Saturday, August 18, 2012

Introduction: Don't Treat Thirst With Medication

"The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them."-Albert Einstein

In December of 1990, Dr. Louis Sullivan, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, reported a rise of 11 percent in the cost of providing health care to the nation. This cost is estimated to reach $1.6 trillion by the year 2000 and to consume 28% of the GNP by the year 2010, if allowed to continue the present trends. The Washington Post, in one of its recent health care analyses, has estimated the 1994 health care costs would reach $1,029.6 billion. Of this amount, $934.8 billion is personal health care costs incurred by the public. The federal government is said to be responsible for only $94.8 billion of expenditure. However, this vast expenditure becomes taxable income for the 9.5 million people employed at present in the health care system in America. It is dear that the government stands to gain from the rise in the health care costs of the nation. Thus, there exists a conflict of interest between the needs of the public and the intention of the government to preserve its income base.

In light of this understanding, we can see why the government would not be interested in taking steps to reduce the health care
costs of the American people, even though they are by now aware of the basis of the problem. It becomes obvious that the people are responsible for their own health. They have to protect themselves from commercial considerations of the health care operators and the government that wishes to maintain health care costs at present

You see, the health care crisis of America that will bankrupt the nation if permitted to continue in its present trend, is not caused by the way it is operated. Nor is it entirely the result of greed-based pricing. It is caused by a most primitive mistake in the basic premise in the science of physiology that is foundation to all medical and scientific knowledge of the human body. It is caused because the public and the professionals don't yet know when the
human body is thirsty for water! This situation does not need to remain, or become as desperate as it seems. Very extensive clinical observations on dyspeptic pain and evaluative research into the physiology of chronic pains show a simple and fundamental
solution to the health care problem of the nation is available. The beauty of this solution is that it is entirely science based. It involves a new physiologic understanding of the human body. The new information about the human body, as you must have guessed from the title of the book, follows.

Medical professionals of today do not understand the vital roles of water in the human body. Medications are palliatives. They are not designed to cure the degenerative diseases of the human body. In this book, we will discuss the role of water in the body and how a brief understanding of this topic can transform the health needs of our society. We will learn how preventive medicine can become the main approach to health care in any society. In this book, and in the discussions that follow, the hero is water. We will look at every
explanation with the view that water is the primary substance and the leading agent in the routine events that take place in the human body. With the primary role of water in mind, we will look at some disease conditions. The missing role of water in physiological situations that will eventually become disease conditions will be discussed.

In the "diseases" that will be discussed, a possible initial role of water metabolism disturbance will need to be excluded before we assume these conditions to have been caused through other processes. This is the true meaning of a preventive approach to health care. We should first exclude the simpler causes for disease
Emergence in the body and then think of the more complicated. 
The simple truth is that dehydration can cause disease.
Everyone knows that water is "good" for the body. They seem not to know how essential it is to one's well-being. They do not know what happens to the body if it does not receive its daily need of water. After this short book is read, you will have a clearer understanding of this issue. The solution for prevention and treatment of dehydration-produced diseases is water intake on a regular basis. This is what we will define in this book We will discuss why, in a majority of cases, the conditions that will be mentioned are to be viewed as dehydration-produced disorders. If, by the simple intake of an added amount of water every day you can get better, you will not need to worry. You should seek professional help if the adjustment to dietary needs of your body does not help and a medical problem continues to trouble you. What is offered is the needed knowledge for disease prevention and cure of dehydration diseases.

At the end of the book, when the relationship of chronic dehydration and disease emergence has become clear to the reader, information will be provided on the needed adjustments to daily water intake, and the complementary diet to prevent "dehydration diseases," or even cure them, if a totally irreversible situation has not developed.

