Friday, May 25, 2012

CERVICAL CANCER: Be careful about promoting vaccination

THE Singapore Paediatric Society's call for a nationwide vaccination project against cervical cancer must be considered carefully.

Cervical cancer is Singapore's seventh-most common cancer.

 Drastic declines in the number of new cases detected and its mortality rates are due to the easy availability of Pap smear screenings.

Pap smears, only for women who have sex, are pivotal in reducing cervical cancer.

The cancer grows, slowly, typically taking seven to 10 years to develop, and is mainly caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) , which is transmitted only through sexual intercourse.

Most HPV infections clear naturally but 5 per cent turn into cervical cancer.

There are more than 20 types of HVP that cause cervical cancer, of which the vaccines protect against two that cause 70 per cent of the cancer.

The vaccines cost between S$450 and S$600, compared to other compulsory vaccines for children that cost S$10 to S$20 each.

So a national programme to vaccinate 180,000 girls aged 10 to 14 will be expensive (S$81 million and S$108 million) and the question of cost-effectiveness arises.

The vaccines' efficacy period is also unknown, but scientists have determined it to be no more than 6.4 years; not enough to cover the recommended 17 years from age nine to 26. Hence, vaccination will only postpone, not prevent, the cancer.

The vaccines' ability to prevent new cases is lower than the Pap smear's.
The vaccines do not protect against the remaining HPV types, leaving a 30 per cent chance of being exposed to the cancer.

The Singapore Healthy Ministry should track possible adverse effects because reports from monitoring centres WARN of serious and fatal effects on young Americans. Pap smears should not be relegated because they are not limited by a period of effectiveness, incur the lower rate of new cases and are safe. They are effective and cheap at S$15 to S$40 each time. 

The Singapore Cancer Society even offers free Pap smears. So it may be more cost-effective to spend on increasing the awareness and use of Pap smears .

To reduce cervical cancer, information about all methods of prevention must be offered.
Public education must emphasise the role of sexual abstinence and sexually transmitted diseases, and explain the importance of Pap smears even after resorting to HPV vaccinations. Only then should the role of HPV vaccinations be explained.

Otherwise, parents, girls and young women may be lulled into a false sense of security and inadvertently reverse the cancer's declining trend. --Edmund Leong ,The Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Cancer Society.

Cancer Statistics

Top 10 cancers affecting Singapore men
Site Ranking No.
Colo-rectum 1 4456
Lung 2 4062
Prostate 3 2860
Liver 4 1897
Stomach 5 1579
Skin (including Melanoma) 6 1404
Lymphoma 7 1247
Nasopharynx 8 1158
Kidney & Other Urinary 9 821
Bladder 10 759

Top 10 cancers affecting Singapore women

Site Ranking No.
Breast 1 7781
Colo-rectum 2 3750
Lung 3 2057
Corpus Uteri 4 1574
Ovary 5 1455
Skin (including Melanoma) 6 1136
Stomach 7 1113
Cervix Uteri 8 993
Lymphoma 9 960
Thyroid 10 808

Singapore Cancer Registry, Interim Report
(Trends In Cancer Incidence In Singapore 2006-2010)
 (NaturalNews) Several doctors and women's groups in India are
lambasting advertisements puts out by drug giants GlaxoSmithKline
(GSK) and Merck for their human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine.
Objecting to the claims being made that the vaccine protects against
cervical cancer, The Sama Resource Centre for Women and Health,
Saheli Women's Resource Centre, and a group of doctors are
sounding the alarm that the ads are misleading and inaccurate.

Marketed in the United States as Gardasil, the HPV vaccine is
being touted by its manufacturers as the greatest thing since
sliced bread as far as preventing cervical cancer. Even in India,
the marketing campaign for the vaccine has been so successful
that pediatricians all over the country are urging parents to have
their adolescent daughters vaccinated.

Budev Chandra Das, a professor of biomedical research at
Delhi University, and Dr. Sidharth Sahni, a surgical oncology
 consultant at Artemis Health Institute, have both been questioning
the legitimacy of the vaccine, noting that there are many different
types of HPV that the vaccine does not prevent and that there are
other conditions that cause cervical cancer besides HPV.

