Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS™) - Natural treatment

Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS™) - Natural treatment for autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia

Did your child have normal development in the first year of life, and then in the second year became autistic, hyperactive, defiant, oppositional, aggressive, obsessive, compulsive or developed other abnormal behaviours?

Did your baby suffer from colic, loose stools, constipation, eczema, asthma, ear infections or chest infections treated with antibiotics?

Did you or your child have digestive problems and allergies, was a fussy eater, then in late teens become anorexic or bulimic?

Did you or your child suffer from tummy aches, dyslexia, dyspraxia, was anaemic or vegetarian, and then developed psychotic episodes and was diagnosed with schizophrenia?

Did you or your child have urinary infections or acne, treated with numerous courses of antibiotics, and then developed bloating, abdominal pain and was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

Has your baby been diagnosed with Failure To Thrive?

Were you not breast fed as a baby and were prone to colds and infections, and then developed an OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)?

Did you have food allergies / intolerances, painful or irregular menstruations accompanied by migraines, and then developed depression?

Do you suffer from chronic cystitis, mood swings, anxiety, poor memory, difficulties to concentrate, are underweight and just cannot put any weight on?

Do you suffer from Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or any other digestive disorder?

If any of these situations apply to you or your family then you have come to the right place! You need to learn about
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAP Syndrome or GAPS)™ is a condition which establishes a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the brain. This term was created by Dr Natasha Campbell–McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (human nutrition) in 2004 after working with hundreds of children and adults with neurological and psychiatric conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD⁄ADD), schizophrenia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, obsessive –compulsive disorder, bi-polar disorder and other neuro-psychological and psychiatric problems.
To learn about Gut and Psychology Syndrome, how it develops and how to treat it effectively with a sound nutritional protocol please read Dr Campbell–McBride's book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome. Natural treatment for autism, ADHD⁄ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia".
To gain an initial understanding on GAPS, please read the article What is Gaps by Dr Campbell–McBride.

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