Thursday, January 19, 2012

BREAST CANCER ( firsthand experience of Lorraine Day, M.D.)

If ever a cancer story were to make you think twice about trusting the mainstream medical establishment and its offers of chemotherapy, radiation,  and surgery, it is the firsthand experience of Lorraine day, M.D., a renowned orthopedic surgeon herself,  with many years of teaching hospital experience. For 15 years she was on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine - considered among the top three medical schools in America. She was an associate professor, vice chairman of the Department of orthopedic Surgery, and chief of orthopedic surgery at San Francisco General Hospital itself, where she was involved in the training of thousands of doctors. She compares her daily routine when she was at San Francisco general with the wartime field hospital portrayed in the TV series M*A*S*H. ( click to know MASH )

Dr. Lorraine Day was a frequent lecturer at many top medical institutions in America and Europe, including the Massachusetts Medical Society and the Royal Society of Medicine in London, England -- both very prestigious centers of thought.  In short, she was considered one of mainstream medicine's most highly qualified physicians qualified enough to mold the minds of emerging doctors.  At this point in her life, and at the peak of her dizzying medical achievements, the Creator enrolled her in His own medical school and threw her into the deep waters of the unknown, as He had with me a number of years before. She developed a very fast-growing breast cancer in 1992. ( )

She immediately knew that what knowledge she had about cancer was not enough, and that the prevalent treatments she had used for her patients were not what she wanted for herself.  As she correctly says, doctors are more afraid of cancer than other diseases.  They know the treatments they offer others do not work.

Within days she realized she would die soon.  her initial small tumor, protruding through the middle of her chest from her left breast, grew to the size of a large orange in about three weeks. She could not rely on her medical colleagues at her own university to deal with her medical emergency.  Based on her obvious sanity and the information she had gathered, she did not wish to be another victim of the commerce-protected cancer treatment protocol -- she states, " I refused chemotherapy,  radiation,  and mutilating surgery because, as a medical doctor with years of experience, I saw thousands of cancer patients die, not from their cancer, but from the painful, maiming, destructive treatments we doctors give them!"

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