol is, the one that works is always clever, but it is never difficult. Because really the way that it has been set up, the way that God or nature set it up, has to be available to everybody, not just to geniuses, not just to the people who are super smart in one area. It has to be available to everybody. That has been my observation. Whenever I come across something really interesting, like for example this whole “get off the calcium supplement and get onto the silica supplements,” right there, anybody can do it. It’s just a simple choice you make in a health food store. It’s a simple choice in the way you buy supplements. So it’s available to everybody, but it’s much more clever. There is much better research behind silica than there is behind calcium for our bone density for example and our youthening.
LG: So in the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition, what you’ve done is you’ve compiled a list of very clever, yet simple strategies to remove ourself from the recycling system, and also not contribute to the speeding up of that recycling system by introducing things voluntarily into our diet and into our body and making appropriate choices. One of these of course is breaking down and dissolving the calcium that we have already brought into our bodies, and another one is refraining from and avoiding introducing some of those calcification components into our life and into our body.
Let’s just talk briefly and generally about some of the tips people can engage in. What can we do that is solution-oriented?
DW: Okay, the solution is always strategic. Never difficult, but strategic, which means it’s clever. And again, going back to what I was saying earlier, we want to stack the odds in our favor whenever possible.
There are things that have been learned about calcification that are fascinating. They are all explained in the Longevity Now Program. For example, when you take a bad calcium dissolver into your body, what exactly does that mean and how do you do it?
Let’s take something like MSM, which is a popular supplement that is sold all over the world. Methylsulfonylmethane. It is used for joint pain. It is used for detoxification. It is used for liver support. It is used for skin, hair, and nails. It’s just one of the greatest supplements out there. It also has an attraction towards bad calcium; it appears to turn into calcium sulfate, making that calcium useable to the body and helping to remove calcification conditions.
To prove that, what I would recommend is starting to study some of these books on MSM because when you look in there you’ll see that there are many different calcification diseases that improve when somebody is taking MSM.
MSM by itself is great, but when we add in something also very interesting that I
originally picked up from the medical literature, which is a super powerful immune
system tonic, an herb, or a type of herb, then what happens is we get the bad calcium dissolved. So let’s just take the analogy of a clam: If the MSM strips down the clam shell, the jelly blob on the inside needs to be dealt with by our immune system.
So what we are talking about here is the basic strategy of the Longevity Now Program
which is a one, two, punch. You take a bad calcium dissolver with a medicinal mushroom like a Reishi, and then we develop that out to many more sophisticated directions because MSM is not the only bad calcium dissolver, and Reishi mushroom is not the only super antibiotic mushroom.
These are the kind of ideas that are played through in the Longevity Now Program, and then there is additional stuff later that we touch on that is very helpful which if you were to do them right now you could benefit.
For example, when we get into this whole piece on grounding. I was reading about Rudolf Steiner the other day. If you don’t know who Rudolf Steiner was, he was almost like a scientific prophet, or an agricultural prophet. It’s hard to really describe what kind of person he was. We don’t have an archetype in Western Civilization that really encompasses his knowledge and his wisdom.
Anyway, there is a particular passage that I really like from Rudolf Steiner. He said that if we get excess amounts of atmospheric forces on us like cosmic forces or forces that come from the sun or forces that come in from the heavens, basically oxidation, and we’re not grounded and connected to the earth which will naturally come up into us and shield us,we will develop calcification faster. So we usually have shoes on, which means we are blocking the electricity of the earth from coming up into us and protecting us from the sun. He actually says there is a dynamic balance between the forces that are coming in from the cosmos and the forces that are coming up from the earth. If the forces from the cosmos are greater, for example somebody gets too many x-rays or radiation, they will develop calcification conditions and then the whole situation will get worse.
LG: And this is something that is discussed in part 4 of the program, which is using special technologies to not only avert the calcification component, but also to bring in positive immune supporting antiinflammatory forces into our body to maintain vibrancy and health. One of the wonderful things about the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition, is it’s not just something that older people would focus on because they suffer more from calcification. Because the program is focused on prevention and not exposing ourselves to these things, by keeping up an immune system that is very strong and powerful, and keeping ourselves rejuvenated, everyone - young and middle-aged - can benefit tremendously by having a lifestyle that is build around avoiding the calcification and keeping our immune system and ourselves healthy enough to keep that at bay for as long as possible. One of the things David, which I have noticed about people, is their mobility. As people
get injured as you mentioned previously and as they older, one of the saddest things is to see people who are mentally really strong, mentally really active and energetic, but physically they are losing their mobility from calcification.
So the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition, has some wonderful additions to it. One of them is about mineralization. We have new full color pages, as well as a special weight loss section, and a section on hormones; all these components built in together make for a great prevention program for people who have not yet entered the middle or later years in life.
DW: That is very well said.
What is actually going on for all of us, and nobody is exempted from this, most of our ordeal with the health food world, with supplements, with superfoods, with herbs and all that, has been totally random. It was not approached strategically and what we are doing in the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition, is bringing the strategy in so that we are not shooting in the dark anymore. We have learned some things over the years. There has been so much learned in the natural health world.
I’m telling you, just this week, I have been reading books on cancer and natural remedies for cancer that have been out there that I didn’t even know about. I have been in this industry for almost 20 years now, and I didn’t even know about this stuff. So what’s going on is there is a cross-referencing of a lot of information that has happened, and now we are starting to learn a few things. That is the strategy. So whenever we are taking stuff, it is not just haphazard. It is taken with an idea and with the intent to breakdown bad calcium.
