Saturday, April 21, 2012

Invitation to Readers

Let us lobby together and ask the reporters and Health Officer(s) to begin the evaluation of the statements dictated by the new paradigm that recognizes the regulatory and reactive hydrolytic functions of water in the human body. Under the new paradigm, you can rest assured, the practice of medicine will become a much gentler preventive, as well as curative, physiological approach to early disease emergence, before the damage is done.
We are most interested in hearing your reactions to this blog, and about success or relief you may  achieve by following the suggestions and exercises presented herein.
If you follow the program and recommendations and do not experience relief, we would like to hear about that as well. The comments of physicians and other health-care professionals will be  particularly appreciated.
Please send comments, reactions, and suggestions to : 
Back Pain,P.O. Box 3189,Falls Church, Virginia 22043 USA.
All responses will be held in strictest confidence. 
In 1983, the Foundation for the Simple in Medicine, a charitable medical research (think tank) foundation, was founded to establish grounds for a change in the present fundamental understanding of the basis on which all human applied research has been done. The present basic assumption in practice of medicine (paradigm) is that it is the physico-chemical properties of ions ( "i-ons" are the purest form of the basic elements, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.) that regulate the water intake of the body, and that the substance we call " water," the solvent of the human body, performs a passive role to these basic elements and everything else that is dissolved in the same solvent.
Why? Because early in research, it was recognized that solutes ( substances that are dissolved in the body fluids) are highly reactive substances. Clinical experience(**) has shown that this assumption can not be complete, because the body can become dehydrated as we progress in age. The Foundation holds the opinion that since the sensor regulators to ion exchanges that regulate the water movement in the body are proteins, and proteins by nature are obedient in the presence of water, the more 'free water' there is around them, the more efficiently these proteins function. It therefore follows that it must be water that ultimately regulates its own intake. 
Clinically, this view can be validated by the fact that people who do not acknowledge thirst even though dehydrated, after a few days of regulating their water intake on a "forced voluntary" basis will rediscover their thirst sensation - their body's craving for water. The Foundation is making another statement which follows the logic of the previous view : Since all functions of the human body are water-dependent, let us revise our approach to medical treatment  procedures; let us recognize a primary water regulatory role for the neurotransmitter systems that have been recognized to be involved in the water intake mechanisms of the body. In the medical conditions where these systems are being chemically manipulated to make the patient "better," let us try to satisfy the natural urge of these systems for water before  there is any chemical  interference with their systems' other natural emergency regulatory functions.
 The systems recognized for water regulation of the body are : 1.serotonergic( regulates the calcium movement of the cell, and pain registration among many other functions),
2.histaminergic  (regulates cat-ions - cations are the basic elements that carry a positive electric charge - exchange in the cell, also recognized  in many other functions, induction of pain and allergy) , and 
3.renin-angiotensin (stimulated into activity by the two previous systems independently and possibly simultaneously, manipulated in hypertension).
23. Thirst and Osmoregulation in the Elderly, Editorial: pp.1017-1018, Lancet, November 3, 1984.
24. Streen, B.; Lundgren, B.K.; Isaksson, B. ; Body water in the Elderly; p.101, Lancet, Jan.12, 1985.
25. Phillips, P.A.; Rolls, B.J.; Ledingham, J.G.C.; Mary L. Forsling; James J. MortonJ. Crowe, and Leopold Wollner; Reduced Thirst After Deprivation in Healthy Elderly Men, New England Journal of Medicine, pp.753-759, 1984.
26. Bruce, A.; Anderson, M.; Arvidsson, B. and Isaksson, B.; Body Water Compsition. Prediction of Normal Body Potassium, Body Water Body Fat in Adults on the Basis of Body Height, Body Weight and Age : Scand,. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 40-461-473, 1980.
2. Batmanghelidj, F.; Peptic Ulcer Disease; A Natural Method for Prevention and Treatment; The Journal of the Iranian Medical Council, Vol.6, No.4,pp. 280-282, September 1982.
3. Batmanghelidj, F.; A New and Natural Method of Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Disease, J.Clin. Gastroenterology, 5: 203-205, 1983.
6. Batmanghelidj, F.; Pain; A Need for Paradigm Change, Anticancer Research, Vol.7, No.5B,pp. 971-990, Sept-Oct 1987.
9. Batmanghelidj, F. ; Neurotransmitter Histamine: an Alternate Viewpoint; 3rd Interscience World Conference on Inflammation, Anti Rheumatics, Analgesics, immunomodulators; Book of Abstracts page 37(A137), Monte Carlo 15-18-March 1989; Also, Sci Med Simplified ( the full article - a Foundation for the Simple in Medicine publication). Vol.1, pp. 7-39, April 1990.,+Editorial:+pp.1017-1018,+Lancet,+November+3,+1984.&source=bl&ots=072jX-Oryl&sig=bKBBU8KiGexJoczo-d6L9oESmI8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=E7-ST_7gMIPjrAfcuNH_BA&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Thirst%20and%20Osmoregulation%20in%20the%20Elderly%2C%20Editorial%3A%20pp.1017-1018%2C%20Lancet%2C%20November%203%2C%201984.&f=false



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