Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eradicate Asthma: use Watercure Formula

Hi Ms Lee Hui Chieh, Editor of MIND your BODY , on Thursday March 22, 2012 , under "Ask The Experts",page 16, one reader was "seeking cure or treatment for daughter's asthma. Question: I would like to know how asthma can be cured or kept under control . My daughter has had asthma since the age of two. She is now 23 and still need to be on medication. She also seems to fail her lung function tests, with results of 60 to 70 per cent.

Ms Lee hui Chieh, since the paper did not carry Dr Khoo Kay Leong's email address, I just have to contact you and let you know there is cure for asthma and many other diseases of dehydration (unintentional prolonged chronic dehydration ) . Check out this link and hope the readers in MIND your BODY get this simple remedy for prevention and curing asthma. The link is

Keep healthy Wealth,
with regards from

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