One of the things about Western diagnostic medicine that is really interesting that I find,is that people no matter how alternative they are, they like to get the Western diagnostic and see exactly what their tumor looks like and see where it is, because it is way easier to visualize it if you have that bit of data.
This is why we are now saying here’s a problem, that there is bad stone formation in your body and it’s called bad calcium. If we are able to visualize that; if we are able to have the intent, for example, of dissolving those stones in our body; if we are able to then add a program of herbs, superfoods, certain types of drinking water, that can alleviate our troubles; then by all means, let’s do it. And that’s what we do in the Longevity NowProgram, 2nd edition.
LG: I feel very honored and privileged to be at the cutting edge of this research with you, not just now, but we have been doing this now for many, many years.
DW: I know, it’s been a long time we’ve been playing around with this stuff, and we’re learning a lot. I’m learning a lot, and that’s why I’ve updated the Longevity Now Program, just to bring that latest information in and onboard. I do want to mention, just to repeat the idea: There is something that is similar across all
these chronic inflammatory disease and many other conditions, and that is calcification. I just wanted to point that out again.
There are commonalities amongst diseases that are so obvious we didn’t even look at
them, and that is where the Longevity Now Program comes in. It is giving us more
understanding. It is putting the underpinnings in so we can more effectively guide our therapies whether they are alternative therapies or conventional therapies, because one of the great things about the Longevity Now Program is it is an adjunctive program. You can add it in to almost whatever you are doing right now.
I am reading Susanne Somer’s book, Knockout, about all the different doctors who are
working with cancer and basically in effect, curing cancer. So, now let’s see her on one of those protocols! Let’s say you’re doing Dr. Nick Gonzalez’s pancreatic enzyme protocol. This is an adjunctive thing to the Longevity Now Program. So you improve your chances. You bring more strategy to the table. You put your best food forward in a more positive and more sure way.
LG: Okay, this has been a fantastic interview with you, David, and we look forward to doing some future segments with you going into a little bit more detail about some of the other aspects of the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition.
In this new edition we have add a lot of wonderful updates. One that I didn’t mention before is the new section on Deer Antler that you did David, because Deer Antler now is getting such an incredible amount of attention from people who are really into Chinese herbal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine treatments. Deer Antler is something that you’ve been really into for the last year as well.
DW: It’s interesting because at the beginning of our conversation, there were two deer right in my front yard. I was looking at them while we were talking. What beautiful animals! They were female though, so no antler rack.
Deer Antler is nature’s answer to hormone replacement therapy essentially, and it has been used in Chinese medicine for 5,000 years. Why not give that a try before we get into the guinea pig game, which is this estrogen replacement therapy, which we know has been mostly a failure. Even bioidentical hormones, let’s see if our body can do it naturally from ingesting natural substances, instead of taking in essentially synthetic hormones, which can work and can be good, but we’re very much at the beginning of our research in that area. I always select what’s natural first and then if that doesn’t give the magic, then we go to a deeper level of strategy.
So Deer Antler is hormonal and we know for sure now that the older we are and the lower our hormones, especially in men if it’s low testosterone, the bigger the trouble is.
By the way, men. If you are worrying about your prostate and that testosterone can
inflame prostate problems and even prostate cancer, this has been proven wrong.
The testosterone does not cause problems with prostate cancer; in fact, it’s inhibitive of prostate cancer. Some metabolites of testosterone can be troublesome, but testosterone itself is actually very, very good and it’s good to have that in your saliva so you know where your hormones are. Actually the saliva test appears to be better than the blood test.
With women they know that if they’re estrogen dominant, especially if they have too
much estrone and estradiol versus estriol, which are the three estrogens, this can trigger off a lot of troubles. We always want progesterone to dominant, or at least do its function and role. And how do we do that naturally? Well, Deer Antler gives us those opportunities. We can start experimenting with this stuff and see where it takes us.
LG: Thank you so much David. This has been a fantastic brief overview of some of the basics of the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition. All the new research that you’ve put into the second edition is going to be a great adjunct for people who have bought the previous edition.
If you have not bought the previous edition of the Longevity Now Program, the 2nd
edition will definitely blow you away. Not only is it an updated version with the new hormone research that David is engaged in, the Deer Antler research that he has just mentioned, the mineralization research that he has been focused on for the last year and a half, but it’s also 20 years of his life’s work.
So if you like the information you read here, you can just image that times about 1,000 and you’ve got the Longevity Now Program, 2nd edition. This is not just a short book. This is not just a couple of audio CDs. This is basically 20 years of your life, David, updated and at the cutting edge stage of medical development.
DW: Yes, I think it’s going to be a great catalyst for whole new types of research. It’s going to give a lot of people a lot of hope out there because they are going to be able to not only see that there is the possibility that things can get better, but they can actually feel that things are improving. It’s really exciting. It’s VERY exciting. I was up all night last night reading about these alternative cancer therapies and just piecing together how the Longevity Now Program captures a lot of those ideas. As we develop the Longevity Now Program as we go into the future, it’s going to even take us further. Because each step in the right direction gives us momentum, and that momentum allows us to get a little bit more sophisticated, a little bit more on top of it, and that’s what I really want to give people. Like, every day you wake up and you feel better. You feel like things are improving.
A friend of mine, by the way, just before we go…somebody asked him, “Why do you do
all this health stuff? What is the deal with that?”
And he said, “Because I get to wake up every morning and feel that my life is gettingbetter and my health is improving and I’m getting younger.”
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