The vaccine is allegedly only effective on young girls who have
never had sex, another important piece of information that doctors
and researchers are saying GSK and Merck have failed to effectively
communicate. Rather than divulge the truth of the matter, the two
drug companies seem only to be interested in convincing as many
people as possible to get the vaccine.

Vani Subramaniam from the Saheli Women's Resource Centre also
pointed out that the drug giants have concealed the truth about the
many horrific side effects caused by the vaccine. Merck's public list
of Gardasil's side effects include headache, fever, vomiting, fainting,
breathing problems, seizures, chronic fatigue, chest pains, and
stomach pain, just to name a few.

Many young women and girls in the U.S. have developed severe,
debilitating conditions after receiving their Gardasil shots. Aside
from the known side effects, some girls have become paralyzed
while others have developed chronic illness that has left them unable
to function properly. Many girls have actually died from receiving
Gardasil shots.

The harm caused by Gardasil is obscene, leaving one to wonder
how such a dangerous product can continue to be marketed and
sold legally with no repercussions on the villains who are
perpetrating it on the public. Not only is the vaccine a failure at
accomplishing its stated purpose, but it continues to destroy the
lives of the next generation of young girls who receive it.

Sources for this story include:

Learn more: 

Cervical cancer vaccine news,

 articles and information:

Merck's cervical cancer vaccine ads are inaccurate and misleading

3/3/2010 - Several doctors and women's groups in India are
lambasting advertisements puts out by drug giants GlaxoSmithKline
(GSK) and Merck for their human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine.
Objecting to the claims being made that the vaccine protects against
cervical cancer, The Sama Resource Centre for Women and...

The Cervical Cancer Vaccine may Not Work, but Broccoli Does

11/12/2009 - Gardasil, a vaccine designed to prevent cervical
cancer in women, has recently been the target of debate about
its safety and efficacy. While young girls have been dying and
key researchers are saying the vaccine doesn't work, there are
dozens of studies using natural compounds in broccoli that DO

Top researcher who worked on cervical cancer vaccine warns about its dangers

10/8/2009 - One of the key researchers involved in the
clinical trials for both Gardasil and Cevarix cervical cancer
vaccines has gone public with warnings about their safety
and effectiveness. This highly unusual warning against these
 vaccines by one of Big Pharma's own researchers surfaced
in an exclusive interview...

Cervical cancer vaccine continues killing young girls like Natalie Morton; is pathology report a pharma cover-up? (opinion)

10/2/2009 - Natalie Morton is dead. One week ago, she was
an energetic and lively 14-year-old student who was just
following doctor's orders. Like all her other classmates, she
believed she was dutifully protecting her health by submitting
to a cervical cancer vaccine jab. But a few minutes after receiving

Cervical Cancer Vaccine Shots Cause Intense Pain; Girls Fainting

8/1/2008 - Merck's human papillomavirus (HPV)
vaccine Gardasil is gaining a reputation as the most
painful childhood shot, and has led to a surge in the
rate of people fainting from vaccinations. Gardasil
protects against the two strains of HPV that are
responsible for 70 percent of cervical cancer cases and...

Concept-related articles:

cervical cancer:
cancer vaccine:
side effects:

Learn more: cervical cancer vaccine news and articles

Story 4: Cervical Cancer -- When There Is No War!

Vaty (T-755, not real name) is a 71-year old female. About ten 
years ago, Vaty had her right thyroid removed and eight months 
ago, her left thyroid was removed due to the presence of a 
nodule. According to the doctor these were not cancerous.

Some time in February 2008, Vaty had frequent urination but 
she passed out only a little amount of urine. Sometimes there 
was blood in her urine. Vaty felt dizzy, her stomach felt full and 
heavy. Everything in her mouth tasted bitter. She went for an 
examination at a private hospital.

CT Urography and CT scan of her abdomen and pelvis in 3 March 
2008 indicated an enlarged and irregular cervix in keeping with 
a cervical mass. The cervical mass extends into the right side 
of the urinary bladder, producing an irregular mass which 
obstructs the right vesicoureteric junction and results in right 
hydronephrosis. Two masses were seen in the omentum in the 
right side of the abdomen measuring approximately 3-4 cm each.  
These represent metastases. There are also pelvic and 
para-aortic lymphadenopathy.