When the human body developed from the species that were given life in water, the same dependence on the life giving properties of water were inherited. The role of water itself in the body of living species, mankind included, has not changed since the first creation of life from salt water and its subsequent adaptation to fresh water.
When life on land became an objective for advancement beyond the immediate vicinity of water supply (even beyond amphibian life)—the stressful adventure beyond the known boundaries—a gradually refined body water preservation system had to be created for further species development. This process of temporary adaptation to transient dehydration also became inherited as a well-established mechanism in the human body and is now the
infrastructure to all operative systems within the body of modern humans.
For the earlier water-dwelling species, adventure beyond their
known boundaries would constitute great stress,because they would dry up. This "stress " would establish a dominant physiology for crisis management of water. In the now "stressed" humans, exactly the same translation and the physiology of crisis management of water becomes established. The process primarily involves a strict rationing of the water "reserves" of the body. It is assumed that water supply for the immediate needs of the body will be limited. Management of the available reserves of water in the body becomes the responsibility of a complex system. This complex multi-level water rationing and distribution process remains in operation until the body receives unmistakable signals that it has gained access to adequate water supply. Since every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the flow of water, "water management" is the only way of making sure that adequate
amounts of water and its transported nutrients first reach the more vital organs that will have to confront and deal with any new "stress." This mechanism became more and more established for survival against natural enemies and predators. It is the ultimate operative system for survival In fight or flight situations. It is still the operative mechanism in the competitive environment of modern life in the society.
One of the unavoidable processes in the body water rationing phase is the complete cruelty with which some functions are monitored so that one structure does not receive more than its predetermined share of water. This is true for all organs of the body. Within these systems of water rationing, the brain function takes absolute priority over all the other systems—the brain is l/50th of the total body weight, but it receives 18-20 percent of blood circulation. When the "ration masters" in charge of body water reserve regulation and distribution become more and more active, they also give their own alarm signals to show that the area in question is short of water, very much like the radiator of a car giving out steam when the cooling system is not adequate for the uphill drive of the car.
In advanced societies, thinking that tea, coffee, alcohol, and manufactured beverages are desirable substitutes for the purely natural water needs of the daily "stressed" body is an elementary but catastrophic mistake. It is true that these beverages contain water, but what else they contain are dehydrating agents. They get rid of the water they are dissolved in plus some more water from the reserves of the body! Today, modem life-style makes people
dependent on all sorts of beverages that are commercially manufactured. Children are not educated to drink water; they become dependent on sodas and juices. This is a self-imposed restriction on the water needs of the body. It is not generally possible to drink manufactured beverages in full replacement of the water needs of the body. At the same time, a cultivated preference for the taste of these sodas will automatically reduce the free urge to drink water when sodas are not available.
Currently, practitioners of medicine are unaware of the many chemical roles of water in the body. Because dehydration eventually causes loss of some functions, the various sophisticated signals given by operators of the body's water rationing program during severe and lasting dehydration have been translated as indicators of unknown disease conditions of the body. This is the most basic mistake that has deviated clinical medicine. It has
prevented medical practitioners from being able to advise preventive measures or offer simple physiologic cures for some major diseases in humans.
With the appearance of these signals, the body should be provided with water for these rationing systems to distribute. However, medical practitioners have been taught to silence these signals with chemical products. Of course they have zero understanding of the significance of this most gross error. The various signals produced by these water distributors are indicators of regional thirst and drought of the body. At the onset, they can be relieved by an increased intake of water itself, yet they are improperly dealt with by the use of commercial chemical products until pathology is established and diseases are born. It is unfortunate that this mistake is continued until the use of more and more chemicals to treat the other developing symptoms and complications of dehydration becomes unavoidable, and then the patient dies. The irony? They say the patient died of a disease. What a clearance for their
The error in silencing the different signals of water shortages of the body with chemical products is immediately detrimental to the cells of the body of the person being treated. The established signal-producing chronic dehydration also has a permanently damaging impact on subsequent descendants of the person.
I take pleasure in bringing to your attention a breakthrough knowledge in medicine that can benefit every person who may fall ill, and especially the elderly. In short, my paradigm change in basic human applied science will establish a physiology-based approach to future human research and simplify the practice of medicine all over the world. The immediate outcome of this paradigm shift will be to the health advantage of the public. It will expose the newly understood signs of dehydration in the human body. It will also decrease the costs of falling ill.

What is a paradigm and how does it change? A paradigm (para-dime) is the most basic understanding on which new knowledge is generated. As an example, the earlier understanding was that the Earth is flat. The new understanding is that the Earth is round. The roundness of the Earth is the basic paradigm to the design of all maps, globes, recognition of stars in the sky, and calculations for space travel. Thus, the earlier paradigm for holding the Earth to be flat was inaccurate. It is the correct understanding of the Earth as a sphere that has made advancement in many fields of science possible. This change in paradigm is basic to our progress in many fields of science. The shift in that paradigm and the transformation it brought about did not occur easily. Adoption of a fundamentally significant new paradigm in the science of medicine is more difficult even if the outcome is highly desirable and
desperately needed by the society.

