Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Healing Codes makes a BIG Difference ...

“Within the few weeks I’ve been working with The Healing Codes, I’ve changed, now feeling free to talk to people and express my own opinion. That might sound insignificant for some, but for me it is a big step.
I’ve dealt with an abandonment issue all my life, always worrying that if I say something, others might not like it and leave me, ignore me, or just not hear or see me—a fear of being invisible to others. Healing this belief makes a big difference in my daily life.”
~~ Therese

Good to Share Healthy Wealth  Empowering Network

 1. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4665571

2. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4677940

3. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4677942

4. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4677831

5. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4665597

6. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?af=1443377

7. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4665576

8.  http://thehealingcodes.com/success-stories/

Major Challenge
I’ve had the Codes for 5 months now. When I got them I was in pretty bad shape. Very quickly my energy came back, and I think the major challenge I had is over. Thank you. I applaud you guys. It was like a rocket ship taking off. I was looking like a scarecrow, a skeleton. I had lost 40 pounds and now I’ve put it back on. My condition started to change immediately. It was just phenomenal. I had a great coach. She was wonderful. I’m really happy with your system This energy healing and The Healing Codes – an interesting concept. Once you’re in it you become something of a zealot. I am absolutely hooked, I’ve got to tell you. I feel great. I’m doing the Codes. There is a feeling of peace, joy and happiness. I’m getting up in the morning and I’m smiling. I’m laughing. I feel great. I want to just share this with everybody. ~~ Robert

Breast Cancer
“I was diagnosed 11 months ago with breast cancer for the second time. I started The Healing Codes right after diagnosis, and today I am 98% healed from live cancer cells.
“To start at the beginning, eight years ago I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer, and I had a double mastectomy and did every form of chemical treatment. I was supposedly healed by these treatments, but I knew had cancer because of my emotions, and the chemo didn’t touch them at all. The chances of the cancer coming back were about 6% which is nothing, but apparently the chemo did not work.
“So this time I am concentrating on the emotional side. I went to Dr. Alex, and he said, “Just do The Healing Codes and don’t ask any questions!” (Dr. Loyd knew how Jeff and I have to know exactly why we do something and how it works.) The next morning, I was lying in bed and working on some issues with The Healing Codes like Dr. Alex had showed me. I had no idea what I was doing, but I did it anyway, and I felt this unbelievable breathing through my chest. I was always a shallow breather, and this was the first time in at least 15 years that I took a breath and felt it go all the way through my chest. I could never take a deep breath, in spite of the fact that I taught aerobics for 14 years and was in really good shape. This breathing problem was a huge issue in my life, but within 24 hours The Healing Codes released some emotional issues that let me breathe all the way through. I felt like a little kid – it was just the most unbelievable thing. Even my children were saying, “You’re so giddy!” I called Jeff because he was out of town, and the first thing he said when he returned from his trip was, “Let me hear you breathe.”
“I believe that when the breathing problem healed, it was the start of healing my cancer. I felt better than I had EVER felt! Now 10 or 11 months later the tests show the cancer is 98% healed from a physical standpoint, and I feel good. For a number of months I went though some significant physical pain but for the last three weeks have been pretty much pain free. I had a number of healing responses as toxins were coming out of my body, but I plowed on through and just dealt with it. I prayed a lot!
“I don’t know anyone else who goes as far with natural foods, exercise, etc., but the reason I was in this situation was emotional. The Healing Codes freed me from all the emotional baggage that I didn’t know I had. A holistic chiropractor I had seen for years was shocked when I was diagnosed with cancer again. From his standpoint there was not one organ down, there was no switching – I didn’t have any physical problems! He knew that emotionally there must be something going on, so he sent me for hypnotherapy, but that just wasn’t my thing. With The Healing Codes it’s really cool–you can do it anytime you want to through the day. You don’t have to set an appointment or go anywhere. You are healing yourself and it’s really great!
“I’ve learned so much through the first and second cancers. God is so amazing and strong, and if you give him your heart he can do anything. Cancer is nothing. I thought my life was close to perfect, but I didn’t know how to handle stress. The Healing Codes helped me give things to God to be healed.”
~~ Jill
Good to Share Healthy Wealth  Empowering Network

 1. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4665571

2. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4677940

3. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4677942

4. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4677831

5. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4665597

6. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?af=1443377

7. http://www.thehealingcodes.com/cmd.php?Clk=4665576

8.  http://thehealingcodes.com/success-stories/

Skin Lesion, Back Pain, Excess Mucus, Confidence, Weight Loss
“I started The Healing Codes on Aug. 19th, working on a skin lesion on my temple.
Sept 6th – Had a flashback to a time when I felt unappreciated. I thought I had cleared this more than 10 yrs ago. I kinda re-lived that same feeling for a couple of days (but didn’t make a connection to The Healing Codes).
“Lesion improving. (no longer ‘weeping’)
“Sept 8th – I’ve had lower back discomfort for 3-4 days . . . drank fresh veggie juice this morning and had copper colored pee (detoxing) this evening. I drink veggie juice often and it hasn’t turned my pee red for a long time.
“(Back pain started going away at this point)
“Sept 9th – AHA! Made the connection to feeling unappreciated with The Healing Codes and found the earliest time I felt unappreciated.
“(Returned to my normal positive/upbeat self.)
“Sept 12th – Started working with my THC coach. She helped me pick ‘excess mucus’ as the new area to work on.
“(my holistic chiropractor had told me this was a problem)
“Sept 24th – THC coach helped me target some major conflict in my thinking and gave me a new Code.
“Sept 27th – I woke up this morning and the conflict was gone. I’ve worked on this and on ‘confidence in my abilities’ for 15 years with Hypnotherapy, NLP and Time-line Therapy (I have master certification in each). Some progress was made, but when I woke up this morning I ‘knew’ it was gone and I felt a new sense of confidence.
“I continued doing the Code sometimes for 45-60 min at a time with no major changes until all food cravings disappeared about Oct. 13th.
“Oct. 17th – attended a week long conference sponsored by my church. Each year we put together an impromptu Choir. This year for the first time there was no lead soprano. All 6 of us were used to following. I surprised myself by moving to the center of the section and becoming the leader of the group. There was no nervousness. I felt totally comfortable and confident.
“I also sang a solo for the talent show and was totally at ease.
“Just over a year ago I did a ‘Tapping’ technique to eliminate my phobia that someone would hear me sing. It helped a lot and the benefits stayed, but at last year’s talent show I still had to deal with ‘dry mouth’ when I did my solo.
“I’ve lost 10 lbs. since starting the Healing Codes . . . only 90 more to go.
“We are now working to shrink away a large lump on my husband’s upper arm. It has shrunk a little.
“My lesion is greatly improved but not completely gone yet.
“Oct. 20th – About a week ago all food cravings TOTALLY disappeared!!! At first I thought it was a result of being careful about my diet . . . no food additives, all organic, etc. for the last yr . . . then I realized that for the first time in my WHOLE LIFE the cravings are GONE! I remember specific instances at age 5 or 6 not wanting to stop eating as long as there was food in front of me. . . and knowing I wasn’t hungry (because my mom pointed that out).
“This is SO Exciting! ! ! ! !
“I’ve continued doing the last Custom Code my coach gave me along with the standard Joy Code for skin. Thank you so much for your help.”
~~ Charlotte L.

P.S. Learn Here Now and Discover yourself ....

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