Monday, April 2, 2012

FOREWORD by Jordan S. Rubin, NMD, PhD

Jordan S. Rubin, NMD, PhD
New York Times bestselling author of more than 20 health and wellness books.
Host of the Extraordinary Health television program .
Founder and CEO, Garden of Life.

The Healing Code developed by Dr. Alex Loyd is a revelation to all who are desperately  searching for answers to the challenges they face in their everyday lives.

During my two-year battle with several incurable illnesses, I visited seventy experts in conventional and alternative health, desperate for a cure. After conquering my own disease through active faith in God and following natural health principals, I went on a mission to transform the health of this nation and world one life at a time. In my quest to find the most effective foundational keys to unlock the health potential of the body, soul and spirit, I have evaluated hundreds of healing modalities, most with mixed results at best.

I was introduced to The Healing Codes by a friend, and I have to admit that at first I was a bit skeptical. Once I heard and read the amazing testimonials of changed lives, and found out that The Healing Codes system was discovered after twelve(12) years of prayer, is completely in harmony with the Bible, and in steeped in science, I wanted to learn more. Shortly thereafter I had the opportunity to spend time with Dr. Alex Loyd. If I had any doubts, they were erased : Alex is a walking testimony to the system he developed.

Not only has Alex facilitated his own family's physical and emotional health breakthroughs , his compassion for those in need and willingness to help people at all costs make him unlike anyone I have ever known. Alex is one of the most contented, giving and peaceful men I have ever met. I have watched Alex Loyd and The Healing Codes dramatically improve the health of friends and family producing measurable result physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

Yet it  wasn't until I was dealing with a great personal crisis that I realized the true power that lies in The healing Codes. When facing what seemed like insurmountable odds, I worked with Alex daily for a period of forty (40) days and diligently used The Healing Codes to resolve and heal the issues of my heart, many of which I didn't know existed. During this process I was able to almost effortlessly remove painful past experiences and truly forgive those who had hurt me over the years and, more importantly , seek forgiveness on behalf of those I had hurt. I experienced yet another God given miracle in my life in body, soul and spirit, and I owe much gratitude to Dr. Alex Loyd and The Healing Codes.

This book is based on that system and gives you the essence of what makes it work. With The Healing Code ,  you have so much more than a just a book. Right  now you hold in your hands the key to unlock your own God given health potential.

If you utilize the tools in The Healing Code, you can achieve true forgiveness, banish wrong beliefs and heal the physical disease in your life. Yet as powerful as The Healing Code principles are, they won't work by themselves. You must diligently practice the Healing Code techniques and use the tools, such as the Heart Issues Finder. I urge you to take the time to develop your personalized Healing Code program using the tools inside, you'll amazed at the quick and effective "Instant Impact" technique that takes 10 seconds to eliminate stress, negative emotions, and increase energy for the day. but it won't do you any good unless you use it when you need it !

Today in the world, we hear a great deal about health REFORM. If you utilize the powerful tools available to you in The Healing Code, you will see your health and life TRANSFORM from the inside out.

I have benefited greatly from the revelation and wisdom I've received from Dr. Alex Loyd. Now it's time for you to begin your own journey to extraordinary health with The Healing Code.








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