Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain (RA)

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain (#2)

Actively growing. blood cells in the bone marrow take priority over the cartilage for the available water that goes through the bone structure. In the process of dilating the blood vessels to bring more circulation to the area, it is possible that the blood vessel branch that goes through a tight hole in the bone cannot expand adequately enough to cope; the cells that depend on these vessels for an increased water and nutrient supply will thus be under a physically imposed rationing control. Under such circumstances, and unless there is blood dilution to carry more water, the serum requirements of the cartilage have to be satisfied from the blood vessels that feed the capsule of the joint. The nerve-regulated shunting mechanisms (to all the joints) also produce signals of pain. 

Initially, this pain is an indication that the joint is not fully prepared to endure pressure until it is fully hydrated. This type of pain has to be treated with a regular increase in water intake to produce some dilution of the blood that is circulating to the area until the cartilage is fully hydrated and repaired from its  base attachment to the bone -- the normal bone route of serum diffusion to the cartilage. 

The swelling and pain in the capsule of the joint is an indication that there is dilation and edema from the vessels that furnish circulation to the capsule of the joint. The joint surfaces have nerve endings that regulate all functions. When the nerve endings place a demand for more blood circulation to the area to pick up water from the serum, the compensatory vascular expansion in the capsule is supposed to make up for the inefficiency of circulation from the bone route of supply. Because dehydration in the joint surfaces will eventually cause severe damage -- to the point of making the bones surfaces bare and exposed until osteoarthritis  becomes established -- the tissue damage will trigger a mechanism for remodeling of the joint.

There are hormone-secreting cells In the capsule of the joint. When there is damage ( also from dehydration ) , the injured tissue has to be repaired.  These "local remodeling hormone" take over and restructure the joint surfaces.  It seems that they cater to the lines of  force and pressure that the joints have to endure.

Unfortunately, the repair process seems to produce deviation of the joints.  To avoid such disfigurement , one should take the initial pain seriously and pay strict attention to one's daily water intake. This initial pain should be recognized as a sign of local dehydration. If it does not disappear after a few days of increased water intake and repeated gentle bending of the joints to bring more circulation to the area, one should consult a  medical practitioner . 

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by recognizing the pain  and the non-infectious inflammation of a rheumatoid joint as a thirst signal in your body. You are probably showing other signals for water shortage in your body, but this particular site is indicating predisposition to a more severe local damage. 

If we understand the body to have difficulty in recognizing it's thirst state, it is possible that this lower state of alertness is also inheritable by a child. It is possible that dehydration in a rapidly growing child might indicate it's presence by pain felt in the joints. The mode of signal production that denotes thirst might be the same in young and older people. It is therefore recommended that juvenile arthritis also  be treated first with an increase in daily water intake. 
Those of you not familiar with water cure discovery ,may like to read from 

LOW BACK PAIN ( continue next post)


  1. I was just curious where you information comes from. I've understood RA to be an auto-immune disease. I would like to see any further information on the topic

  2. yes, you are only half correct in understanding RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) to be an auto-immune disease. Ask this : what cause auto-immune disease in the first place? Water deficit under prolonged period will affect the nervous system and inturn will cause immunity compromised state to kick in.

  3. Again, I'm not understanding the whole water scenario. I don't doubt that water is a factor, however, in order for the immune system to attack it's own self, it goes beyond water deficit. There is a condition called Leaky Gut in which larger and foreign proteins get through holes of the gut and come in contact with the immune system. Some of these foreign objects have similar structures to some cells of our own body, thus tagging our own structures as foreign and creating an auto-immune disease such as RS, Hashimotos, lupus, and even Type 1 Diabetes

  4. i came across such reasonings regarding Leaky Gut prior discovering water metabolism in body physiology. Actually when deep chronic dehydration developed in the organs cells many manifestation(signs/symptoms) had been interpreted as "immune system to attack it's own self" which is a myth. If you have a chance to read and source for the books there from (the second hand books are cheaper too) then you will begin to see those immune system were adapting to the 'drought environment' due to chronic dehydration.
