Wednesday, October 6, 2010

AcuGraph 3,

AcuGraph 3: A Monitoring Tool of Patients’ Wellbeing

Patients generally want to know if they are making any progress with their treatment. Towards this end, doctors would send patients for mammogram, X-ray, CT scan, MRI, PET scan, bone scan, etc. These procedures cost money. Apart from that, anything that involves radiation might not be good for cancer patients. We do not encourage our patients to undergo such procedures unless it is absolutely necessary. However, if patients think that by performing such imaging procedures makes them happier or sleep better – so be it. Generally we ask patients to do the relevant blood test as a way to monitor their progress. This is non-evasive though it may tell the correct story.

When patients come to CA Care for follow up consultation, our first question is: How are you? Or how do you feel? Or, are you getting any better? We ask these questions because patients themselves ought to know if they are getting better or otherwise. Their bodies are telling them. To some people ”feeling better” is not good enough. If possible, they want something more high-tech or objective.

Sometime in late 2009, we were fortunate to learn about the AcuGraph, a digital meridian imaging device. This device provides information about a person’s meridian energy balance (see here for more: ). We wrote to the president of the company which makes the AcuGraph - Dr. Adrian Larsen, Miridia Technology Inc., USA. Dr. Larsen was ki enough to provide a unit of AcuGraph 3 for our research at CA Care free of charge.

Click here for photo report (Note:thank you Dr Chris Teo for your sharing and website)

Our study thus far has shown that AcuGraph, when used and interpreted properly, could be another non-invasive tool for monitoring patients’ progress. If feeling “good”, “better “ or “more cheng sin” (has more energy); is not good enough then seeing the coloured bars produced by a computer could be more convincing. Truly this AcuGraph is a state-of-the-art, objective method of evaluation.

This is what we generally do.

Patients would have their meridian energy read using the AcuGraph 3 on their first visit to us. This will establish a base line or reference. Subsequently, every time patients come to CA Care they would have their meridian energy read. We would be able to compare the results of their meridian energy over a period of time. Thanks to Dr. Larsen – since CA Care does not need to pay for the AcuGraph 3 – meridian reading done at CA Care is free-of-charge. According to the internet, the charge (in USA) for the first examination is US$75 with follow up examinations at $35.

Case Study 1: Recurrent Metastatic Ovarian Cancer

Sandy (not real name, H277) is a 52-year old female. Sometime in 2006, she had pains in her abdomen. She consulted doctors at the government hospital and was told nothing was wrong with her. The pain persisted for more than a year. She eventually had to be admitted to a private hospital and was diagnosed with cancer. An operation was done. This procedure cost RM 5,000.00 After surgery Sandy received six cycles of chemotherapy. Each cycle cost RM 2,300.00. According to her family she was always ill after the chemotherapy.

In early 2008, the cancer recurred. She underwent a second operation. This surgery cost RM 7,000.00. The histopathology report indicated an adenocarcinoma of the ovary that had spread to the caecum and omentum. No chemotherapy was indicated this time. Sandy seemed to be well after the surgery.

In February 2010, Sandy had pains again in her abdomen besides diarrhea and difficulty breathing. A CT scan on 19 February 2010, showed:

· A 2 cm enhancing area in the spleen.

· An ill defined 3 x 2 cm lesion adherent to the tail of spleen and splenic artery.

· Slight hydronephrosis and hydroureter on the left down to L5/S1.

· A lobulated 7 x 4.5 cm lesion at L5/S1 position.

· A 6.5 x 3.5 cm lesion in the left adnexa and indenting the rectosigmoid colon.

· A 3 cm lesion in the right adnexa.

Conclusion: Fatty liver with pelvic and mesenteric metastasis with obstructive left renal system. Splenic metastasis.

Sandy was asked to undergo chemotherapy but she refused. She came to seek our help on 28 February 2010. She presented with occasional diarrhea. She had winds in her stomach. She was prescribed: Capsule A, C-tea, Utero-ovary 1 and 2, GI One and T & E teas.

On 5 March 2010 – one week on the herbs, she felt good. There was no more diarrhea. The problem with stomach wind had improved.

On 2 April 2010, she reported no more pains in her lower abdomen. Before the herbs, there were pains. She felt better and stronger. Her sleep was better than before. Her stools continued to be normal. Her breathing returned to normal, before the herbs she was breathless.
When Sandy and her family first came to see us in February 2010, we recalled the mood that day was rather tense and gloomy. Sally broke into tears knowing that the cure for her cancer was rather remote. However, after some months on the herbs, she came in always smiling.

Talk by Dr Chris Teo :

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