Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj: Just a short letter to thank you for informing

These same chemicals can also set the stage for the deposit of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries. The common factor to all of the various conditions labeled as different diseases of the heart and the lungs is an established dehydration. Take a look at Mr. Sam Liguori's letter, published by his kind permission. His anginal pain disappeared when he started to increase his water intake. He also has suffered from hiatus hernia. That, too, has started to dear up. Give him time, and it will recover completely. Also take a look at Loretta Johnson's letter. You will see that even at the young-at-heart age of 90, her anginal pain can be treated with water to the extent that she does not need any medication for her heart pains.
I have many, many letters similar to these. It is not possible to publish them all. I have selected a few of them to show you that what I propose is not a theory. It, in fact /works for different people of varying ages.
The Talk Station
155 0-AM
December 2, 1994
Global Health Service, Inc.
Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj
Foundation For The Simple In Medicine
P.O Box 3267, Falls Church, VA 22043
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj:
Just a short letter to thank you for informing our listeners about the health benefits of drinking two quarts of water a day.
Not only did you help our radio audience, but I personally have enjoyed a resurgence of energy after drinking two quarts of water each day for just over one week.
The angina pain I endured for five years has disappeared and my distress from a hiatal hernia has greatly lessened.
I feel like a new person.
I've been doing talk shows at WARD Radio for the past 20 years, and I must say your interview with us is one I'll
always remember.
Samuel M. Liguori, Program Director
WARD Broadcasting Corporation
P.O Box 1550 Pittston, PA 18640 (717) 655-5521

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