Saturday, April 14, 2012

Obesity, Cancer, Depression: Their Common Cause & Natural Cure.

A Letter from the Publisher:

Dear Friend,

It is with great pride that I inform you of Dr. Batmanghelidj's new book: Obesity, Cancer, Depression: Their Common Cause & Natural Cure. My beloved late husband, Fereydoon Batmanghelidj M.D., devoted the last two decades of his life to researching the health value of water in preventing and treating diseases. He worked tirelessly to promote public awareness of the healing power of water. He finished this book a month before he passed away from complications of pneumonia on November 15, 2004.

Dr. B. wrote his first groundbreaking self-help book Your Body's Many Cries for Water in 1992. His pioneering work of the water cure has become a part of the powerful movement of natural healing. Dr. B.'s message, You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty; Don't Treat Thirst With Medication, has reached millions and continues to inspire his readers all over the world.

This book, the result of 24 years of research, is the sixth of You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty Series. It looks at the conditions of obesity, cancer and depression through a new physiological perspective. It provides new knowledge and new possibilities for improving and maintaining good health that the public need and deserve to know.

Dr. B.'s contribution to the science of medicine and natural health will live on. I, and Global Health Solutions Publishing, pledge to continue Dr. B.'s work with the same passion and conviction.

This book is a tribute to Dr. B. and his tireless efforts to transform our commerce-driven medical system to a people-friendly, natural one. I invite you to get this book, learn more about the water cure and share it with your family and friends. I encourage you to join us in spreading the word about the healing powers of water.

With our deepest gratitude and thanks,

Xiaopo H. Batmanghelidj

Publisher, Global Health Solutions, Inc. 

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