Colon-Liver Cancer: Surgery & Chemo plus Insurance Funding Runs Dry – Yet No Cure
Posted on January 16, 2011 by cancer care
Dr Chris Teo,
My name is L from KL & I was referred by my ex-colleague that you have vast experiences in assisting cancer survivor to use alternative medicine to cure their sickness.
My Father (aged 64) is the cancer patient. He contracted Colon cancer in 2009 with the symptom of purging bloody motion & without experience, plus worry he went for a surgery to remove the contaminated part & was offered oral chemo in G Hospital in KL.
However, after 1 year treatment the cancer cell spread to his liver, again with the in-experience we went for a few Oncology suggestions – some advised to go for operation to remove part of the liver followed by chemo treatment or start straight on chemo as his age may not able to go for the operations.
Finally, we went for the chemo treatment in Hospital S. And with the Insurance coverage we were able to go for 6 cycles of chemo with Xeloda. But the cancer cell still grow in his liver & it’s now stage 4. We were advised to go for oral chemo & higher grade of chemo treatment – Avastin & Xeliri to control the spread.
We went for the chemo but after 1 cycle we have to stop it & seek for more advice as he felt the post treatment is unbearable, e.g. hair drops, no appetite, restless, etc & also financially we are not able to cope it anymore as the Insurance coverage has crossed the budget for 2010.
In view of that, we’re now seeking for alternative medicine to cure his sickness & we hope to get your attention, to seek your help – give us some brief advisc & grant us an appointment.
Thus, I’ll be Greatly Appreciated if you could grant me & my father an appointment to seek your kind assistance.
Bad move, bad advice – resulting in bad outcome! Come and see me and we will see what we can do to help you.
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