Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dr Lawrence Malone, whose letter ...

appears below, is an experience medical doctor and educator. His observation on the effect of water on his own rheumatoid joint pains show that other colleagues in the medical profession should began taking notice of the medicinal value of wter in disease prevention. Value has only value if its value is really valued.

Date December 18, 1993.

The Learning Center
Dean for Academic Affairs
Lawrence A. Malone M.D. Ph.D

Gentlemen: At 82 years of age I am still in fair shape and only regret I did not have the superb advice of Dr. Batmanghelidj and that of his books "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" and "Low Back Pain".

Br. Batman's reasoning is incisive, his medical knowledge indeed sparkles with wit and brilliant logic. His books are now a treasured possession in my library. I have used his advice for the painful arthritis I have in my hands and back and within two weeks, I have experienced considerable reduction of pain. I sleep better, I have more strength, with greater coordination and relaxation. I see life from a different point of view, where everything seem easier for me to do.

Dr Batman's books are full of common sense and truthful medical advice. His suggested treatment of disease goes to the roots, the cause of it and anyone who is fortunate enough to read them won't be disappointed with their purchase.

Lawrence A. Malone.
"A Tutorial Learning Center For College Sciences"
(Licensed by The State of Ohio)

Readers may purchase books from www.watercure.com

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