The human body is composed of 25 percent solid matter (the solute) and 75 percent water (the solvent). Brain tissue is said to consist of 85 percent water. When the phase of inquiry into the workings of the body began, because the scientific parameters and a very broad knowledge of chemistry had already become well-established, it automatically became the assumption that the same understandings that were developed within the discipline of
chemistry applied to the body's solute composition.
It was therefore assumed that the solute composition is the reactive regulator of all functions of the body. At the very onset of research into the human body, the water content of the body was assumed to act only as a solvent, a space filler, and a means of transport—the same views that were generated from the test-tube experiments in chemistry.
No other functional properties were attributed to the solvent material. The basic understanding in today's "scientific"
medicine—which has been inherited from an educational programs established at the dawn of systematic learning—also regards solutes as regulators and water as only a solvent and a means of material transport in the body. The human body is even now regarded as a large "test tube" full of solids of different nature and the water in the body as a chemically insignificant "packing material."
In science, it has been assumed that it is the solutes (substances that are dissolved or carried in the blood and serum in the body) that regulate all the activities of the body. This includes the regulation of its water (the solvent) intake, which is assumed to be well-regulated. It is presumed, because water is freely available and one does not have to pay for it, that the body has no business in falling short of something that is available!
Under this erroneous assumption, all the human applied research has been directed toward identification of one "particular" sub-Stance that can be held responsible for causing a disease. Therefore, all the suspected possible fluctuations and variation of elemental changes have been tested without a clear-cut solution to a single disease problem. Accordingly, all treatments are palliative and none seems to be curative (except for bacterial infections and
the use of antibiotics). Hypertension is not generally cured; it is treated during the lifetime of a person. Asthma is not cured; inhalers are the constant companion of the afflicted. Peptic ulcer is not cured; antacids have to be nearby all the time. Allergy is not cured; the victim is always dependent on medication. Arthritis is not cured, it eventually cripples, and so on.

Based on this preliminary assumption of the role of water, it has become a practice to regard the "dry mouth" as a sign and sensation of body water needs, which is further assumed to be well-regulated if the sensation of "dry mouth" is not present, possibly because the substance water is abundant and free. This is an absurdly erroneous
and confusion-generating view in medicine and entirely responsible for the lack of success in finding permanent preventive solutions to disease emergence in the body, despite so much costly research.
I have already published an account of my clinical observations when I treated more than 3000 peptic ulcer sufferers with water alone. I discovered for the first time in medicine that this "classical disease" of the body responds to water by itself. Clinically, it became obvious that this condition resembled a thirst "disease." Under the same environmental and clinical settings, other "disease" conditions seemed to respond to water by itself. Extensive
research has proven my clinical observations that the body has a variety of most sophisticated thirst signals—integrated signal systems during regulation of the available water at times of dehydration.
The combination of my clinical and literature research has shown that the paradigm that has until now governed all human applied research must be changed if we wish to conquer "disease." It has become clear that the practice of clinical medicine is based on a false assumption and an inaccurate premise. Otherwise, how could a signal system for water metabolism disturbance be missed or so blatantly ignored for such a long time? At the moment, the "dry
mouth" is the only accepted sign of dehydration of the body. As I have explained, this signal is the last outward sign of extreme dehydration. The damage occurs at a level of persistent dehydration that does not necessarily demonstrate a "dry mouth" signal. Earlier researchers should have realized that, to facilitate the act of chewing and swallowing food, saliva is produced even if the rest of the body is comparatively dehydrated.
Naturally, chronic dehydration of the body means persistent water shortage that has become established for some time. Like any other deficiency disorder such as vitamin C deficiency in scurvy, vitamin B deficiency in beri-beri, iron deficiency in anemia, vitamin D deficiency in rickets, or you name it, the most efficient method of treatment of the associated disorders is by supplementation of the missing ingredient. Accordingly, if we begin to recognize the
health complications of chronic dehydration, their prevention, and even early cure, becomes simple.

Although my scientific views in medicine were peer reviewed, before I presented my paradigm change information as a guest lecturer at an international cancer conference in 1987, Dr. Barry Kendler's letter on page 12 (printed by his kind permission) further confirms the validity of my scientific views on chronic dehydration as a disease producer. As you will see, he has even studied some of the important references that I have referred to to explain that chronic dehydration is the root cause of most major degenerative diseases of the human body; the diseases whose cause was not clear until now. Referring to any medical text-book, you will see over a thousand pages of verbiage, but when it comes to giving the reasons for the major diseases of the human body, the statement in all cases is uniform and very brief: "Etiology unknown!"

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