Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You are now in "the arena."

You should use your knowledge for the benefit of mankind and try to bring about the paradigm shift on water metabolism of the human body into the everyday practice of medicine.

It is now your responsibility to help your doctor become aware of the paradigm shift.

It is now your responsibility to help change the health care system to work for you and not the commercial and political aims of it's administrators.

It may become necessary to pass legislation to exclude dehydration as a causative factor in the production of disease conditions before any pharmaceutical or invasive procedures are undertaken . The evaluation of drugs for ultimate use in treatment procedures should be carried out only after patients are fully hydrated and several days have elapsed before starting the test. After all, the water used in taking a pill is immediately more effective in a dehydrated person than the chemical composition of the pill! The "placebo" effect seen in drug trials is probably the result of some corrections for the unrecognized dehydration as a first contributing primary factor (etiology) in disease production,

This paradigm change in medicine, when fully adopted and practiced, will save a large portion of the vast and unnecessary health care costs and expenditure . About 50 to 60 per cent of health care costs are probably incurred as a result of primitive errors about chronic dehydration and the associated signal systems that should be translated as the main thirst indicators of the human body.