7 Trivia Facts About Polio
By Jeffry John Aufderheide | June 3rd, 2012 | Category: Jeffry John Aufderheide, Top Stories | No Comments »It’s called the “Gold Standard of Medicine.”
I’m referring to the current vaccine schedule. But is there an apparent hidden catch? Can justification for the aggressive vaccine schedule arguably be traced back to the polio vaccine that is trotted out as proof vaccines work?
If you don’t believe me, question any parent on vaccines. The knee-jerk question in almost every case is, “What about polio?”
Well, what about it? Here I discuss 7 trivia facts for VacTruth.com readers to investigate further about polio and question the motives of those who would profit from vaccines and disease.
Trivia Fact #1 – Chemicals Used in Pesticides Increased Your Chance for Viral Infections
During World War II and into the 1950s, massive amounts of pesticides, such as DDT, heptachlor, dieldrin, TEPP, malathion, were sprayed on crops eaten by humans and livestock.Any connection to the chemicals used in spraying the pesticide formulations and polio epidemic are regularly denied. However, the chemicals used in spraying pesticides were found to increase viral infections in hosts.[1,2]
Researcher Janis Gabliks noted in the study titled, Studies of Biologically Active Agents in Cells and Tissue Cultures, that,
“As it is recognized that residues of
some agricultural insecticides persist in the body and that cells are
continuously exposed to their metabolites, we investigated the
possibility that these chemicals may alter certain physiological
activities of cells and subsequently influence the susceptibility of
hosts to virus infections.” [1]
Parents should also know some of the same chemicals used to spray
pesticides (Tween 20, Tween 80, Triton X-100, Nonoxyenol-9) are still
present in childhood vaccines. [3,4]*Note the close correlation to the spraying of pesticides and the worst polio epidemic in US History. “…Before 1940, relatively small amounts of such chemicals as nicotine, rotenone, pyrethrum, and the aresenicals (sic) were used for insect control. During and following World War II a rapid changeover to DDT, heptachlor, dieldrin, TEPP, malathion, and related compounds occurred.” [5]
- Source: http://harpub.co.cc/
Trivia Fact #2 – Milk Was Heavily Contaminated with Pesticides; Quietly Taken Off Shelves While Farmers Paid
By 1959, the total wholesale value in pesticide products had reached $290 million. The massive pesticide campaign was not without cost. [5]According to congressional reports, many dairy farmers were devastated from pesticides contaminating milk.
Senate Report 1363 shockingly states,
“The problem which our dairy farmers
are facing has been brought about by the use of chemicals approved by
the Federal Government to dust crops. Some of these chemicals have been
found to contaminate feeds. The contamination passes on into the milk
and when the residues of pesticides is found to be of too high a level,
the farmers are forced to dump their milk, taking it out of commercial
channels. The result has been disastrous to the dairy farmers involved,
some of which have had to go into bankruptcy.”
“There had been at that time,
reasonable prospect that the problem would have diminished to a point
that further extension of the authority would not have been necessary.
However, as the Department testified then, several large producers had
their milk removed from the market because of DDT residue. The problem
had in fact not been solved. The local dairymen, the State governments
involved, dairy and cotton associations, and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture have been cooperating in an effort to rid us of this
problem. The problem, however, still continues and it it appears that it
will continue for the forseeable (sic) years to come.” [6]
When it was obvious pesticide residue levels weren’t dropping as
hoped, the Dairy Indemnity Payment Program, or DIPP, officially was
created through public law in 1968 to reimburse farmers whose milk was
contaminated with pesticides. [6, 7]Trivia Fact #3 – Polio Is/Was Transmitted Through Contaminated Milk
One of the major ways polio is transmitted is through contaminated milk. [8-14] Even one of the inventors of the polio vaccine, Albert Sabin, investigated the connection, [15] he was not naïve to this information.Expert on microbiological safety of food and water, Dean O. Cliver, commented on the polio/milk connection in the book Foodborne Diseases,
“Poliomyelitis was the first reported
foodborne viral disease, having been transmitted via raw milk as early
as 1914. Raw milk predominated as the vehicle among the 10 outbreaks
recorded through 1949, the last year in which foodborne poliomyelitis is
known to occurred in the United States or other reporting, developed
countries. Poliovirus transmission by this route ceased before the
advent of the poliomyelitis vaccines, perhaps partly because of improved
sanitation and the increased use of pasteurization of milk.” [8]
Sagar M. Goyal noted on page 1 of the book, Viruses in Foods,
“Food was first recognized as a
vehicle for the transmission of viruses in 1914 when a raw
milk-associated outbreak of poliomyelitis was reported (Jubb, 1915).
