Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I was told my heart had been damaged : John Fox

Mr. John Fox's case is very unusual in that his severe case of heart disease was reversed sufficiently to make life once again normal for him—without the bypass surgery that is now in vogue. Mr. Fox is in his sixth decade of life.

He is a retired electronics engineer who has spent many highly responsible years with the Navy. Today, he is one of the 50 living Bates-Trained Natural "Vision specialists. At some point in time, he was nearly blind in one eye and losing vision in the other. He became intrigued with the Bates method of vision training because of his own needs.

As a result of his training, he is not going blind anymore and his eyesight is saved—virtually normal now.

A few years back, he was considered hypertensive. He received medication to reduce his blood pressure. He could not take the medications; they made him worse. His problems started when he suffered his heart attacks. His letter explains what happened to him and how he is better now. The highlight of this letter is that after two months of taking increased water, and a slight adjustment to his diet, in addition to his daily walks, his coronary arteries must have cleared sufficiently for him to feel normal. 

He now enjoys normal activity without having to endure any pain, and all of that without the use of any medication or suffering by-pass surgery.

Imagine that a person with such a severe heart problem as Mr. Fox could in about two months get back to normal life and not need invasive treatment even though chemical treatments failed! The proposed nature-designed approach to the problem scientifically and logically seems to depend on physiological reversal of the disease process. It's an ideal way of offering cures for some degenerative disease conditions.

Natural Vision Training
2945 North Lexington Street
Arlington Virginia 22207
Telephone 703 536 7482
Attestation: 25 March 1992

It was in the spring of 1991 when I first learned from a member of the Foundation For the Simple In Medicine the value of water as a form of medication. Six months before, I had suffered two heart attacks and had undergone angioplasty surgery. After the operation, I was prescribed heavy dosages of calcium and beta blockers, baby-aspirin, nitroglycerine (for pain), and cholesterol-reducing medicine for recovery. The angiogram before the angioplasty had shown one of the arteries of my heart was 97 percent blocked by cholesterol deposits. 

I was told my heart had been damaged.

After six months of strict attention to my prescribed "recuperation" program, I noticed that my condition was rapidly deteriorating, to the extent that I had difficulty sleeping because of pain in my left arm, back and chest, and also felt these same pains when I took my daily walks. I visualized myself going for bypass surgery at the scheduled time for reevaluation of my condition. By this time, I also suffered from serious side effects caused by the medications, such as: my prostate created retention and blocking problems; I had also developed problems with my vision and memory recall.

I first began my rehabilitation through diet by a regular intake of six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day for three days. I was told to drink water a half-hour before eating my daily meals. I cut off my anti-cholesterol pills, aspirin and nitroglycerine pills. Judging by the effect of the water, it seemed I did not need them. I also started taking orange juice and started using salt in my diet again (I had been on a sodium-free diet). After the first three days, I
was feeling more comfortable about all of that added water. After three weeks of gradually reducing the calcium and beta-blockers, I noticed some very favorable/ changes. Whenever I felt pain, I would drink water and /get instant relief. My diet remained the same—fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, orange juice, and carrot juice. To get more tryptophan, I was asked to add cottage cheese and lentil soup to my diet.

Dr. Batmanghelidj requested that I take two one-hour walks (25 min. mile) a day. After the second month, I noticed no more pain—even walking up steep hills. After the fifth month, I changed my walks to 1/2 hour and increased my pace to a 15-minute mile. No constrictions were noticed during my walks and my energy had increased two-fold.

Much of my power to recall had been reestablished, and my vision returned to normal.

In October 1991, I had a series of chemical and physical tests, including x-rays, sonogram, echo-cardiogram and electrocardiogram, to determine the state of my heart. The tests showed that my heart had restored to its normal state and I did not need any form of medication to cope with my daily routine. My doctor could not believe how simply all this change had taken place.

John 0. Fox
Bates-Fox Natural Vision Training

Adding the statements of Mr. Wahby to the results presented by Mr. Fox, Mr. Paturis, Mr. Liguori, Mrs. Johnson, Col. Burmeister and Mr. Peck, one begins to recognize the fact that common tap water has medicinal values hitherto unrecognized. Water is a readily available natural medicine for some of the prevalent and very serious medical conditions that are known to kill many thousands of people every year. 

Is it heart disease or dehydration that is killing people? In my professional and scientific view, it is dehydration that is the biggest killer, more than any other condition you could imagine. The different aspects and "chemical idiosyncrasies" of each individual's body reaction to the same pattern of dehydration have received different professional labels and have been treated differently—and ineffectively.

Dehydration is the common factor. It is the difference in the "chemical blueprint" in the design of each body that initially demonstrates the signs of chronic dehydration by different outward indicators. Later in the process, other indicators of the same dehydration become apparent. The reason for this difference in the initial pattern may well be the selective process of "shower-head" emergency hydration of some cell types in the body. 

If you take a second look at the letters by Mr. Peck, Mr. Paturis and Mr. William Gray (page 152), you will see that the individuals in question had multiple problems that got better by the regulation of daily water intake. 

You are now privy to information on where the mistake lies in the creation of monstrous problems within the health care systems in scientifically advanced countries. They seem to allow the arrogant treatment of a simple dehydration of the human body by chemical mallets until real diseases are born.


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