Vaty was told to have two stents (internal drainage tubes) 
inserted into her ureters to facilitate her urine flow (note: 
 ureters are ducts that carry urine from the kidneys to the  
urinary bladder). However, the doctor was unable to insert 
these stents due to the blockage by the tumour. Vanty was 
then referred to another surgeon who did a biopsy of her 
tumour.  The cervical punch biopsies confirmed clinical 
diagnosis of the cancer of the cervix. The surgeon told 
the family members that there was no hope and the patient 
would die soon. Vanty was advised to undergo palliative 
chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 
However, these treatments would not do much for her either. 
Vaty declined further medical intervention and her children 
(daughters and sons) came to seek our help on 7 March 2008.

On 23 March 2008, Vaty’s two sons told us in greater detail 
what had happened during their encounter with the doctors 
at the hospital.

Chris: What did the doctors tell you when you brought your 
mother to see them?
Son: For the first visit, I was not there. My two sisters went 
with my mother to the hospital. At first we thought it was a 
urinary problem. So we went to see a urologist, Dr. A. After 
doing some tests, Dr. A said: I really don’t know what is wrong. 
 But he said that the right kidney was swollen. Dr. A referred my 
mother to see Dr. B for further management. Based on his clinical 
observations, Dr. B straight away told my sisters that my mother 
has cancer and it is at an advanced stage. There is nothing that 
can be done. No chance at all. Dr. B advised that my mother be 
admitted for a biopsy.

Chris: Why did he want to do a biopsy when he already said that
it was an advanced stage cancer?
Son: This was because the right kidney was swollen and Dr. A 
wanted to insert the stents into the ureters . So Dr. B could also 
do the biopsy at the same time. He wanted to confirm if the tumor
is malignant or not.

Chris: Did Dr. A manage to install the stents?
Son:  No, the ducts were blocked by the growth.

Chris: At that time, was your mother able to urinate?
Son:  Yes but after each urination, she felt that not all the 
content was discharged. Otherwise she was normal.

Chris: Why did the doctor want to put the stent then? Anyway, 
was Dr. B able to do the biopsy?
Son: Yes. The biopsy was done. I was there in the hospital. The 
doctor performed the blood tests, ECG and had the scans done.
Dr. B said all the tests gave normal results.  Dr. B told me that 
my mother has advanced stage cancer (even before seeing the 
biopsy result) and I have to send her for chemotherapy and 
radiotherapy. It she does not go for these treatments, the growth 
will block the kidneys and my mother will not be able to urinate. 
She will go into a comatose stage and die. This can happen 
within the next few weeks.

Chris: What? Die with the next few weeks?
Son: Yes, that was what the doctor said.

Chris: But your mother was still able to urinate you said.
Son:  Dr. B said there will be a blockage later as the tumor 
grows. I asked him what are we supposed to do now? 
Dr. B replied:  Nothing – only chemotherapy and 
Then I asked:What are the chances?  
He replied: No chance – radiotherapy and 
chemotherapy would not help.

Chris: That being the case, why did the doctor want your 
mother to go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy?
Son: The doctor said the treatment can make her urinate 
and she would not be in pain. This would prevent her going 
into coma. It she doesn’t go for chemotherapy and 
radiotherapy, she will die within the next few weeks.

Chris: What was your reaction after hearing all these?
Son: I told Dr. B I would go back home and discuss the matter 
with my family. I then left. (Note: The family decided to seek 
our help and Vaty was started on herbs.) After I came to 
see you, I went back to see Dr. B again. The main purpose 
was to get the biopsy result. I told Dr. B that we had decided 
not to go for chemotherapy or radiotherapy. I told him: We 
have gone to see Dr. Chris and we have started giving my 
mother his herbs. Dr. B immediately said: No, no, the herbs 
wouldn’t work.

