Saturday, September 25, 2010

There is no lacking: Sufficient Abundantly

4. The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance

To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here) 

The fourth essential Universal Law is the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance.

The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance: You have everything within you right now to make your life a living dream.

We live in a Universe of abundance, although the majority of us have learned to view it as a Universe of scarcity.

“Our sufficiency is from God”- 2nd Corinthians 3:5

There is an unlimited supply of every good and wonderful thing, and experience. There is enough for everyone! There is always enough. We have bought into a lie that there is not enough. This lie is the lie of scarcity and limitation.

The truth is we are completely abundant and are able to create whatever we desire. The truth is that we live in a world where, spiritually and energetically speaking, there is an unlimited supply of goods. You were given life, and have access to the power that you need in order to create the life in the way that you choose. And you are not hindered or cheated out of your “portion” of prosperity if someone else achieves or acquires success. We are eternal beings in physical form; well-being and abundance are the basis of our Universe.

Beliefs based in lack affect our ability to manifest our hearts desires, from a space of ease and effortlessness. This lack mentality controls us by keeping us longing for what others have, or fighting to be better than others.

Most of us feel that who we are, what we have, and what we are doing is not enough. That is a big lie. You learned about the Law of Attraction. If you feel that nothing is ever enough, that is what you will be attracting into your life. If you feel you are not enough, you are right. If you feel what you have is not enough, you will continue to receive not enough.

It is time that we learned to tap into the truth of our being. This truth is that we are enough. In this moment, we are perfect, whole and complete just as we are. Because we are growing and expanding beings, we will always desire to have more in our lives, but if we are coming from a place of “not enough” we never will truly feel that whatever we manifest or bring into our lives is enough.

So when is it going to be enough?
When are you going to feel satisfied?
Is it when you lose the 10 pounds?
When you finally have a million dollars in the bank? To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here)
When you finally have your ideal relationship?

How do you know what will be enough?

If you are always looking outside of you, at circumstances and situations to become more than they are, you are not in the now and appreciating what you have. If you continue to chase things outside of you in order for you to feel that you are enough, you will never feel truly satisfied. There is always more to achieve, acquire, and do.

When you come from a place of feeling that everything in your life right now is sufficient, you will know great peace. When you can feel gratitude for what you currently have in your life, while at the same time feeling excited for all the things you desire to manifest, you will know complete joy.

What if you aligned your thoughts and emotions right now with abundance? What if you felt that you are enough? You are worthy. You have everything that you need right now inside of you to build a fortune and to reach your goals. You have all you need inside of you to create your ideal job. You have everything inside of you to attract your ideal mate. You always have enough.

So how can you start applying this law right now?

Be satisfied now. Don’t wait to be satisfied.

Put your hand over your heart and say to yourself, “I am satisfied with what I have. My love, happiness, and security is coming to me from within, from the creator, as my source, and supply.”

Start with where you are and what you have right now. Set your goals, see yourself already there, and be resolved to succeed in attaining your goals, no matter what it takes.

Manifestation happens when we can be in a place of feeling at peace with where we are, while being excited about the possibilities ahead. That is why it’s so important to learn about all the Laws, not just the Law of Attraction.

To simplify complications is the FIRST essential of success. (Click here) 

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