Monday, October 10, 2011


When I discovered in 1980 that water has pain-relieving properties, even when the afflicted reach a semiconscious state of mind --- what I have called pain stupor --- it became clear to me that water was an enigma to us in the medical profession and needed to be studied. After 24 years of full-time research into the molecular physiology of dehydration --- a topic of research developed and published by me --- I still think water is an enigma that needs our focused attention in medical research. However, my findings about water so far are sufficiently mature and well reviewed that I feel safe in sharing them with scientists and the lay public. Here are some of the highlights of my findings about the relationship between dehydration and cancer formation in the body.

I first presented these findings as the guest lecturer at an international cancer conference in 1987 in Greece, and published them in the Journal of Anticancer Research in October 1987 ( Pain : A Need for Paradigm Change : Anticancer Research 7, no. 5B, Sept.- Oct. 1987, 971-990; full article posted on )

My new perspective on pain as an indicator of dehydration attracted the attention of some serious scientists in Europe. I was invited by the Scientific Secretariat of "The 3rd Interscience World Conference on Inflammation and Immune Modulators" to present my newly highlighted understanding of histamine as the primary neurotransmitter in charge of water regulation and the drought-management programs of the body. i was asked to address the attending scientists in the main auditorium of the conference in March 1989 in Monte Carlo. The Abstract of my presentation, which was published in their book of abstracts:

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