Chris: Was he angry when you said you were going for herbs?
Son: No, but he straight away said that it definitely wouldn’t 
help. He insisted that my mother go for chemotherapy and
 radiotherapy. Actually I sensed that he was a bit annoyed 
with me. He said: Bring your brother and sisters here and 
I’ll explain to them. I countered by saying: You said 
radiotherapy and chemotherapy wouldn’t work either. 
Furthermore, people say that these treatments would be 
painful and have side effects. Dr. B replied: No, no, there 
would be no pain at all. I replied: My mother is already 
71 years old.  The doctors still insisted that my mother go 
for chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Though these 
treatments wouldn’t help, Dr. B said: It is better to do 
the treatment.
Second son: It does not make any sense at all.

How Doctor’s Comments Affect Patients 
Their Family Members

Chris: Just tell me honestly, right from your heart, how do 
you feel about the comments made by Dr. B?
Son:  I was very depressed and at the same time very angry.
 You know, the way he put it is very depressing. The way he 
delivered the message – whether my mother is going to do 
chemotherapy or not, she is doing to die. He used the word 
die, die, die so many times and he had no concern at all how 
this word affected me. For him, my mother is just another 

Chris:  Why were you angry?
Son:  In my work, I have encountered many doctors,
 especially the pediatricians – they showed so much concern 
for the children, but this guy (Dr.B), he had no compassion at 
In five minutes he used the word die, die, die so many times. 
I was really angry and told myself, it was lucky that I did not 
bring my mother along when I came to see him. Just imagine 
how my mother would feel if she was to hear all these from 
the doctor.
Second son: When we came to see you, the way you talked 
to us, made us so very confident. That is what a doctor 
should be.

Comments:  God was wise when He gave man the liberty to 
do whatever man wants. God only kept to Himself the 
prerogative to determine when and how man would die. 
Unfortunately, in spite of that, some men still play God.

Let me highlight some points for you to ponder on.
1. According to the doctor, without chemo-radiation, 
Vaty will go into coma within a few weeks based on the
idea that the urinary tubes will be blocked by the tumour.  
 The question is: what if the tubes are not blocked?  
According to the doctor this is going to happen within a 
few weeks. What does a “few weeks” means? As of this 
writing (more than two weeks), Vaty is still able to urinate.  
 Are we to imagine that in the next two weeks Vaty is 
going to pass off slowly?

2.  Whether Vaty undergoes chemo-radiation or not, the 
treatment would not alter the prognosis. Vaty is going to die.
That being said, what is the use of insisting that Vaty go for 
such treatments then? According to the doctor, it is better
to do it. Would you want to ask: What is so better about it? 
 Or is it just because the textbook says so – when you have 
cancer you must do go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy! 

3.  Dr. B said there would be no pain or side effects when 
this 71-year old Vaty undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Do you believe him? 

4.  In our latest book: Cancer Why They Live, we wrote 
about perceived unhappiness of patients towards their doctors. 
 Doctors behaved in such a manner that patients and their 
family members felt disappointed and even betrayed. 
Vaty’s son felt the same way. Can you figure out why Dr. B 
was insisting that Vaty is going to die? All of us know that 
doctors are no gods and there is that much anyone can do.
But why is there a need to be so insensitive? Even in the 
face of imminent death, good words would go a long way 
to comfort the unfortunate. Why can’t doctors be gentle 
and more compassionate towards their patients? Patients 
come to them with full faith and trust. Whatever help and 
reassurance given would go a long way to comfort them. 
Why keep on insisting that she is going to die? 

5.  When Vaty first came to see us she presented with 
“cutting” pain in the right abdomen, poor appetite and being 
unable to sleep. She felt tired when climbing the stairs. She 
 felt breathless and wheezed. She had stomach discomforts 
due to wind and she burped a lot. She felt like vomiting and 
that something was stuck in her throat. There was some 
bleeding and she had bitter taste in her mouth. 

