Friday, September 7, 2012

Histamine blocking agents are also not suitable for long-term use.

The natural design in the resection of water through the mucus layer seems to be the process of "back-washing" the mucus layer and getting rid of the salt deposits. This is a most efficient design for rehydrating the mucus layer from the bottom when new mucus is also secreted. This refreshed, thickened and sticky mucus barrier is the natural protective shield against the acid in the stomach. Naturally, the efficiency of this shield depends on a regular intake
of water, particularly before the intake of different solid foods that would stimulate the production of acid from the glands in the stomach wall. Thus, water provides the only natural protection against the acid in the stomach, from base upward. Antacids are designed to attach to the acid in the stomach itself— an inefficient protection.

We should begin to realize that in the same way we have a "hunger pain" signal, we also have a "thirst pain" signal in the body. It is unfortunate they call it "dyspepsia" and treat it with all sorts of medications until there is local duodenal or stomach tissue damage from the metabolic complications of dehydration. The use of antacids for the relief of this pain is generally the accepted form of treatment. These substances are non-prescription slow poisons
that one can buy even in the supermarkets.

Significant research conducted in Sweden has shown that the outcome is the same in those who do not have an actual ulcer and yet have the classical dyspeptic pain, whether or not they use a placebo, an antacid, or even the agent that blocks the action of histamine. In other words, neither antacid nor the stronger medication are all that effective. It is at this stage of body physiology, now generating signals of dehydration, that one should be prudent and refrain from the use of any form of medication.

Water is most probably the only effective substance to give relief. After all water, and only water, is what the body wants, needs, and is calling for. If we search accurately for other signs, there would be more indicators of dehydration. Do not imagine that dyspeptic pain is the indicator of an isolated and localized phenomenon. In any case, dyspeptic pain is a signal of dehydration—a thirst signal—of the body, even if there is an associated ulcer. If water is taken and it relieves your pain, with adequate food intake/ the ulcer is bound to repair itself in due time. It is now said that ulcers are the result of infections. My researched opinion is that the variety of curved bacteria, blamed for causing ulcerations, are commensals, bacteria that naturally dwell in the intestines. They may take an
unfair advantage from the immune system suppression that is the direct outcome of dehydration. You see, the normal intestinal bacteria cohabitate with us and produce much of the vitamins needed by the body. They contribute to our well-being when we are strong. In dehydration, particularly at the site of the valve between the stomach and the duodenum many histamine producing nerves exist. This particular curved bacterium benefits from the growth
hormone effects of histamine. at the same time that these nerves are restrictively monitoring the rate of flow of the strongly acidic content of the stomach into the intestine. In any case, not all ulcer sites show the presence of "helicobacters." Also, an infinite number of people may have helicobacter in their intestines and not suffer from ulcers!

Antacids that contain aluminum are dangerous. They should not be freely used for a condition that will respond to an increase in water intake. Excessive aluminum in circulation has been very strongly implicated as a precipitating factor on top of other considerations in Alzheimer-type disease. It is imperative to understand this relationship between taking aluminum-containing antacids for a long period of time and its possible accumulative toxic side effect of brain damage in Alzheimer's disease. No amount of genetic study will undo the toxic side effect of a metal used in medications to deal with a simple signal of thirst under a wrong paradigm. Most antacids contain between 150-600 milligrams of aluminum in every spoonful of the liquid, or in each tablet that is chewed.

The island of Guam has much aluminum ore in its soil (normally the case for some regions in the Western Pacific—Guam island, Kii peninsula in Japan, Western New Guinea, and others). The drinking water of the island was heavily contaminated with aluminum. During the time this contamination was not recognized and remained in the drinking water, a disease similar to Alzheimer dementia was prevalent on the island. Even the younger people on
the island seemed to suffer from the disease. A number of years ago this problem was recognized and the water purified. It has been noticed that the younger people seem not to be afflicted any more. It is now taken for granted that it was the aluminum toxicity in the drinking water that caused an Alzheimer-type of dementia on the island of Guam.

Histamine blocking agents are also not suitable for long-term use. They have many side effects. These include dizziness and confusion states in the elderly. Enlarged breasts appear in men after a few weeks of taking this medication. Low sperm count in some male patients and loss of libido have also been noted. Nursing mothers or pregnant women should not use this type of medication to treat the thirst signals of the body—the child's and the
mother's. Brain capillaries respond to dehydration by dilating if histamine stimulates them. These antihistamines will
block the capillary dilating action of histamine when the brain has to tabulate more information than normal, such as
when under the pressure of stress. The brain will get less blood supply when antihistamines are used for dyspeptic
pain treatment.

The primary cause of Alzheimer's disease is chronic dehydration of the body. In my opinion, brain cell dehydration is the primary cause of Alzheimer disease. Aluminum toxicity is a secondary complication of dehydration in areas of the world with comparatively aluminum-free water. Caution: In the technically advanced Western societies aluminum sulphate is at times used in the process of water purification for delivery into the city water supplies. In prolonged dehydration, the brain cells begin to shrink. Imagine a plum gradually turning into a prune. Unfortunately, in a dehydrated state, many, many functions of brain cells begin to get lost, such as the transport system that delivers neurotransmitters to nerve endings. One of my medical friends took this information to heart and started treating his brother who has Alzheimer's disease by forcing him to take more water every day. His brother has begun to recover his memory, so much so that he can now follow conversation and not frequently repeat himself. The improvement became noticeable in a matter of weeks.

It should be recognized that although pain is localized to the region of the stomach, the dehydration is established all over the body. Not recognizing dyspeptic pain to be a thirst signal calling for water will, later in Me, cause the human body many irreversible problems. Of course, a stomach tumor could cause a similar pain. However, that pain will not disappear with water. It will continue to recur. In case there are repeated pains even when water intake has been regulated for a number of days, it would be prudent to consult a physician for assessment of the condition. If the pain is from gastritis and duodenitis, or even peptic ulcerations, regular intake of water is a must in the daily routine and dietary adjustments for the treatment of the conditions.

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