Friday, September 7, 2012

This "paradigm shift" will now make it possible to recognize many different associated signals of general or local body dehydration.

In the amphibian species, it has been shown that histamine reserves and their rate of generation are at minimal levels. In the same species, histamine generation becomes established and gets pronounced whenever the animal is dehydrated.

A proportionate increase in the production rate and storage of the neurotransmitter histamine for rationing regulation of the available water in dehydrated animals—drought management—becomes established. Histamine and its subordinate water intake and distribution regulators, prostaglandins, kinins, and PAF (another histamine associated agent) also cause pain when they come across pain-sensing nerves in the body. The above "view shift" in medicine establishes two major points that have been disregarded until now. One, the body can become dehydrated as we progress in age. At the same time, it disregards "dry mouth" as the only
indicator of body thirst. Two, when the neurotransmitter histamine generation and its subordinate water regulators become excessively active, to the point of causing allergies, asthma, and chronic pains in different parts of the body, these pains should be translated as a thirst signal—one variety of the crisis signals of water shortage in the body. This "paradigm shift" will now make it possible to recognize many different associated signals of general or local
body dehydration.

The adoption of the "view shift" (new paradigm) dictates that chronic pains of the body that cannot be easily explained as injury or infection should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage in the area where pain is registered—a local thirst These pain signals should be first considered and excluded as primary indicators for dehydration of the body before any other complicated procedures are forced on the patient. Noninfectious
"recurring" or chronic pains should be viewed as indicators of body thirst. Not recognizing the thirst signals of the body will undoubtedly produce complicated problems in the present way of
treatment of these conditions. It is all too easy to assume these signals as complications of a serious disease process and begin to treat signal-producing dehydration with complicated procedures. Although water by itself will alleviate the condition, medications or invasive diagnostic procedures may be forced on the person. It is the responsibility of both patients and their doctors to be aware of the damage chronic dehydration can cause in the human body.

These chronic pains include dyspeptic pain, rheumatoid arthritis pain, anginal pain (heart pain on walking, or even at rest), low back pain, intermittent daudication pain (leg pain on walking), migraine and hangover headaches, colitis pain and its associated constipation (See figure 4 on page 23).

The "view shift" dictates that all these pains should be treated with a regular adjustment to daily water intake. No less than two and a half quarts (two and one half liters) in 24 hours should be taken for a few days prior to the routine and regular use of analgesics or other pain-relieving medications such as antihistamine or antacids—well before permanent local or general damage can establish and reach an irreversible disease status. // the problem
has persisted for many years, those who wish to test the pain relieving property of water should make sure their kidneys can make sufficient urine so that they do not retain too much water in the body. Urine output should be measured against water intake. With increase in water intake, the urine output should also increase.

This new understanding of the physiology of pain production in dehydration will shed light on cause of disease in future medical research. It exposes as detrimental to the well-being of the body the long-term use of pain medications for "killing" a cardinal signal of chronic and local dehydration of the body.

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