Thursday, September 16, 2010

Living in a broken world today?

Psalm 120: 6-7
I am tired of living
Among people who hate peace.
I search for peace;
But when I speak of peace, they want war!

We live in a broken world. Nations waging wars against nations. Religions waging wars against religions. Political opponents, one against the other. Fathers against children. Even Christian brothers and sisters, attacking, judging, and dividing from one another!
Believe it! We are at war all over the world.
So how do we find peace in a world filled with people who hate peace?
Only in the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus will we ever find real and true peace. We, as Christ's followers, need to work at being at peace with our fellow man. We may be tired, like the psalmist wrote here in our passage today, but we too must press on. Knowing that we serve a God of peace. A God who will restore peace and joy to all His people.

Lord God, we pray humbly today to be filled with Your peace and joy.
May we search for peace! Even when we are tired and feel like giving up or giving us O Lord, to seek Your peace.
May we live with our fellow brothers and sisters, encouraging and spurring each other on, all united in Your Precious Name! Amen..

God bless!

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