6.  After two weeks on the herbs, Vaty felt better. Her 
burping was less. Her appetite improved and she was able 
to sleep well. She was not breathless anymore and there 
was less wheezing. Her bleeding had stopped after taking 
the Pain Tea for two days. There were no more pain in her
 legs and no more backaches. The numbness that she felt 
earlier was also gone after a week on the herbs. The feeling 
of tightness in her throat was better.  In short, Vaty’s health
 had improved after taking the herbs. Are we going to imagine 
and say that within the next few weeks Vaty is going to go 
 into coma? 

7.  Vaty’s sons and daughters brought their mother to see 
us with good reason. One of  Vaty’s son is a friend of 
Nathan’s son (who came to see us about his father’s bone 
cancer in December 1999). Nathan and his family was told 
by his oncologist to get his papers in order because he only 
had six months to live. Nathan was on morphine every four 
hours and was not even able to lie down to sleep. Two weeks 
on the herbs, Nathan was able to walk to our centre. It has 
been eight years now and Nathan is well (or medically they 
say he is CURED!). He is able to lead a normal life. While we 
cannot guarantee that Vaty is going to be like Nathan, there 
is, however, a sense of hope when she was brought to see 
us.  On our part, we have seen many, many people being 
blessed like Nathan! So we never give up hope for 
such people! 

8.  After the herbs, Vaty felt better. To me and also to the 
rest of the family, we understand what that means. One of 
Vaty’s son said: I work in Kuala Lumpur and every week I 
come back to see my mother. I could see the difference in 
my mother’s face. She is getting better. And getting better 
 is all that matters. Vaty can once again begin to lead a 
normal life – for a while or for a much longer time (hopefully 
more than a few weeks!). NO, the doctors would scream –  
feeling better is not scientific! It is not a cure. I agree! In 
order not to mislead anyone, I have told Vaty’s  family
 members: Even if she is feeling better, it does not mean 
that the cancer is cured. The cancer is still there. But 
under the circumstances that we are in, what choice do we 
have? Would going for chemo-radiation be a better choice? 
Would enduring the toxic side-effects of chemo-radiation be 
a better option than taking herbs? 

9. Family members of most cancer patients fully agree with 
me that what matters most is their loved one does not 
suffer while still alive. So to be able to eat well, sleep well 
and move about, are all that they would hope for. And they 
would be happy and grateful for that. All of us eventually die. 
So death is not a consideration. We always remind patients 
that we cannot win our battle against death. We have to 
accept death as a natural process with grace.  But the 
die-hard medical view is different. Die-hard doctors want to 
 conquer death or postpone death if they can and by any 
means. These die-hards believe that their medicine and their 
technology can do that. Often they fail miserably when it 
comes to cancer.
For more reports on cancer, click  

Cervical Cancer FAQ

You Can Give Me Anything Except Chemo or 


Yin was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix in 1999. This was 
followed by an operation. Since everything was clean, no 
further treatment was indicated. Barely four years later, in 
August 2003, Yin suffered severe pains in her backbone. 
Consultation with three oncologists yielded the same opinion – 
Go for chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  These would not 
cure her. The prognosis by these cancer experts was six 
 months to live! Yin said she would rather die than undergo 
chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She took herbs and lived!

Surgery and Radiotherapy Did Not Cure Cervical 

Cancer: Recurrence After Twelve Years

An Tee was fifty-five years old when she was diagnosed with 
cervical cancer. This was in 1996.She underwent surgery to 
remove the cancer and this was followed by twelve external-
radiation treatments. In addition, she received internal-
radiation treatment. Ten years after this “apparent cure” An 
Tee started to cough. Her doctor did not consider anything 
amiss and she was told everything was alright. In August 
2006, i.e., twelve years after her diagnosis, An Tee was told 
that her kidney was not functioning well. A CT scan of the 
chest indicated both lungs were studded with numerous 
nodular lesions.

To Undergo or Not to Undergo Radiotherapy / 


A 64-year-old Indonesian was diagnosed with cancer of the 
cervix, Stage 2A. She received radiation treatment and 
chemotherapy. The cancer recurred a year after completion 
of the treatments. Patient died 1 year 8 months after 
diagnosis. A 73-year-old lady from Penang was also 
diagnosed with cancer of cervix Stage 2A. She declined 
medical treatment and was only on herbs. Two years and 
4 months later she was still doing well.

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