Additional milk-borne outbreaks were recognized after this time, but with the development of a vaccine for poliovirus, no outbreaks were reported in the developed world after the early 1950s.” [9] (Emphasis is this author’s)
Other common diseases known to be spread through improper handling of
contaminated milk at the time were Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Scarlet
Fever, Septic Sore Throat, Diphtheria, and Infantile Diarrhea. [16]Can this be the genesis for all the raw milk controversy that is going on to this very day? Instead of promoting the proper safe handling of certified raw milk containing many healthful microorganisms, the U.S. FDA demands pasteurization that promotes other health problems.
Trivia Fact #4–Removing Your Tonsils Exposed You to the Worst Kind of Paralysis
Tonsillectomy surgery was cautioned in the presence of a polio epidemic. [17]It was discovered if a child had his/her tonsils removed (or even a tooth extracted), they had a greater chance of getting the worst kind of polio called Bulbar Poliomyelitis. [18-20]
Given the information in Trivia Fact #3, this seems to make sense since it was common to give ice cream after a tonsillectomy.
Trivia Fact #5 – Pharmaceutical Companies Funded the writing of the “History of Poliomyelitis”
John R. Paul, M.D., an often-celebrated virologist in the fight against polio, wrote a book entitled, A History of Poliomyelitis. [21]John Paul wielded significant influence and was, at the time, considered an authority on the subject of polio.
The pharmaceutical companies Lederle Laboratories, Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Parke, Davis & Co., Pfizer Inc.,and Smith Kline & French gave grants to help write a pharmaceutical-friendly-version of the history of polio.
- Source: Personal Photo of Book
*Note: VacTruth readers should also investigate the history of the pharmaceutical companies. Geigy, now known as Novartis Pharmaceuticals, held the patent on the pesticide DDT. Novartis now manufacture vaccines.
The following quote was taken from the military handbook “DDT and Other Insecticides and Repellents” regarding spraying DDT, “The Geigy company holds the patents on the use of the compound [DDT] as an insecticide. The United States patent is No. 2,329,074, issued September 7, 1943, to Paul Müller.” [22]
Trivia Fact #6 – A Dangerous Vaccine: Americans Not Told Vaccine Caused Paralysis
During the polio epidemic, the Poliomyelitis Surveillance Unit (PSU) investigated a possible association between the paralysis and the vaccine manufactured by Wyeth Laboratories. This incident became known as the “Wyeth Problem.” [23,24]The investigation was led by Neal Nathanson and was summarized in two reports. Marked across the top of the reports are the words, “For Official Use Only – Not for Publication.”
One plausible explanation is if Americans knew the vaccine was causing paralysis, they would demand the vaccines be taken off the shelf – just like any other tainted drug. Such a public outcry would have spoiled the popularity of the polio vaccine.
The following passage from one of the reports is revealing,
“The problem was discussed fully with
officials of the Pennsylvania Health Department. It was learned that a
number of additional cases of suspected poliomyelitis were then under
investigation. These had been reported principally from Harrisburg and
surrounding counties in central Pennsylvania, an area where lot 236 had
been principally used in NFIP (National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis) supported clinics. Some of these cases were known to be “vaccine associated.”” [23] (Emphasis is this author’s)
Trivia Fact #7 – Researchers Discover How to Paralyze Monkeys with Vaccines
During the International Poliomyelitis Conference held in 1954, Dr. David Bodian from the Poliomyelitis Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University discussed how his research was able to produce paralysis in cynomolgus monkeys by vaccination. [25]Here is how they did it:
- First they gave an injection with, “gelatin, corticosteroids, penicillin, DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis vaccine), saline or merely hypodermic needle punctures…” [25]
- Second, they deliberately infected the monkeys with the poliovirus (this concept is called viremia).
- Lastly, their observations showed, “…the paralytic rate is considerably increased as compared with the control animals…” [25]
“It must be emphasized that the 2
experimental conditions of viremia and of intramuscular injections, as
well as the critical time period of an interval of less than 1 month,
also characterize the human situation in epidemic areas when intramuscular injections of penicillin or other substances [like DTP vaccine] are given.” [25] (Emphasis and inserted words are this author’s)
In other words, Bodian is telling the attendees at the conference injections and other vaccines, such as the DTP vaccine, “may be causing polio.” *Consider how many injections and live virus vaccines a child now receives in his/her first two years of life. The above information deserves serious consideration by researchers, immunologists, and vaccinologists.
Note: The meeting minutes list Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk as speakers during this session. Thomas Francis and Hilary Koprowski were also present as discussants. Why is this information important? They were all inventors of a (polio) vaccine.
