Friday, November 16, 2012

Cancer Cells Are Anaerobic And Can Only ...

... live in low-oxygen and acidic environments -- the exact outcomes of low water flow and inefficient environment cleanup. The acid by-products of metabolism are not washed away efficiently and regularly because of inefficient microcirculation in the region of cancer cells. The water flow of the blood should also bring oxygen to the area. Thus, the consequential environmental change, when the cleansing process is inefficient, predisposes the conversion of normal cells in the affected area to new cell types that thrive in an otherwise hostile and insufficiently oxygenated local environment.

Cancer cells have stem cell characteristics. They have the capability to achieve sophistication and develop specialized characteristics of normal cells.

Thus, the loss of cell membrane sensors and the conversion of sophisticated cells into primitive and selfish cells that thrive in a low-oxygen and acidic medium is the first step to cancer formation. For these transformed cells to develop into a cancer cell mass, however, three other major control mechanisms must also be disrupted. In other words, cancer formation in the body is the product of a multisystem physiological disruption. I will now explain why chronic unintentional dehydration is at the root of the entire problem.

Important cancer-preventing systems that do not function normally when the body is not optimally hydrated.

Cancer-Controlling Systems of the Body

Dehydration-produced physiological factors predisposed to cancer cell formation.

A multifactorial system dysfunction

*DNA damage

*Reduced efficiency of DNA repair system

*Receptor down regulation and receptor up regulation

*Immune system supression

   There is more to cancer formation and growth than one time; one particle; one carcinogen; one external factor, such as sunlight; or any one thing, except lack of sufficient water intake and its secondary complications. Cancer is truly the product of a drastic disruption in several major control mechanism in the body. If only one of them were in place, cancer cells would not be able to survive and thrive.

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