1. Gabliks J., Studies of Biologically
Active Agents in Cells and Tissue Cultures: Part 1. Annual Progress
Report, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command. 1966, p.
2. Rozee, K., Spencer, H.S., Crocker, J.,
Safe, S. Enhanced Virus Replication in Mammalian Cells Exposed to
Commercial Emulsifiers. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1978 February; 35(2):
3. Aufderheide, J., WWII Military Handbook Reveals Pesticide Chemicals Used In Infant Vaccines. VacTruth.com. Sept. 10, 2011.
4. Aufderheide, J., Vaccine Ingredients:
Non-ionic Surfactants (Tween 80, Triton X-100, Nonoxynol -9).
VacTruth.com. Aug. 23, 2011.
5. Authorizing Research on Insecticides,
Herbicides, Fungicides, and Other Pesticides by the Secretary of the
Interior. 85th Congress, 2nd Session. House of Representatives Report
No. 2181. July 16, 1958.
6. Dairy Indemnity Payments. 90th Congress, 1st Session. Senate Report 476. August 3, 1967.
7. Dairy Indemnity Payments. 90th Congress, 2nd Session. Senate Report 1363. July 8, 1968.
8. Cliver, Dean O., Foodborne Diseases, 1990. Academic Press, p. 283.
9. Goyal, Sagar M., Viruses in Foods, 2006. Springer, p. 1.
10. Knapp, A.C, E. S. Godfrey Jr.,
M.D., W. L. Aycock, M.D. An Outbreak of Poliomyelitis, Apparently
Milk-borne. JAMA. 1926;87(9):635-639.
11. Mathews, F., Poliomyelitis Epidemic,
Possibly Milk-Borne, In a Naval Station, Portland, Oregon. Am. J.
Epidemiol. (1949) 49(1): 1-7
12. Lieutenant Colonel David M.
Goldstein, W. McD. Hammon, M.D., Dr. P.H., Henry R. Viets, M.D. An
Outbreak of Polioencephalitis Among Navy Cadets, Possibly Food Borne.
JAMA. 1946;131(7):569-573.
13. Rosenow, E.C., An Institutional
Outbreak of Poliomyelitis Apparently Due to a Streptococcus in Milk. The
Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol. 50, No. 5/6 (May – Jun., 1932), pp.
14. Aycock, W.L., Milk-borne epidemic of poliomyelitis. Amer. J. Hyg., 7: 791-803, 1927.
15. Sabin, A.B., Poliomytlitis.
Preventitive Medicine in World War II. Vol. 5 Communicable Diseases,
Medical Dept. U.S. Army Government Printing Office. 1960, pp. 367-400.
16. Peterson, W.E. Dairy Science, Second Edition. 1950. J.B. Lippincott Co., Chicago. pp. 553-554.
17. Poliomyelitis. Papers and Discussions
Presented at the First International Poliomyelitis Conference. Third
Session – Tuesday July 13, 1948. J.B. Lippincott Co., Chicago. p. 119.
18. Aycock, W.L. and Luther, E.H., The occurrence of poliomyelitis following tonsillectomy. New Engl. J. Med., 200: 164, 1929.
19. Aycock, W.L. Tonsillectomy in Poliomyelitis. JAMA. 1944;125(14):990. doi: 10.1001/jama.1944.02850320048022
20. Francis T., Krill, C.E., Toomey, J.A.
and Mack, W.N., Poliomyelitis following Tonsillectomy in five members
of a family. JAMA. 1942;119(17):1392-1396. doi:
21. A History of Poliomyelitis. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971. ISBN: 0-300-01324-8.
22. “DDT and Other Insecticides and
Repellents.”Miscellaneous Publication No. 606, United States Department
of Agriculture. p. 3, Issued August 1946.
23. Nathanson, N. The Wyeth Report: An
Epidemiological Investigation of the Occurrence of Poliomyelitis in
Association with Certain Lots of Wyeth Vaccine. August 31, 1955.
24. Nathanson, N. The Wyeth Report: An
Epidemiological Investigation of the Occurrence of Poliomyelitis in
Association with Certain Lots of Wyeth Vaccine. March 1957.
25. Bodian, D., Infection and Immunity in
Poliomyelitis. Poliomyelitis. Papers and Discussions Presented at the
Third International Poliomyelitis Conference. Wednesday Morning –
September 8, 1954. J.B. Lippincott Co., Chicago. pp. 199-202.
Jeffry John Aufderheide is the father of a child injured as a result of vaccination. As editor of the website www.vactruth.com he promotes well-educated pediatricians, informed consent, and full disclosure and accountability of adverse reactions to vaccines.
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